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“ Gender and Excellence ” in Marie Curie Actions 18-19 June 2009 – Istanbul/TR Kagider EU Days. Dr. Barbara Rhode Adviser Dir. T European Commission DG Research. Nobel Prize Physics 1903 and Chemistry 1911. The role model The Marie Curie Actions Statistics for Turkey
“Gender and Excellence”in Marie Curie Actions18-19 June 2009 –Istanbul/TRKagider EU Days Dr. Barbara Rhode Adviser Dir. T European Commission DG Research
The role model The Marie Curie Actions Statistics for Turkey Marie Curie Policy actions The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researcher The Grant Agreement The Selection Panels Gender Statistics 7 items
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2007"for the discovery of Giant Magneto resistance Peter Grünberg Albert Fert Forschungszentrum Jülich Unité Mixte de Physique Jülich, Germany CNRS/THALES Orsay, France
Countries need to provide excellent training for their research communities. Excellent science careers today have to be international - “brain circulation or “brain exchange”. No excellent career today is made without mobility. Global relations are changing rapidly Most Marie Curie Actions are open to researchers of the whole world EU mobility and exchange programmes for researchers are in addition to exchange programmes of our Member States (UK, Germany, France etc…) European Philosophy
Guiding Principles: Human resource development in R&D in Europe For more numerous, well-trained, motivated researchers Attract students to research careers Skills and sustainable career development Excellence No thematic priorities increased private sector participation Strengthened international dimension Continuity of FP6, with focus on structuring impact Balanced gender objective, also reintegration
The role model The Marie Curie Actions Statistics for Turkey The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researcher The Grant Agreement The Selection Panels Gender Statistics 7 items
To date: Successful and well known Career development for researchers Mobility and exchange for scientists The programme exists now for more than 12 years Since FP6 a specific international component The volume has been constantly increasing With FP7 Duplication of the budget from FP6: Budget of € 4,75 billion, i.e. From €430 million in 2007 to €900 million in 2013 In the frame of the PEOPLE programme:“Marie Curie Actions”
FP7 – Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research People – Human Potential Capacities – Research Capacity + JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom
Today there are 27 EU Member States Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain , Sweden, United Kingdom the following 12 countries are associated to the FP: Turkey, Croatia, ( candidate countries) Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein (EEA and all EFTA countries) Israel the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina The European Research Aera (ERA)- gives access to the science of 39 countries
I. “People” = 5 Marie Curie building blocks • 1. Initial training: • Initial Training Networks (ITN) • 2. Life long training and career development: • Intra European Fellowships (IEF) • European Reintegration Grants (ERG) • Co-funding of national/regional/international programmes • 3. Industry dimension: • Industry-academia partnership and pathways (IAPP) • 4. International dimension: • International Outgoing fellowships (IOF) • International reintegration grants (IRG) • International Incoming fellowships (IIF) • International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) • (S&T, ENP)
Allowances given to “early-stage” ( up to five years after graduation, time for PhD +) researchers and senior « visiting scientists » positions Networks linking, participants from 3 MS and Ass. Countries as the hosts of high quality training programmes – additional host from third countries possible Desirable, the involvement of private business sector open to researchers from third countries Vacancies will be published and can be looked up on the “mobility portal” – Containing short training events (conferences, summer schools, trainingcourses) – “mobility portal” 1. Initial Training Networks ITN: Marie Curie Networks for early stage training
Life-long training & career development (4 years + after graduation = post doc but also later) In two modes Traditional mode: selection/funding of fellows through call at EC level – international not excluded, but more sense to go for the international directly 2. New« Co-funding » mode –with structuring effect - date: open now Selection for « co-funding » of existing or new national, regional and international fellowship programmes Researchers apply to the co-funded national programmes; programmes operate following own standards “Vacancies” mobility portal 2. Marie Curie Intra European fellowships for career development
Enhance cooperation and skills exchange between academia and industry on a common research project At least two different Member States or Associated countries (one from EU 27) and in addition possible: third countries partners At least one organisation from each sector Funding for 3-4 years Networking activities, workshops/conferences, including for researchers from outside the partnership 3. Marie Curie Industry partnerships and pathways (IAPP)
Career development/ life-long training for EU researchers : Experienced EU/AC outgoing individual fellowships, to be trained in a third country institute or organisation at least 4 years after graduation Funding for up to 3 years in total -- with 1-2 years abroad To establish cooperation Based on a personal ‘career development plan’ Mandatory return fellowship 4. World FellowshipsInternational Outgoing Fellowships IOF
4. World FellowshipsInternational Incoming Fellowships IIF Incoming individual fellowships for experienced top class researchers to work in the EU and Ass . at least four years after graduation (post doc) to develop cooperation Proposal is submitted by the researcher together with the host organisation For 1 to 2 years Salary plus contribution towards research related costs ICPC = Possibility to apply for a one year return fellowship
4. IRSESInternational Research Staff Exchange Scheme Objectives • To establish or deepen • balanced partnerships and cooperation between MS/AC and • science organisations in the 29 Countries covered by European Neighbourhood policy and Countries with S&T Agreement • through a joint programmes of exchange of researchers Participation rules • Min: 2 independent research organisations in 2 different EU/ACcountries and min one organisations in one of the 29 third countries • Duration of exchange partnership: 2-4 years • Scientific staff, management and technical staff • Short term exchanges (up to 1 year per person) • Continuation of salary • Coordinator from EU/AC
MARIE CURIE INTERNATIONAL REINTEGRATION GRANTS (IRG) • grants provide financial assistance to researchers who wish to return and find a job in Europe after they have worked in research in a third country for at least three years. • The duration of the grants is between 2 and 4 years. • Researchers from EU Member States or associated countries with at least 4 years full-time postgraduate research experience or a doctoral degree, that have been active in research in a third country for at least 3 years. • The researcher applies in liaison with a (re)integration host organisation located in an EU Member State or associated country.
The role model The Marie Curie Actions Statistics for Turkey Marie Curie Policy actions The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researcher The Grant Agreement The Selection Panels Gender Statistics 7 items
http://ec.europa.eu/mariecurieactions Both FP6 & FP7 projects
The role model The Marie Curie Actions Statistics for Turkey Marie Curie Policy actions The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researcher The Grant Agreement The Selection Panels GenderStatistics 7 items
1.EURAXESS Mobility Portal 2. EURAXESS Service (ERA-More Network) 3. EUEAXESS (ERA) LINK for the diaspora 4. Scientific Visa 5. EURAXESS rights -The European Charta and the Code of conduct EURAXESS = Specific actions (Dir C)to remove obstacles and enhancing career perspectives
EURAXESS Services: the Network EURAXESS Services • A Service Centres for foreign researchers in Europe • Former ERA more network
EURAXESS Services offers you • Visas • Work permits • Accommodation • Legal issues • Tax regulations • Social security, health and taxes • Everyday life • Family support • And MORE…
2004: Survey among European researchers in the US 2005: Launch of EURAXESS-Links/USA 2007: Survey among European researchers in Japan 2008: T1: Survey among European researchers in China T2: Launch of EURAXESS-Links/Japan T3/4: Feasibility studies for other EURAXESS-Links networks, NERA (Non-European Researchers abroad) T4: Launch of EURAXESS-Link/China 2009: Launch of EURAXESS-Links in other countries EURAXESS Links
« Charter » as reference point for the career management of researchers as professionals, addressing both researchers and employers/funders on minimum rights and obligations « Code of Conduct » as reference point for transparency and merit based recruitment, fair recognition of qualifications and mobility experiences Implemented by MS and other actors on a voluntary basis EURAXESS Rights (II)
The role model The Marie Curie Actions Statistics for Turkey The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researcher The Grant Agreement The Selection Panels Gender Statistics 7 items
To be implemented.... on a voluntary basis
The identified potential shortage of researchers, particularly in certain key disciplines, will pose a serious threat to EU’s innovative strength, knowledge capacity and productivity growth in the near future and may hamper the attainment of the Lisbon and Barcelona objectives. Consequently, Europe must dramatically improve its attractiveness to researchers and strengthen the participation of women researchers by helping to create the necessary conditions for more sustainable and appealing careers for them in R&D The Aim of the Charter and the Code
2. That Member States endeavour to take, wherever necessary, the crucial steps to ensure that employers or funders of researchers improve the recruitment methods and career evaluation/appraisal systems in order to create a more transparent, open, equal and internationally accepted system of recruitment and career development as a prerequisite for a genuine European labour market for researchers. Hereby recommends:
In so doing they should take into account the great diversity of the laws, regulations and practices which, in different countries and in different sectors, determine the path, organisation and working conditions of a career in R&D. Structuring effect for those countries signing
Non-Discrimination Employers and/or funders of researchers will not discriminate against researchers in any way on the basis of gender, age, ethnic, national or social origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, language, disability, political opinion, social or economic condition. General Principles and Requirements applicable to Employers and Funders
Working Conditions ..allow both women and men researchers to combine family and work, children and career, flexible working hours, tele-working, part-time etc. General Principles and Requirements applicable to Employers and Funders
Stability and permanence of employment Employers and/or funders should ensure that the performance of researchers is not undermined by instability of employment contracts, and should therefore commit themselves as far as possible to improving the stability of employment conditions for researchers, thus implementing and abiding by the principles and terms laid down in the EU Directive on Fixed-Term Work 10. General Principles and Requirements applicable to Employers and Funders
Funding and salaries .. Fair and attractive conditions, parentel benefits in accordance with national legislation Researchers at all carreer stages General Principles and Requirements applicable to Employers and Funders
Gender Balance Employers and/or funders should aim for a representative gender balance at all levels of staff, including at supervisory and managerial level. .. Equal opportunities at recruitment and subsequent career stages…eveluation and selection committees should have adeaquate gender balance. Enhancement of quality General Principles and Requirements applicable to Employers and Funders
Selection Selection committeesshould bring together diverse expertise and competences and should have an adequate gender balance and, where appropriate and feasible, include members from different sectors (public and private) and disciplines, including from other countries and with relevant experience to assess the candidate… General Principles and Requirements applicable to Employers and Funders
The role model The Marie Curie Actions Statistics for Turkey The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researcher The Grant Agreement The Selection Panels Gender Statistics 7 items
III. 2 – Performance obligations 1. In addition to the obligations identified in Article II.3.1, the consortium shall: a)… b) take all necessary and reasonable measures to select at least 40% women researchers in the project; Grant agreement
c) Equal opportunities Pursuant to Article III.2.1.b), the contractors endeavour to assure a fair female representation by promoting real equal access opportunities between men and women throughout the selection. To that end, the contractors seek and encourage female candidates in the publicity referred to in point a) of this paragraph and pay, in the application of the selection criteria referred to in point b) of this paragraph, a particular attention to ensure no gender discrimination. Grant Agreement
The role model The Marie Curie Actions Statistics for Turkey The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researcher The Grant Agreement The Selection Panels Gender Statistics 7 items
Table 2: Independent experts Marie Curie Intra-European FellowshipsDeadline:14/08/2007
Table 2: Independent experts Marie Curie International Incoming FellowshipsDeadline:14/08/2007
Table 2: Independent experts Marie Curie International Incoming FellowshipsDeadline:14/08/2007
Marie Curie International Outgoing FellowshipsDeadline:14/08/2007 Table 2: Independent experts