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Building a Total Health Strategy: Creating an Environment for Employee Support

Learn to integrate a Total Health Approach that enhances productivity, engagement, and well-being of employees in your organization. Understand key factors that drive productivity, manage absenteeism and presenteeism, and foster joint responsibility between employers and employees for optimal health. Take steps to align Occupational Health and HR for a safer workplace.

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Building a Total Health Strategy: Creating an Environment for Employee Support

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  1. Building a Total Health Strategy: Creating the environment and supporting your employeesnDr. Bill Howatt

  2. Focus • Introducing a Total Health Approach

  3. Dr. Bill 25+ Years of experience Author: Certified Management Essentials (CME)10-course program Pathway to Coping Skills: 9-week interactive program Author:The CopingCrisis National Lead Total Health Management Practice Regular contributor to: Chief Research Workforce Productivity The Conference Board of Canada , Former Chief of Research & Development Officer, Workforce Productivity Morneau Shepell 3

  4. Exploring how to curb the slippery slope from health to mental illness Healthystate Copingchallenges Mentalhealth risk Mentalillness

  5. The Total Health Approach

  6. People VS machines Pay x dollars per hour Lease pay x dollars per month Business model Benefits program Insurance Protection plan Fuel source: unclear Fuel source: Electricity Fuel source No formal maintenance plan Formal maintenance plan Maintenance plan

  7. Understanding the key factors that drive productivity • Attendance – employees who are away from work for unplanned reasons (e.g., sickness, mental health, family, child care, life events) • Discretionary Effort – the amount of work effort employees put forth on a typical day • Presenteeism – employees who come to work feeling physically or psychologically unwell (e.g., stress, chronic pain, non-respectful workplace, chronic disease, mental health) Presenteeism is estimated to be 7.5 times the cost of absenteeism

  8. Organizational effectiveness & sustainability is dependent on the alignment of health, engagement & productivity

  9. We foster Joint Responsibility between the employee and employer to achieve optimal health, engagement and productivity of your employees Employee competencies and stressors Productivity Mental Life Engagement Physical Work Joint responsibilities Employer competencies and stressors

  10. Total Health can include all the key elements required for a framework that promotes employees’ resiliency and safety • Biometrics factors • Lifestyle choices • Medical history • Physical activity • Nutrition • Sleep • General mental health • Anxiety • Depression • Burnout • Coping skills • Work-life blending • Financial health • Relationships • Perceived stress • Safety • Work experience • Attendance

  11. The Total Health profiles help in understanding the impact of employee resiliency on the health, engagement and productivity of your organization

  12. What we have Learnt about Total Health

  13. Total Health Overview

  14. Total Health Overview 69-74 69-76

  15. How Total Health relates…

  16. Key drivers1 of Health, Engagement, and Productivity Our Benchmarks have identified the following areas to have the biggest impact on employee Health, Engagement and Productivity 1 These factors were found to be the strongest predictors of your Health, Engagement and Productivity, and therefore will have the greatest influence on improved results. Confidential – Not for Distribution

  17. Building your total health strategy

  18. How total health micro decisions and experiences impacts employees Considering all aspects of total health can keep charging your battery If you focus on just one aspect over time our battery can be drained

  19. A Total Health Framework builds a management system focused on supporting employee charge

  20. Setting the stage: Why does it makes good business sense to align OHS and HR to put more focus on the H • OHS focus is evolving at the provincial and federal level (e.g., Bill C-65) psychological safety is now in scope and could negatively impact employers’ WCB rates. • OHS facilitates safety management systems. • OHS and PHSMS -mental health strategies alignment and integration to influence strategy and results Employee Wellness & Psychological Safety Total Health Traditional OHS http://thechronicleherald.ca/business/1552867-howatt-ohs-and-hr-worlds-on-collision-course

  21. Total health strategy foundation:Alignment to the Standard • The Total Health framework is aligned to the CSA/MHCC guidelines for creating a psychological safe workplace. Governance and Management Management Review Assessment and Planning Continuous Improvement Evaluation and Corrective Action Implementation

  22. Overview of the Total Health Framework

  23. Supporting employees along the five stage workplace continuum 1. Prevention 2. Early coaching 3. Recovery 4. Absence 5. Return to work

  24. Building your strategy… Start with anchoring it as a priority

  25. Start with demonstrating the business impact Building Block 3: Total Rewards Support Building Block 2: The Cost of Doing Nothing Building Block 1: Full-time Equivalent Capacity

  26. Your employee count vs. FTEs • Discretionary Effort – voluntary motivation to do their best • Absenteeism – Employees at or away from work • Presenteeism – Employees that come to work feeling unwell How many FTE’s do you have with 100 employees?

  27. Building Block 2: Understanding the Cost of Doing Nothing (CODN) • There are factors that can drain the organization’s and individuals’ batteries. • These drains can result in costs that impact your organization’s productivity and bottom line. Organizational Costs Individual Stressors External Stressors Stress Bullying Grievances Burnout Drugs Anxiety Attendance Harassment claims Presenteeism Harassment Short-term Disability Chronic Issues Turnover Addiction Gossip Work load Human rights claims Distrust Long-term Disability Depression Injuries Accidents Works Compensation

  28. Building Block 3: Understanding total rewards support, factors that charge employee capacity • Organizations use three factors to charge the organization’s and individuals’ batteries. • These factors can be divided into enablers and drivers. • Our research suggests that evidence-based programs provide the biggest opportunity to have a major impact Factor 3: Programs Factor 1: Employee Salary Factor 2: Benefits Drivers Enablers

  29. Building blocks for quantifying the impact on your business Sample Company 10,000 FTEs 32.2% 75% 2406 FTEs 67.8%

  30. 10 ways to build joint responsibility

  31. Making a healthy choice the easy choice Quantify the business and Identify the areas for biggest impact Build an integrated approach Support the employee-manager relationship Engaged and visible leadership Define best practice in your organization

  32. What can your employees do? • Personalize and focus on the micro-skills that close their total health gaps • Understand how their daily micro-decisions and habitswill determine your resiliency • Focus on where they’re going, not where they are • Take a baseline and track progress • Accept there will be good days and bad days

  33. Six challenges that influence success for a psychologically safe workplace cont. Employee ownership Stay in touch with the employee voice Priority Anchoring Stigma Elimination Programs Evidenced Based • Are we setting realistic and clear goals? • What matters the most and why? • What will be done and how is it implemented? • How are we measuring success? • Do we know what an 1%impact can mean?

  34. Questions and Discussion

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