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Downloaded from CivilDigital.com. Sewage treatment plant based on rbc technique. By :avinash kumar jha . introduction. Downloaded from CivilDigital.com. The rotating biological contactor (RBC) is a fixed film biological secondary treatment device .
Downloaded from CivilDigital.com Sewage treatment plant based on rbc technique By :avinash kumar jha
introduction Downloaded from CivilDigital.com • The rotating biological contactor (RBC) is a fixed film biological secondary treatment device. • In operation, a media, consisting of a series of circular disks mounted side by side on a common shaft is rotated through the wastewater flow.
Structure of rbc Downloaded from CivilDigital.com
Working of rbc Downloaded from CivilDigital.com • The shaft continually rotates at 2 to 8 rpm, and a layer of biological growth 2 to 4 mm thick is soon established on the wetted surface of each disk. • The disk continues to rotate, leaving the wastewater and moving through the air. During this time, oxygen is transferred from the air to the slime. As the slime reentersthe wastewater, excess solids and waste products are stripped off the media as sloughings. These sloughings are transported with the wastewater flow to a settling tank for removal.
Inference during operation Downloaded from CivilDigital.com • During operation, observations of the RBC movement, slime color, and appearance are helpful in determining system performance; that is, they can indicate process conditions. If the unit is covered, observations are usually limited to that portion of the media that can be viewed through the access door.
Observations during operation Downloaded from CivilDigital.com • The following may be observed • Gray , shaggy slime growth - indicates normal operation • Reddish brown, golden shaggy growth - nitrification • White chalky appearance - high sulfurconcentrations • No slime - severe temperature or pH changes Ref: Treatment of Municipal Wastewater by using Rotating BiologicalContractors(Rbc’s) PrashantA.Kadu, AmrutaA.Badge, Dr.Y.R.M.Rao ( ajer )
Organic and nitrogen removal in rbc Downloaded from CivilDigital.com • First day cod level remains low in the effluent but after a period of 75-100 days effluent quality start deteriorating as a result of washout of detached biomass. • Some bacteria like pseudomonas removed from fixed film system as they do not stick on the film .
Performance of RBC in COD and NH4-N removal Downloaded from CivilDigital.com • in aerobic unit cod removal affected by the hydraulic loading .it firstly decrease upto a certain level as shown : • intense separation of the attached biomass occurred contributing to high effluent COD values, and the low removal efficiency was the result of biosolids escape rather than inadequacy of • the unit at this high loading • Nitrification efficiency firstly increase and then becomes constant • Ref: Organic and nitrogen removal rotating biological contactor treating municipal wastewater • Demetrios N. Hiras, Ioannis D. Manariotis, Sotirios G. Grigoropoulos
Nitrification and de-nitrification Downloaded from CivilDigital.com • Nitrification-De-nitrification is one of the most widely accepted biological solutions to the problem of nitrogen removal from high strength nitrogenous wastewaters due to its efficiency and economy. • Nitrification is a two step sequential aerobic oxidative pathway for the oxidation of ammonia to nitrate, resulting in release of energy. • The reaction is carried out by autotrophic bacteria belonging to the genera Nitrosomonas (oxidizing ammonia to nitrite) and Nitrobacter (oxidising nitrite to nitrate).
Nitrification and de-nitrification Downloaded from CivilDigital.com • De-nitrification is an anoxic\anaerobic reductive pathway for the conversion of nitrate to nitrogen gas. • This reaction is carried out by bacteria belonging to genera Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Achromobacter, Micrococcus, etc • However simultaneous nitrification- aerobic de-nitrification system in a single stage using a mixed biofilm culture of Thiosphaerapantotropha can also be used. thus eliminating the requirement of a separate anoxic reactor for de-nitrification.
Efficiency of nitrification and de-nitrification Downloaded from CivilDigital.com • On the basis of hrt : removal efficiency increase with increase of hrt • On the basis of surface loading : removal efficiency decrease with increase surface loading • The pH was maintained between 7.8-8.5 which is in optimum for both nitrification and denitrification
Downloaded from CivilDigital.com Ref: journal on Simultaneous nitrification‐de-nitrification in a rotating biological contactor by Mr. S.K. Gupta, S.M. Raja & A.B. Gupta
Decolourization in rbc Downloaded from CivilDigital.com • coloured industrial effluents can be effectively treated by immobilized Phanerochaetechrysosporiumin a continuously operated RBC reactor following its dilution with media containing nutrients and sugar, preferably glucose. • COD removal efficiencies in the various stages of operation in the reactor were also found to match well with the decolourization of the wastewater ref: Continuous treatment of coloured industry wastewater in a rotating biological contactor reactor KannanPakshirajan ,SumeetKheria
Applicability Downloaded from CivilDigital.com • Rbc can achieve a high removal of biodegradable organic waste from domestic black or grey water as well as from industrial waste water as from dye industry • It has been observed that the organic removal is decreased significantly if organic loading in more than 5 and full nitrification can be achieved when the hydraulic loading is less than 5gmbod/m2.day . • so to get maximum application the loading should be in some limits.
Advantages of rbc unit Downloaded from CivilDigital.com • Short contact period are required due to large active surface area. • Capable of handling of wide range of flows. • Sludge has good settling characteristics. • Low power required. • Simple in operation and maintenance
Disadvantages Downloaded from CivilDigital.com • Requirement for covering rbc unit to prevent algea growth and freezing in northern part of India. • Shaft bearing and mechanical drive units require frequent maintenance. • Continuous supply of electricity required.
references Downloaded from CivilDigital.com • Treatment of municipal waste water using rotating biological contactor By prashant a kadu , amruta a badge • Organic and nitrogen removal in a two-stage rotating biological contactor treating municipal wastewater by : Demetrios N. Hiras, Ioannis D. Manariotis, Sotirios G. Grigoropoulos • Simultaneous nitrification‐denitrification in a rotating biological contactor by : S.K. Gupta , S.M. Raja & A.B. Gupta
references Downloaded from CivilDigital.com • A performance evaluation of a full scale rotating biological contactor (RBC) system by : M.Y. Norouzian & S. Gonzalez-Martinez • Effect of operating parameters on denitrificationin ananoxicrotating biological contactor by : Susana Cortez PilarTeixeiraRosárioOliveira & Manuel Mota • Continuous treatment of coloured industry wastewater using immobilized Phanerochaetechrysosporium in a rotating biological contactor reactor by: KannanPakshirajan, SumeetKheria