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Business idea. Entertainment Center Three age cathegories : - 3 to 6 years - 6 to 10 years - 10 to 14 years. Entertainment Center.
Business idea Entertainment Center Threeagecathegories: - 3 to 6 years - 6 to 10 years - 10 to 14 years
Entertainment Center The idea of this business startedfromthefactthatmanychildren are stressedbecausetheyhave strict rulesandthey are notlettoexpressthemselvesdoingactivitiesandthingsthattheyenjoy, activitiesandthingswhichcouldbeunsuitablelike: drawing on thewalls (for youngchildren), listeningtomusicveryloudly, wearingpyjamasthewholeday, talkingtosomeoneandbeinglistened, makingnoise, eating in front of thetelevision, leavingtheirthings in a total messandso on.
Stressis a responsetoanysituation or factor thatcreates a negative emotional or physicalchangeorboth. People of allagescanexperiencestress. In smallquantities, stressisgood, it can motivate youandhelpyoube more productive. Withoutanystress at allmanysayourliveswouldbeboringandwouldprobablyfeelpointless. However, whenthestressesunderminebothour mental andphysicalhealththey are bad. Excessivestresscaninterferewithlife, activities, andhealth. Stresscanaffectthewaypeoplethink, act, andfeel.
Wegenerallyusethewordstresswhenwefeelthateverythingseemstohavebecometoomuch. We are overloadedandwonderwhetherwereallycancopewiththepressuresplaceduponus. • Anythingthatposes a challenge or a threattoourwell-beingisastress. A stressoris an agent or stimulusthatcausesstress. Stressisthefeelingwehavewhenunderpressure,whilestressors are thethingswerespondto in ourenvironment. Examples of stressors are noises, unpleasantpeople, toomanyrules, strict teachers or parentsorevengoing out on a first date. Generally, the more stressorsweexperience, themorestressedwefeel.
Stress in childhood • Childhoodstresscanbecausedbyanysituationthatrequiresthechildtoadapt or change. The situationoftenproducesanxiety. Stressmaybecausedbypositivechanges, such as starting a newactivity, but it ismostcommonlylinkedwith negative changes or strict rules for thechildren. • Childrenlearnhowtorespondtostressbywhattheyhaveseenandexperienced in thepast. Moststressesexperiencedbychildrenmayseem insignificant toadults. But becausechildrenhavefewpreviousexperiencesfromwhichtolearn, evensituationsthatrequiresmallchangescanhave an enormous impact on a child'sfeelings of safetyandsecurity.
Possibleeffects of stress on yourthoughtsandfeelings: • Anger • Anxiety • Depression • Feeling of insecurity • Forgetfulness • Irritability • Problem concentrating • Restlessness • Sadness • Fatigue
Coping with stress and anxiety questionnaire- results The questionnairehasbeengivento 150 people, aged 6 to 14.
Coping with stress questionnaire • 1.How often do you feel nervous or stressed? a.Never b. Sometimes c.Often d. Very often • 2. What are the things that make you feel stressed? • 3. What do you do in order to get rid of stress? How successful are you?
4.Do you have strict rules in your family? • a.Yes b. No • 5. Is there anything that you would like to do and you are not allowed? Give examples. Include some of the things that you wantedtodo when you were younger. • 6. Is it important to do what you like in order to get rid of stress? • Yes b. No • 7. Would you like to do something you are not allowed in order to get rid of stress? Give examples.
1. Howoften do youfeelnervous or stressed? 60% of thepeopleoftenfeelverynervous or stressed 25% of thepeoplesometimesfeelverynervous or stressed 15% of thepeoplefeelverynervous or stressedveryoften
2.What are thethingsthatmakeyoufeelstressed? 30 % - School 25 % - Familymembers 20 % - Social life 15 % - Friends 10 % - Otherthings
3. What do youdo in orderto get rid of stress? Howsuccessful are you? • walking • reading • listeningtomusic • talkingtofriends • watchingmovies 35 % - Successful 65 % - NotSuccessful
5. Is there anything that you would like to do and you are not allowed? Give examples. Include some of the things that you wanted to do when you were younger. • to eat in front of the television • to play basketball in the bedroom • to fish in an aquarium • to sleep a lot • to listen to music very loudly • to eat sweets before going to bed • to sing all day • to make noise • to draw on the walls • to leave everything in a total mess
6. Is it important to do what you like in order to get rid of stress?
7.Would you like to do something you are not allowed in order to get rid of stress? Give examples. • take care of a pet a whole day • eat in front of the television • wearpyjamas the whole day • play basketball in the bedroom • to fish in an aquarium • to sleep a lot • to listen to music very loudly • a day without homework • to jump on the bed • to eat sweets before going to bed • to sing all day • to spend a day in a tree house • to make noise • to draw on the walls • to leave everything in a total mess
Coping with stress questionnaire (parents) • 1. Is your child stressed? • Yes b. No • 2. What are the things that make him/her feel stressed? • 3. What do you do for your child in order to get rid of stress? How successful are you? • 4. Do you have strict rules in your family? • a.Yes b. No
5. Would you let your child to spend time in a place where he would do activities that make him/her to feel relaxed? • a.Yes b. No • 6. How much would you pay for one session of two hours? • a.under 10 euros • b.between 10 and 15 euros • c.more than 15 euros
2. What are the things that make him/her feel stressed? • school • homework • rules • friends • social life
3.What do you do for your child in order to get rid of stress? How successful are you? • talk to him/her • send him/her on holidays • encourage him to spend time with friends
5. Would you let your child to spend time in a place where he would do activities that make him/her to feel relaxed?
6. How much would you pay for one session of two hours? • 20% under 10 euros • 70% between 10 and 15 euros • 10% more than 15 euros