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Product Change Notification . - An overview for TE Connectivity customers. What is PCN?
Product Change Notification - An overview for TE Connectivity customers
What is PCN? Product Change Notification is the process by which TE Connectivity notifies its customers about the impending changes to existing parts/documents. The PCN is also the mechanism by which customers with Agreements are notified to solicit their “approval”. What triggers a PCN? Part being modified (part revision change) – automated Part being discontinued - automated Manufacturing location of a part is changed – manual Customer Drawing is being revised – automated Class 1 document (non EC controlled docs) is being revised – manual RoHS alternates – manual Product Change Notification
e PCN Current Process Data warehouse (TED) Sales History PCN offline (batch) • Match Product changes to customers with Agreements & sales history • Lookup Sales, Marketing, Global Account Mgrs assigned to impacted customers and distribute notifications accordingly (customer notification primarily responsibility of sales engineer). • Distribute notifications to internal and external PCN subscribers • Create outbound PCN feeds (flat files) • Maintain PCN history, & subscriptions email notifications Customer Master Part Master PDR-060 (SS-40-14 internal feed) Employee Directory PCN History PCN Recipients PCN Subscriptions Agreements PCNalert (external feed) Sales,Mktg, Global Mgrs StarTEC Customer Part Xrefs EC.TEC (Product & Document Changes) PCN History,Recipients, Agreements PCNs & Subscriptions Agreement Subsystem (Agreements) eCommerce RoHS Batch PCN online DM.TEC (Document Changes) • Create PCNs • Lookup PCNs • Lookup PCN recipients • Subscriptions • Help/Reference Guides PCN History PCN Recipients PCN Subscriptions Agreements
What are the Constituents of PCN? • TE Connectivity Parts (includes part Aliases & Customer Part Numbers if known) • SupersedingPart Numbers if applicable (Discontinuance only) • Class 1 Document • Customer Drawing, Data Sheet,…. • Class 2 Document • Restricted Customer Drawing, Standards/Specs,… • Class 2 docs are not sent to customers • Class 3 Document • Production Drawing, Standards/Specs, … • Class 2 docs are not sent to customers • Description of Change • Reason for Change • Dates • Discontinuance: Last Order Date & Last Ship Date • Part Revisions: First Date to Ship & Last Date for Mixed Shipments
Different Types of PCN’s • Standard : - Generally speaking, the PCN’s which inform the customers about the engineering changes to the products are called Standard PCN’s. These includes discontinuance as well as ROHS PCN’s. • Manufacturing Location Change PCN’s : - PCN’s which notify the customers about the change in the manufacturing location of the parts or products are called Manufacturing Location Change PCN’s.
Who is the PCN application's audience? • Customers (direct subscriptions and notification via SE/GAM) • Sales Engineers (parts with sales history) • Person one level above SE in sales hierarchy • Marketing Managers • Global Account Managers (parts on an Agreement) • Employee subscribers • Employee users (lookup PCN’s, lookup recipient history, etc) • eCommerce PCN Creator • PCNalert – 3rd party PCN notification system • Flat file also sent to select customers (not recommended) – mainly distributors
What are different Customer Agreements? • Agreement 49 : TE Connectivity agrees that customers will be notified of proposed part revisions changes (typically Fit/Form/Function) via a PCN and that the change will not be implemented without prior approval of the customer or expiration of a 90 day wait period (wait period is customer specific) • Responsibility of the Customer Advocate in EC.TEC • Agreement 91: TE Connectivity agrees that no manufacturing location will be moved from one location to another location without written notification 60 calendar days prior to the move.
How are the impacted Customers identified? • Based on the Sales history : If the customer has purchased a particular part within the last two years, TE Connectivity will identify the customer as an impacted customer. • Based on Customer Agreement : The customer may have entered an Agreement with TE Connectivity for approval/notification of changes. • Based on Part Number Subscriptions: The customer may not have a sales history or a Customer Agreement in existence, but still may want to know about a specific part.
How does the Customer Receive PCN? • Notification based on Subscriptions: once an SE has created an eCommerce account on behalf of a customer, the customer must create subscriptions at the ecommerce web site. They are sent the email notifications directly by the PCN application. • Notification based on Sales Assignments: It is the responsibility of the SE to notify customers of PCN changes and/or product discontinuance especially for those customers who do not have direct PCN subscriptions. • Notification based on Customer Agreements: It is the responsibility of the EC.TEC Customer Advocate to coordinate communication with GAM to ensure that customers with Agreements are aware of the change being proposed on the PCN and where applicable “approve” the change.
How does customer get PCN from eCommerce System? To get the PCN from ecommerce directly, the customer must be registered at the ecommerce web site of TE Connectivity. This is a two step process • Individual Registration :- Customer has to click on the register link when he/she visits www.tycoelectronics.com for the first time. This step will cover the following processes: • Entering Personal Information • Verification of email address • Acceptance of the End User legal agreement.
Secure Access:The customer requests the required security on TE Connectivity eCommerce web site. This is subject to approval from an SE or the Customer’s Company Security Administrator. Next…. Once the SE approves the access, the customer can use the “Product Change Notification” feature on the TE Connectivity Ecommerce web site.
What activities can a customer perform in PCN? Customers can perform the following activities at TE Connectivity Web Site. • Create and maintain Customer account subscriptions. • Look Up PCN’s impacting them. For creating the part number subscriptions , customer have to request the Sales Engineer create a PCN account on their behalf. Customers cannot enter these subscriptions directly.
“Subscribe By Customer” screen • Select the account to which customer want to subscribe from the displayed list of accounts he/she has access to. TEST DATA
“Subscribe By Customer” screen • Select the option to receive email notifications. • Subscriptions can also be deleted using this same screen. Option to receive email notification TEST DATA
“Subscribe By Customer” screen • By subscribing at the customer account level , the customer can also see the customer part numbers on the PCN form. TEST DATA
Lookup PCN’s • Customers can search old PCN’s by clicking the “Lookup PCN’s” option on the PCN Home page. Required: From Date or PCN Number (wildcards supported) Optional: To Date (default is current Date) and/or Product Info and/or Customer Info TEST DATA
Lookup PCN Result screen The “Accounts Impacted” column in below screen, shows count of all the customer accounts which have been impacted for the customer. TEST DATA Customer Detail
Account List Screen PCN # TEST DATA Link to Customer PCN Link to Part/Doc detail
Parts/Documents list screen • Customer can click on the no. in “# parts/Documents Affected” column to go the parts/document list. TEST DATA
How does the Customer get notified?An email is sent to customer at the end of the day , which lists all the PCN’s which have impacted that customers based on his sales history, customer agreement or part number subscriptions. Summery information for each PCN is provided. Customer can click on the customer name in the “Affected Customers” section which opens up the PCN form.
Sample Email Summary Sample Email Summary Link to the Customer PCN Link to the Customer PCN TEST DATA
PCN Contents • Customer Name, • Customer location, • Customer account #, • Customer Agreement # ( if available), • Customer Part Numbers ( if available), • Parts & Documents affecting the customer.
Customer PCN Form TEST DATA
PCN Form Continued….. TEST DATA
Whom shall the Customer contact for clarifications? • SE : In case the clarification is required for any particular PCN. • PCN Admin : For all other PCN related queries, customer can send an email to pcnadmin@tycoelectronics.com. • Ecommerce Help Desk : In case the clarification is required about ecommerce web site. • “Quick Reference Guide” is also available in PCN home page at TE Connectivity ecommerce web site.