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Social Media. Our Best Practices . Jessica Hord , Director of Marketing & Communications Greater Memphis Habitat Cheryl Bak , Social Media Manager/Account Executive at DVL Public Relations . Social Media Overview. What is social media and why is it important?
Social Media Our Best Practices JessicaHord, Director of Marketing & Communications Greater Memphis Habitat CherylBak, Social Media Manager/Account Executive at DVL Public Relations
Social Media Overview What is social media and why is it important? A shift in how people communicate and connect, as well as discover, read and share news, information and content • Social media platforms may include: • Social networking (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) • Photo and video sharing (Instagram, Flickr, YouTube) • Blogs • Social linking/bookmarking (Bit.ly) • Online forums
Social Media Framework • Set Expectations • Determine overarching goal and objectives. • Example Goal: • Utilize social media to meet business & communications objectives • Example Objectives: • Increase awareness of local chapter & mission among community • Engage with current and potential donors, establish advocates • Connect with local businesses to begin/grow partnerships • Grow volunteer base
Social Media Framework • Determine Audience • Current donors • Potential/Past donors • Employees • Media • Local businesses • Community • Clients
Social Media Framework • Generate social media policy • Develop social media strategy • Components of a strategy: • Line up with overall communications • Develop social media ‘personality’ • Tell “the organization’s side” of the story • Initiate dialogue where appropriate with desired audiences • Identify company advocates and reinforce advocacy
Social Media Networks • Organization Blog • Facebook and Twitter offer great snapshots, but a blog allows you to expand in detail about projects, those helped, etc. • Blog Outreach • Locate local bloggers and other online influencers • Reach out as a “Hello,” and when you have upcoming exciting events, milestones, etc.
Social Media Networks • Facebook • Photos/Videos (“tag” people and companies) • Builds/programs • Fundraising events • Volunteer activities • Behind-the-scenes • Flashbacks (milestones) • Employee happenings (birthdays, group outings, etc.) • Utilize Facebook Events • Don’t be shy to ask for Shares
Facebook Edgerank • Edgerank • Only about 16% of your fans will see their posts in your newsfeed • Edgerank determines whether or not to show your posts, based on Edgerank • A secret algorhithm, based on various factors • Ensure fans get your posts:
Social Media Networks • Twitter • Create Twitter lists: • Staff • Partner organizations • Supporters • Media • Local influencers • Use Twitter Advanced Search: Key terms & Hashtags • Relevant to your organization, programs • Relevant to your city • Use Hootsuite or Tweetdeck to help organize • Don’t be shy to ask for retweets
Social Media Networks • Developing Content • Utilize current communications vehicles • Get entire agency involved • Have a camera ready at all times • Always think ahead
Social Media Cycle Engage Learn Listen Respond
When and How to Respond Take reasonable action to fix issue and let supporter know action taken Positive Negative Yes Yes No Assess the message Do you want to respond? Evaluate the purpose Does supporter need/deserve more info? No Response Yes Unhappy Supporter? Yes Are the facts correct? Gently correct the facts No No No Can you add value? DedicatedSupporter? Are the facts correct? Yes Yes No No Yes Respond in kind & share Thank the person or via phone Comedian Want-to-Be? Is the problem being fixed? Explain what is being done to correct the issue. Yes No Yes Let post stand and monitor. This framework was built using the USAF Blog Triage.
Social Media Measurement • What you measure depends on your goals. • Sample measurements: • Increase in: • Account “Likes” or “Follows” • Content shares (general community and “influencers” • Post “Likes,” “Shares” “Comments” or “retweets,” “mentions” • Clicks through to the website • Number of Facebook event RSVPs • Newsletter signups through Facebook app • Inquiries through social • Event attendees • Contributions from strong social push/campaign • Volunteers through social asks
Social Media Resources • Tweet Chat • Nonprofit Tech for Good: http://nptechforgood.com • Council for nonprofits – Social Media Guide: http://councilofnonprofits.org/resources/social-media • E-Benchmark Study: http://e-benchmarksstudy.com • Network for Good: http://fundraising123.org/social-networking • Mari Smith: http://marismith.com/resources
Habitat Introduction Let’s Get Habitated! Touch Points Campaign • We asked ourselves, is our mission being effectively communicated? • How many people is our organization actually touching with our message? • The creative evaluation of our “touch points” to determine the most effective methods of outreach to our audiences resulted in the establishment of the following goals.
Social Media Goals • Continue growing our website and social media outreach • Develop useful content • Increase ReStore/Thrift Store visibility • Emphasize families and education
Continue growing our website and social media outreach Facebook • Currently have Facebook page for affiliate and Facebook page for ReStore and Thrift Store • Facebook.com/KnoxvilleHabitatforHumanity • Facebook.com/KnoxHabitatThriftStoreReStore • Thrift Store/ReStore audience is interested in products primarily. We post photos of inventory, which generates a lot of conversation. • Important to facilitate a conversation by replying in a timely manner • Started interjecting mission related content and other volunteer opportunities
Continue growing our website and social media outreach Twitter • We have changed the way we communicate on Twitter. • Before, tweets were linked to Facebook and posts were reproduced (and misinterpreted) and resulted in impersonal communication. • Now, we engage in conversations. We seek relevant folks to follow. We follow our followers, for the most part.
Continue growing our website and social media outreach Building Audiences • Add info to volunteer packets • Recommended language to share • Signage (how you can help graphics) – build sites – get others talking • Mailer insert • Email signature
Continue growing our website and social media outreach • Tying content of both Facebook pages and Twitter back to website (knoxvillehabitatforhumanity.com), where you can apply for a house, volunteer, and donate.
Develop Useful Content • Develop pre-packaged segments to share/pitch based on Knoxville Habitat for Humanity education curriculum (i.e., maintenance, finance, etc. that can be used seasonally to match the real estate market, spring/fall maintenance). • Identify subject matter experts- staff, board members, budget tutors, etc. – does that eventually take us to a blog? • Share WHO IS HABITAT? Highlight (and recruit) family partners, volunteers, tutors, AmeriCorps, board members, donors. • Execution: website, media, email, mail, billboards, mission moments, video – coherent message
Increase ReStore/Thrift Store Visibility 1. Implement feasible MBA study recommendations Younger audience wants mission-centered online communication • Potential volunteers • Potential customers • Potential donors • You Tube • Pinterest • Instagram 2. Participate in or host art shows/competitions promoted online 3. Promote contest results or projects (HGTV's Flea Market Flip) with 4. Fabulous Friday Finds or Marvelous Monday Makeover 5. Provide skill building workshops 6. Continue to push email and social media notifications for "What's New?"
Emphasize Family and Education • Promote sweat equity sponsorship of $25 as an online giving opportunity – Consider complementing direct mail fundraising appeal with online campaign
Social Media Presence • Facebook for Memphis affiliate, ReStore, Youth United and some YU events – www.facebook.com/memphishabitat, www.facebook.com/memphisrestore,www.facebook.com/memphisyouthunited, etc. • Twitter for Memphis affiliate, ReStore and YU – @MemphisHabitat, @MemphisReStoreand @memyouthunited • Pinterest for the Memphis ReStore– www.pinterest.com/memphisrestore • Instagram for the affiliate – /MemphisHabitat
ReStore Strategy and Results • Facebook for the ReStore primarily targets shoppers, but donor- and volunteer-focused posts are also added to the mix. For the ReStore, Facebook is all about “eyeballs” on the page, likes and links. • In a year’s time, the number of Facebook likes more than tripled (from 861 to more than 2,656)! • The reach of the Memphis ReStore Facebook page exploded in FY13 due to increased focus and the use of promoted posts. The page had a total of reach of 253,452 in FY13, and reached 160,694 individuals between February and May 2013 alone. In March, the page had a reach of 88,710!
Other Post Examples • Thanking volunteers • Spotlighting Memphis Habitat • Highlighting content from DIY- and home décor-focused blogs • Promoting Memphis Habitat events, when appropriate • Try to cross-promote as much as possible when it makes sense!
Promoted Posts Paid promoted posts to help bolster reach. Promoted posts enable a page to “push” its posts up in followers’ newsfeeds, as well as push posts to friends of followers.
What Memphis does Well • ReStore Facebook has more than 2,787 likes! • A clear correlation can also be drawn between Facebook and sales. • Memphis Habitat’s page receives the most activity during building months, when we post photos weekly of build site volunteers. • Traffic spikes leading up to Tool Box Bash. Last year, we pre-scheduled Facebook posts highlighting auction items, and that seemed to be a good tactic to increase buzz.
Goals and Room to Grow • ReStore - Pass the 3,000 like mark by August. Reach 4,000 followers by June 30, 2014. • Memphis Habitat - Memphis Habitat Facebook page has 1,244 likes. Our goal is to reach 2,000 by June 30, 2014. • Youth United – Reach 400 likes by June 30, 2014. • For ReStore, we would like to do more video, coupons and other special promotions. More video for Memphis Habitat, too. • Get better at using Pinterest for the ReStore. • Continue to weave social media into all fundraising campaigns. • Utilize Facebook, even Facebook ads, to help recruit potential homeowner applicants. • Twitter overall! – While we have followers, we haven’t mastered Twitter yet.
Facebook Tips from Memphis • Post and post often! But make sure you’re posting with a purpose. • Be responsive. Try to respond within 24 hours whenever possible. • Use Facebook as a way to educate. When people ask questions – good or bad – it’s an opportunity to educate them about Habitat, how the ReStore works, etc. • Know when not to respond. Sometimes, it’s best to not encourage more conversation about negative comments. • Use photos and videos whenever possible.
Facebook Tips from Memphis • Facebook should be a two-way medium. If you notice you’re doing a lot of posting, and your posts don’t get additional likes or responses, you should perhaps reassess your content. • Consider promoted posts, as they can help drive up likes. • Cross-promote Habitat posts, events, etc. with the ReStore page. • Create a 6-month or yearlong social media calendar and pre-schedule what you can. This allows you to plan ahead for standing events, holidays, etc., and you can pre-schedule posts in batches (perhaps monthly), so you can better manage your time. • Track! Be sure you’re watching your analytics to see what does and doesn’t work.
Thank you! Social Media: Our Best Practices