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Assistant Professor : Bieng-Zih Hsieh PhD Student : Eric T. Wu

Assistant Professor : Bieng-Zih Hsieh PhD Student : Eric T. Wu. Special Topic on Reservoir Simulations -Verification of Single Phase Fluid Flow Simulation (ECLIPSE 100). Outline. Introduction Purpose Analytical Solution Introduction Introduction of ECLIPSE How to Run a data file

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Assistant Professor : Bieng-Zih Hsieh PhD Student : Eric T. Wu

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  1. Assistant Professor : Bieng-Zih Hsieh PhD Student : Eric T. Wu Special Topic on Reservoir Simulations-Verification of Single Phase Fluid Flow Simulation (ECLIPSE 100)

  2. Outline • Introduction • Purpose • Analytical Solution Introduction • Introduction of ECLIPSE • How to Run a data file • How to Find results in 2D • How to Find results in 3D • Results • Homework

  3. Introduction • In the past, our lab had constructed several techniques on reservoir simulations. However, these skills are base on simulators of Computer Modelling Group Ltd (CMGL). • Nowadays, we obtain a new set of much more powerful simulation tools which produced by Schlumberger SIS (ECLIPSE).

  4. Purpose • The purpose of this study is to use ECLIPSE 100 to finish verification of single phase fluid flow simulation.

  5. Analytical Solution Introduction • Assumptions • Slightly compressible liquid, ignorable pressure gradient • Homogeneous, isotropic and isothermal reservoir with uniform thickness • Combine Material Balance and Darcy’s Law • Reservoir at uniform pressure before production • The outer boundary is infinite • Production at constant rate

  6. Analytical Solution Introduction • The solution of diffusion equation is(van Everdingen and Hurst,1949):

  7. Introduction of ECLIPSE


  9. GRID Section—Basic Def. Whole Definition • Targets • Grid design(wide, length, thickness, top) • Refine Grid design • Grid property (permeability, porosity) DX 121*10/ DYV 11*10/ DZ 121*10/ EQUALS ‘TOPS’ 3000/ ‘PORO’ 0.17/ ‘PERMX’ 0.01/ / COPY ‘PERMX’ ‘PERMY’ ‘PERMX’ ‘PERMZ’ Define X Direction In here means constant 11 grids 11 grids Setting A=B 1 grid Note: There is no ‘DZV’ keyword in E100 but E300 is.

  10. GRID Section-”EQUALS” EQUALS -- Parameter value ------Box------ -- ‘NAME’ No. I1 I2 J1 J2 K1 K2 ‘TOPS’ 3000 1 11 1 11 1 1/ ‘PORO’ 0.17/--This means all ‘PERMX’ 0.01/ /

  11. GRID Section-”Refine” • Targets: • Refine • Refine Hybrid CARFIN -- Name I1 I2 J1 J2 K1 K2 NX NY NZ ‘REF1’ 5 7 5 7 1 1 9 9 1 / RADFIN -- NAME I J K1 K2 NR NTHETA NZ NWMAX 'Well' 6 6 1 1 10 1 1 1 / RADFIN4 -- NAME I1 I2 J1 J2 K1 K2 NR NTHETA NZ NWMAX ‘Well’ 7 8 7 8 1 1 10 4 1 1 / ENDFIN

  12. PROPS Section • Targets • Relative Permeability • PVT table • Rock properties • Fluid properties • Different phase combinations in the model should obtain different keywords in data file in PROPS section.

  13. PROPS Section-Overview SWOF -- SwKrwKrowPcow / PVTW -- REF.P. FVFW CwREF.VisWViscosibility / ROCK -- REF.P. Cr / DENSITY -- Oil Water Gas / RSCONST -- RS PB / PVCDO -- REF.P FVFO Co VisO /

  14. PROPS Section-RP • Targets • Relative Permeability(SWOF)

  15. PROPS Section-PVT • Targets • PVT table PVTW---Water PVT -- REF.P. REF.FVF CW REF.VISC VISCOSIBILITY 4000 1.029 3.13e-6 0.31 0/ PVCDO---Oil PVT -- REF.P. REF.FVF CW REF.VISC VISCOSIBILITY 4000 1.06 1e-6 13.2 0.0/ RSCONT ---RS=CONST -- RS PB 0.001 1200/

  16. SOLUTION Section-Basic Def. • Target • Reservoir initial conditions EQUIL -- DATUM DATUM OWC OWC GOC GOCRSVD RVVD SOLN -- DEPTH PRESS DEPTH PCOW DEPTH PCOG TABLE TABLEMETH 3050 3600 3300 0 3300 0 1 0 0 /

  17. SUMMARY Section • Targets • Specifies data to be written to the summary file. • Graphics data. • Check keywords in manual to obtain results you want, and write it in your data file. RUNSUM FOPR WGOR ‘PRODUCER’ / WBHP ‘PRODUCER’ /

  18. SCHEDULE Section • Targets • Convergence Condition • Time step (initial, minimum, maximum) • Well specification data • Completion data • Production well control • Time

  19. SCHEDULE Section-Basic Def. IMPES -- == DIMPES by try and error 1.0 1.0 10000.0 / DRSDT – Maximum rate of increase of solution GOR 0 / TUNING 1 1 0.0000001 0.00000001 / 1.0 0.5 1.0E-6 / / WELSPECS -- WELL GROUP LOCATION BHP PI -- NAME NAME I J DEPTH DEFN 'PRODUCER' 'G' 1 1 3050 'OIL' / / COMPDAT -- WELL -LOCATION- OPEN SAT CONN WELL -- NAME I J K1 K2 SHUT TAB FACT DIAM 'PRODUCER' 1 1 1 1 'OPEN' 0 -1 0.5 / / WCONPROD -- WELL OPEN CNTL OIL WATER GAS LIQU RES BHP -- NAME SHUT MODE RATE RATERATERATERATE 'PRODUCER' 'OPEN' 'ORAT‘ 0.1 4* 1000 / / TIME Convergence Condition Well completion data and operation condition Run time

  20. SCHEDULE Section-TIME RPTSCHED 'PRES' 'SOIL' 'SWAT' 'SGAS' 'RS' 'RESTART=2' 'WELLS=2' 'SUMMARY=2' 'CPU=2' 'NEWTON=2' / for 3D view TIME 0.0001

  21. RUNSPEC Section • Targets • Title • Dimension • Grid shape • Phase • Unit • Tables(equilibrium, PVT, well) • Start time • Format

  22. RUNSPEC Section TITLE ODEH PROBLEM - IMPES OPTION - 1200 DAYS DIMENS nr n theta nz-- 10000 1 1 / RADIAL NONNC OIL WATER --Units-- FIELD EQLDIMS 1 100 10 1 1 / TABDIMS 1 1 16 12 / WELLDIMS 1 1 1 1 / NUPCOL 4 / START 19 'OCT' 1982 / NSTACK 24 / FMTOUT FMTIN UNIFOUT UNIFIN

  23. How to Run a Data file ???

  24. Click the Simulation Launcher

  25. Choose ECLIPSE

  26. Click Add Dataset Chose your data file

  27. You will see the data is showing in the window then “Run” Note: If it was a wrong choice click the wrong data in the window and click Remove Dataset to remove.

  28. Make Sure there is no any warning or error messages.

  29. How to Find results in 2D

  30. Click PetrelOK

  31. Tools  Launch ECLIPSE Office

  32. File OpenSummary

  33. Click the result you want to plot

  34. Export Results

  35. How to Find results in 3D

  36. Open  Grid

  37. Click the color cubic

  38. Results

  39. Basic Parameters

  40. Results Verification

  41. Homework • Simulate a vertical well with different skin factors in an infinite reservoir. • Change your data file from Cartto Radial. • Change your data file from Cart to Cart with LGR. • Change the data file from Oil-water model to Gas-water model. • Verify the results with analytical solutions (only V & H).

  42. GRID Section-”Cart to Radial” • Target: From Cartesian to Radial • RUNSPEC • RADIAL • GRID • DXDN • DYDTHETA • DZDZ • PERMXPERMN • PERMYPERMTHT • PERMZPERMZ • Additional  COORDSYS COORDSYS -- K1 K2 Completed 1 1 COMP/ --COMP Means circle complete by definition(total should be 360) above, if it is not a complete circle, use INCOMP instead. --There is other way to define radial model, using keywords “INRAD” and “OUTRAD.”

  43. Thanks for your attention.

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