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This overview highlights the level of implementation of the transparency provisions of the SPS Agreement by WTO Members, including the designation of SPS National Notification Authorities and submission of SPS notifications. It also discusses the use of the Secretariat's Facility for submitting PDF files and the availability of comment periods.
Overview Regarding the Level of Implementation of the Transparency Provisions of the SPS Agreement G/SPS/GEN/804/Rev.3 (7 October 2010)
138 WTO Members have designated an SPS National Notification Authority (NNA) • Democratic Republic of Congo • Namibia • Sierra Leone • 146 Members have provided the WTO with the contact information of their Enquiry Point • Democratic Republic of Congo • Sierra Leone
103 Members have submitted at least one SPS notification to the WTO. • The Gambia • Saudi Arabia
2008 Revised Formats for Notifications(1 July 2009 – 30 June 2010) Regular Notifications 39% indicated that a relevant international standard exists regarding the notified measure. 62% proposed regulations conform to that relevant international standard. Emergency Notifications 88% indicated that a relevant international standard exists regarding the notified measure. 77% proposed regulations conform to that international standard.
Comment Period(1 July 2009 – 30 June 2010) Developed: 73% comment period available 53.0 days Developing: 73% comment period available 42.7 days [X] Trade Facilitating Measure (2008 Transparency formats) Use of new checkbox: 13%
Secretariat’s Facility for submitting PDF files Launched on 1 February 2008 two-fold increase in its use from last year This past year: ~ 25% of Notifications have provided full text or summary of their regulation through this facility