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Section 8 Rental Assistance Housing Choice Voucher Program Landlord Briefing. Brunswick Housing Authority. Introductions. Executive Director Angela Strickland Director of HCV Jewel Small HCV Specialist Kristen Tidman. HQS Inspector Rick Bassett Accounting Specialist Leslie Bautista
Section 8 Rental AssistanceHousing Choice Voucher ProgramLandlord Briefing Brunswick Housing Authority
Introductions • Executive Director • Angela Strickland • Director of HCV • Jewel Small • HCV Specialist • Kristen Tidman • HQS Inspector • Rick Bassett • Accounting Specialist • Leslie Bautista • Director of IT • Brian Collins
HCV Program Goals • To provide decent, safe and sanitary housing for very low income families while maintaining their rent payments at an affordable level. • To promote fair housing and the opportunity for very low income families of all ethnic backgrounds to experience freedom of housing choice. • To promote a housing program which maintains quality service and integrity while providing an incentive to private property owners to rent to very low income families.
Agenda • Roles and Relationships • Responsibilities • Leasing Process • Inspections • Financials • Q & A
Roles and Relationships • HAP Contract: Binding contract between the Housing Authority and the Landlord • The HAP contract is a written agreement between the PHA and the owner of the dwelling unit occupied by a housing choice voucher assisted family. Under the HAP contract, the PHA agrees to make housing assistance payments to the owner on behalf of a specific family occupying a specific unit and obliges the owner to comply with all program requirements.
Roles and Relationship • Voucher: Binding contract between the Housing Authority and the Tenant • A written agreement between Program Participant and the Housing Authority. It outlines the obligations of the family while participating in the program • Lease: Binding contract between the Landlord and the Tenant • A legally binding written agreement between Tenant and Landlord regarding the unit being occupied.
Responsibilities • Housing Authority: • Must determine applicant eligibility (verify income and other information), complete annual household re-examinations, and make timely housing assistance payments • Perform initial and annual inspections to ensure compliance with HUD HQS • Ensure contract rent amount is reasonable in comparison to other similar rental units in the area • Required to comply with all applicable HUD rules and regulations • Required to follow policies as outlined in the PHA Administrative Plan
Responsibilities • Landlord: • Screen and select Section 8 voucher holders just as you would any other tenant renting the home/unit • Maintain the same landlord/tenant relationship with a Section 8 tenant as you would with any other non-subsidized tenant • Must abide by the terms of the Housing Contract and the terms of YOUR LEASE • Maintain the dwelling unit in safe and decent condition in accordance with Housing Quality Standards
Responsibilities • Landlord (continued): • Collect appropriate rent amount • Provide and maintain any and all utilities as described on the Request for Tenancy Approval and in the lease • Comply with Fair Housing and American Disabilities Acts which prohibit discrimination against any person on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, and/or disability
Responsibilities • Tenant: • Find suitable housing • Abide by program rules and family obligations • Provide income information, and family composition in compliance with annual and interim re-examinations • Comply with all HQS Inspections • Maintain good housekeeping and be a good neighbor • Pay appropriate rent amount in the allotted time as established by the lease agreement • Provide and maintain any and all utilities as required by lease
Leasing Process • Eligible persons are invited to group briefing to complete paperwork and be issued a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher • Request for Tenancy Approval must be completed by prospective Landlord and returned to the Housing Authority for approval • Housing Authority complete the affordability worksheet to ensure tenant is financially able to rent purposed unit • If not approved, Landlord may be requested to lower the requested rent amount. • Please note: Landlords MAY NOT accept any additional monies or extract any additional charges from and against tenants above the approved rent amount. Acceptance of additional money is against Federal and State Law. • If approved, the HQS Inspector will send out letters containing inspection date and time
Leasing Process • Landlord, or their adult representative, must be present to allow HQS Inspector to complete initial inspection of unit • If unit fails inspection and you would like to participate in the program, all repairs must be made and you must contact the HQS Inspector to schedule a 2nd inspection. The unit MUST pass inspection before any payments will be made from the Housing Authority. • After unit passes Initial Inspection a lease must be signed with Tenant and a copy provided to the Housing Authority
Leasing Process • Tenant must establish/transfer utilities they are responsible for paying into their name. Utility Verification form must be completed and returned to the Housing Authority. • Once the case worker has the passed Inspection booklet, the signed lease, and the utility verification form in their possession, a move-in will be completed. • The case worker will mail out a HAP Contract for Landlord signature, a copy of the HAP Contract for LL records, and a letter explaining portions of rent owed by the Tenant and the Housing Authority.
Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspections • Types: • Initial • Annual • Special • Re-inspections • Quality Control
HQS Inspections • Initial • Property must be inspected by HQS Inspector prior to occupancy by a new applicant or transferring participant • HQS Inspection scheduled by Inspector after the Request for Tenancy Approval has been reviewed and found affordable for the prospective tenant • No payments will be made to a Landlord unless the HQS Inspection has been completed and successfully passed • Inspection Packet can be found online at www.brunswickpha.org
HQS Inspections • Annual • HUD requires the PHA to inspect each unit under lease at least annually to confirm that the unit still meets HQS. The inspection may be conducted in conjunction with the families annual reexamination but also may be conducted separately . • Letters are mailed to both the Tenant and the Landlord advising them of their scheduled date and time • An adult (18 years of age or older) MUST be present at the time of the inspection
HQS Inspections • Special • May be requested by Tenants, Landlord/Owner, or a 3rd Party as a result of problems identified with a unit between annual inspections • Any items identified as needing repair will result in a failed inspection. Repair deadlines can range from 24 hours to 30 days depending on failed items. • Note: • The Housing Authority encourages Tenants to consult their lease and speak with the Landlord. The lease agreement between the Tenant and Landlord should provide protocol on any repairs that may arise during lease term.
HQS Inspections • Re-inspections • 24 hours are given to correct any and all life threatening conditions. This notice can be given to Tenants /Landlords in person or via phone, email or fax. • Otherwise, a letter will be mailed within 5 days to both the landlord and tenant detailing who is responsible for correcting the violations. Generally, no more than 30 days will be given to make corrections. • If the re-inspection fails due to a landlord not making appropriate repairs the unit will be abated for a maximum of 30 days during which time no HAP payments will be made • If the re-inspection fails due to a tenant not making appropriate repairs, the tenant will be terminated according to PHA policy.
HQS Inspections • Quality Control • HUD requires a sample of units to be re-inspected by supervisor or other qualified individual to ensure that HQS are being enforced correctly and uniformly by the Inspection • QC Inspections are done on a monthly basis • Both the tenant and landlord will receive a letter including the date and time the inspection will be held
Financials • HAP payments are typically direct deposited on the 1st and additional payments on the 15th of every month (if weekend or holiday, payment deposits on next business day) • New move-in payments: Payments begin on the tenants official move-in date recognized by the Housing Authority. A prorated payment will be made if tenant moved in after the first of the month.
Landlord Portal At this point, we would like to Welcome Mr. Brian Collins who will be providing information, as well as a demonstration, of our new Landlord Portal!