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The Physiology of the Vine

The Physiology of the Vine. Chapter 6. Transpiration. Loss of water by the plant Water required for a normal growing season is 15 to 50 acre-inches. External conditions that affect the rate of water loss are light intensity, temp. humidity, and wind. Water intake by the roots. Root hair

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The Physiology of the Vine

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  1. The Physiology of the Vine Chapter 6

  2. Transpiration • Loss of water by the plant • Water required for a normal growing season is 15 to 50 acre-inches. • External conditions that affect the rate of water loss are light intensity, temp. humidity, and wind.

  3. Water intake by the roots • Root hair • Cohesive forces • Osmotic pressure • Losses due to late pruning, 5 to 7 gallons per vine.

  4. Absorption of mineral nutrients • Ionic solution through the root hair.

  5. Properties of Photosynthesis CO2 H20 + H20 CH0 + O2

  6. Factors Affecting the Rate • Light Quality • Light Intensity • Light duration • Carbon Dioxide • Temperature • Water Availability • Plant Development

  7. Photophosphorylation 12 H2O 6O2 + 24 H+ + 24e- Overall Light reaction equation

  8. Photophosphorylation 12 NADP+ +12 H2O 12 NADPH + 12 H+ + 12 O Oxidized form Reduced form NICOTINAMIDE ADENINE DI NUCLEOTIDE PHOSPHATE

  9. Photosynthesis Overview of Photosynthesis and Respiration

  10. Photophosphorylation ADP + P ATP Adenosine Triphosphate

  11. Photophosphorylation 12 NADP + 24 e- + 12 H+ 12ADP + 12P 12ATP + 12 NADPH Overall energy equation

  12. Review 24e- 12 H2O 6O2 + 24 H+ + 1.____ 12 2._____ +12 H2O 12 NADPH + 12 H+ + 12 O NADP+ ADP + P 3. ___ ATP 12 NADP + 24 e- + 12 H+ 12ADP + 12P 4. _______________ 12ATP + 12 NADPH

  13. Photosynthesis Light-Dependent and Light Independent Reactions

  14. Respiration • The opposite of photosynthesis. • The breaking down of sugar to release energy. • Used for plant growth.

  15. Translocation • The movement of materials in the vine. • Conductive tissue • Xylem • Phloem

  16. Growth • Cell division • Cell Elongation • Cell Maturation • Older tissue – Cambium divides.

  17. Annual Cycle of the Vine • Breaks dormancy when the daily temp is about 500F mean. • After the first month of bud break is the most active growing period of the vine. • Shoots continue to grow all year until abscission occurs. • Bloom occurs when the temp reaches 680F daily mean.

  18. Annual Cycle of the Vine • The accumulation of soluble solids occur in the berries. (Sugar) • Carbs. & Starches are transferred to the roots prior to dormancy.

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