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Humalytics Review – From the Future" Emotional & Facial RecognitionTechnology.... • Humalytics: • http://beginnerdiary.com/humalytics-review/ Imagine if YOU had the "Psychic Powers" topredict... • If your next video idea has what it takes to create HUGE buzz and goviral... • What your prospects and customers REALLY want to buy andwhen... • What type of content & products your audience is truly starvingfor... • What video style is keeping your viewer's attention, or causing them to close the window faster than you can say"WAIT!"... • What features of your product your users find mostcomplicated... • What's stopping people from pulling out their wallet and buying fromyou... • What's making your prospects feel bored, excited, happy orsad? • Understand the reasons behind behavior – Improving the performance and experience of your videos or video calls starts with understanding what your prospects want and what's preventing them from achievingit.
Previously only available to Secret Services and Big Brands, now affordable for smart marketerstoo • Understand what users want, care about and FEEL about your videos, webinars, products ideas, content, ads and more by visually uncovering their DEEPEST emotions – which is the strongest indicator of your prospect's motivations anddesires. • Introducing"Humalytics": • Humalytics™ is the all-NEW Innovative “Human Metrics” technology that measures the emotional response, facial expressions and reactions from REAL people who watch your videos to help you PREDICT and CONVERT more viewers into paying customers and save TONS of cash wasted in unproductive videomarketing. • Facial Recognition software reads your viewer's eye movements, facial expressions and more while they are watching your videos, webinars, sales pitches and more (yea,really!) • Accurately predicts the success of your next product idea IN ADVANCE by revealing EXACTLY how your prospects feel & respond to your ideas BEFORE you ever lift afinger... • Uncover buyer objections and sky rocket conversions - know w/ 100% certainty how your audience is responding to your marketing without theguesswork... • Create a winning video, webinar, ad campaign, product launch, affiliate promotion and more EVERY single time withoutfail! • Humalytics's KeyFeatures: • Now, w/ True, Push-Button Ease, YouCan... • Craft the perfect video ads, content, and sales pitches every time, and make better decisions that drive sales by tweaking your marketing to perfection (all thanks to Humalytics handing you the intel youneed.) • Run automatic facial expressions analysis that accurately pinpoints how people FEEL and respond when viewing your videos or attending your coaching calls and webinars. • Guarantee in advance that every marketing video or product you launch is a winner -- before you waste time and money driving traffic toit! • Avoid the guesswork and increase video ad effectiveness by up to 2000% by knowing your return on investment (ROI) – inadvance! • See in real-time how people really THINK and FEEL about your video ads, sales presentations, video content or new product ideas - withoutassumptions! • Uncover buyers objections or concerns. See why people are buying, or not. Identify hot trends and remove roadblocks to increase conversions -- faster and easier thanever! • Use your marketing budget way more effectively - Never again waste your precious time and hard-earned advertising dollars on ineffective video ads, product ideas or sales presentations!
Run Every Type of Facial Analysis Survey Your Business Needs ToGrow • Facebook Video Ads: Gather actionable, real-time insights about your audience's reactions to your campaigns and slash video advertising expenses by knowing your return on investment (ROI) – inadvance! • Vlogs & YouTube Videos: Create the exact video content your audience is hungry for before you even spend the time and money creatingthem. • Webinar Content: Craft the perfect webinar presentation and keep attendees on the edge of their seats based on what they WANT to hear and not what you “think” they want tohear. • Sales Videos & VSLs: Keep their attention and plug the holes in your sales message, stop profit leaks by knowing exactly what buyer obstacles or concerns you need to overcome … and ultimately increasesales! • Coaching Calls: Uncover your customer's pain points and emotional needs and understand the reasons behind behavior. Whether you’re on 1-on-1 or a group coaching call, we’ve got you covered to provide better care & betterservice! • Sales Calls: Pinpoint your buyer's hottest burning concerns and overcome their objections so you can convert more prospects into payingcustomers. • New Product Ideas: Validate and know exactly how well your next product idea will go down with the market before you even develop it. Build a better product by measuring how your prospects feel aboutit. • And More...: With the Humalytics intelligent facial analysis algorithm you can measure the behavior and emotional triggers of any marketing campaign in realtime. • But, just because it's easy, don't think it'ssimple... • Humalytics Comes Packed With Features You'll Need To Patch Up Those Profit Leaks, Slash Your Costs and Swiftly Improve Sales &Conversions. • No Code. No Psychic Powers. No ScientificSkills • Video Call Analysis Module: Upload recordings of your 1-on-1, group coaching and even sales calls and analyze your audience's emotional reactions to itall! • Survey Incentives: Reward your prospects & customers for participating in your video surveys. • Works with ANY Video: Simply upload a video from your computer, or paste a link from YouTube orVimeo. • Play Video w/ Emotional Data Overlay: See exactly how your audience is responding to your video, right down to the exactsecond. • Video Analysis Module: Learn how your audience reacted to every frame of your video. You can download the raw data or print off a report. It’s yours to use however youwant. • FacebookRetargeting
Follow Up Questions : After your customer completes the video analysis, ask additional questions that require a more direct answer. (Ex: "What industry are youin?") • Export Responses as CSV: nAll information regarding data analysis are exported easily in CSV format so you can analyze the patterns and behaviors at yourpace! • Customizable Survey Pages & Branding: It's your software, so it should have your branding on it. Your customers will look at you in a new light when they see your branding all over this amazingtechnology! • How Does HumalyticsWork? • #1: VIDEOANALYSIS • How Humalytics for Video AnalysisWorks… • CREATE: Create a video survey in seconds by simply adding your videos from your computer, YouTube orVimeo. • SEND: Share a unique link with your audience. You can even post on Facebook. They open and watch. We measure their micro-expressions and responses using the webcam or front facing camera (with their permission ofcourse). • ANALYZE: Learn how your audience reacted to every frame of your video. You can download the raw data or print off a report. It’s yours to use however youwant. • IMPROVE!: Plug the holes in your sales funnel and stop 'profit leaks'. (Instantly uncover where you're losing business and claw it back with covertly-obtainedintel.) • #2: VIDEO CALLANALYSIS • How Humalytics for RecordingsWorks… • UPLOAD - Upload your video call recordings and screencasts from your computer (we show you how to record these the easyway). • ANALYZE - Humalytics facial analysis algorithms captures and understands how your audience reacted to every frame of your call. You can download the raw data or print off a report. • IMPROVE - Uncover buyer and/or student obstacles and concerns during your call so you can easily go back, and make quick adjustments and tweaks to yourpresentation. • Exclusive Bonuses OfHumalytics: • Includes FREE WebinarTraining • Learn the strategies used by Humalyticspros! • You'll also get this FAST ACTION BONUS • When you order Humalytics during our Celebration Launch Event, you'll get a FREE seat to attend 2 FREE Live Mastermind Sessions for Humalytics membersonly!
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