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4 - The Sun. NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN! EYE DAMAGE CAN RESULT!. Major Regions: Interior (“Inner-sphere”) Core Radiative Zone Convective Zone Atmosphere (“Outer-sphere”) Photosphere Chromosphere Corona. No real “surface” - it is gaseous all the way to the center!. Basic Facts:
Major Regions: • Interior (“Inner-sphere”) • Core • Radiative Zone • Convective Zone • Atmosphere (“Outer-sphere”) • Photosphere • Chromosphere • Corona No real “surface” - it is gaseous all the way to the center!
Basic Facts: Mass M = 2x1030 kg = 300,000M Radius R = 7x108 m = 7x105 km = 111R Mean Density = Mass/Volume = M/((4/3)R3)= 1400 kg/m3 = 1.4 g/cm3 Distance = 1.5x1011 m = 1.5x108 km = 8.3 light-minutes Luminosity L = 3.9x1026 W (Solar Constant = 1350 W/m2) Mean Surface Temperature = Teffective = 5780 K Composition By Mass By Number H ~68% ~90% He ~31% ~10% “Heavies” ~1% ~1%
ATMOSPHERE (general) Photosphere - “sphere of light” - Taverage = Teff ~ 5780 K ~1000 km across Few X 100 Km thick • Granulation - light & dark regions in photosphere • upwelling is hotter & brighter • downwelling is cooler & darker • Flowing motion “convection” • Also see “supergranulation” • Surface pulsations - 5 min - 1 hr (measured via Doppler Effect)
Limb Darkening The photosphere is hotter as you go deeper We see deeper when looking at the center of the “disk” Brightness increases as T4 (Stefan-Boltzmann Law!)
Chromosphere - “sphere of color” - T drops to ~ 4300 K Special H filter used to image whole Sun When seen edge-on we see the 656.3 nm Balmer line H This is where Helium was discovered (Helios - Greek god of the Sun)
Solar Spectrum Kirchhoff’s Laws…
Corona - T rises to ~ 500,000 - 1,000,000 K !! Highly ionized atoms, such as Fe+13 (also called Fe XIV)* Light scattered by ions & electrons (inner) & dust grains (outer) Heated by complex magnetic/particle activity C0 C I C+1 C II C+2 C III C+3 is C IV *NOTE: spectroscopists use a special notation:
Solar Wind • Outer atmosphere is flowing away from the Sun - the solar wind • Speeds up to few million km/hr • Earth is inside the solar wind! • At Earth: • V = 400 - 700 km/s • T = 50,000-500,000 K* • density = 103 - 104/m3 (Earth @ sea level - ~2.5x1025/m3) • Solar wind expands outward, • creating the heliosphere Listen to Voyager 1 crossing “dense” regions here * Why don’t we cook?
The Active Sun • Sunspots: • Appear in groups • T~4000-4500 K • Darker than surrounding photosphere (WHY?) • Large magnetic fields inhibit convection • umbra • penumbra
note polarity reversed in N and S magnetic field
Solar Cycle: Number of spots = ~ 11 yrs Latitude of spots = ~ 11 years Magnetic polarity of spots = 22 years (to return to starting orientation) Horace Babcock - Magnetic Dynamo via differential rotation
Effects on Earth’s Climate What fraction of global warming is due to the Sun? cosmic rays can induce cloud formation & cover cloud chambers
Maunder Minimum (1645-1715) & “Little Ice Age” Can lead to errors in radio-carbon dating See Wikipedia for more on the "Little Ice Age" cycle seen in sedimentary rock samples 650 million yrs old - due to variations in deposition of glacial meltwater
Plages - heated by rising magnetic field - compresses gas Filaments - cool streamers of gas above photosphere Prominences - filaments seen from the side
Flares - sudden release of energy equal to 100s of millions of megatons - radio through gamma rays! Temperatures exceed 10 million K A couple (here & here) of nice movies from the Big Bear Solar Observatory
Magnetic field loops trap hot gas, area bright in X-rays Open fields - gas flows & area is dark in X-rays - coronal holes Look at this with 3D glasses (red-green) - from Yohkoh spacecraft
Coronal Mass Ejections Expel trillions of tons at hundreds of km/s! • Potential damage to: • satellites & astronauts • power grids • radio communication • etc.
INTERIOR • Sun produces 4x1026 W for 4x109 yrs. How? • Chemical - would last only 104 yrs • Gravitational - would last 25-50x106 yrs • Thermonuclear - can last 1010 yrs! • 1905 - Einstein finds that matter & energy are different aspects of the same thing - E=mc2 • 1920’s - Eddingtom calculates that the core of the Sun must have T ~ millions K, and proposes some type of atomic/nuclear process fuels the Sun’s energy • Atkinson suggests it is fusion of H into He
1 kg H 0.993 kg He + ENERGY equivalent to the missing 0.007 kg (i.e. 0.7% of the original amount) - this is equivalent to burning 6000 tons of chemical fuel! L = 3.9x1026 W 4.3x109 kg/s lost 6x1011 kg/s H He IF THE SUN COULD USE ALL OF ITS H FUEL: Later, we will see that the Sun will only be able to tap ~10% of its mass, but that’s still 10 billion years!
proton-proton chain CNO cycle
Proton-proton chain in detail…… PPI (91% of time) PPII (8% of time) PPIII (1% of time)
SOLAR INTERIOR MODELS Mathematical descriptions of what the Sun should be like inside • Hydrostatic Equilibrium - balance of gravity & pressure • Thermal Equilibrium - balance of heat energy everywhere • Energy Transport (how does it get from the core to the surface? • conduction - direct transfer through physical contact • convection - transfer of energy through fluid motion • radiation - transfer via photons • Equation of State - relates pressure, density, temperature • Opacity - how photon transfer are affected by the gas • Energy Generation - energy production vs. temperature, density, etc. • “Boundary Conditions” - L, M, R, etc. to look like a real star! • Results: Tc~15x106K, Pc~3x1011 Atm, density c~160 g/cm3 !!
Solar Neutrino Problem • pp chain produces neutrinos • The measured rate of neutrinos is 1/3-1/2 that predicted by SSM • Something is wrong……….. • Experiments? - but many give similar “wrong” results • Solar Models? - helioseismology says “probably not” • New physics? - who asked for that?
Helioseismology to the Rescue! Measured Oscillation Modes - Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) Convection deeper than once thought Differential rotation goes deep! But SSM not endangered
The Experiments Ray Davis Homestake Mine - looks for from pp III - gets 1/3 predicted value pp III very sensitive to T Experiment only measures 1 “flavor” of - the “electron ” What if ’s change in flight????
Super-K - gets about 1/2 the predicted amount Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) - sensitive to all “flavors” - agrees with SSM!!
Sun only makes electron ’s SNO Results show: We detect ~1/3 of electron ’s predicted by SSM We detect TOTAL number of predicted by SSM 2/3 of the electron ’s were converted into other flavors before they reached Earth (so the total number is conserved) Requires revising “standard physics” of subatomic particles - New Physics!