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TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 8, 2013 Christ makes this revelation: If anyone comes to me without hating… wife and children… even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” Saint Paul demonstrates the depths of his discipleship in
TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 8, 2013 Christ makes this revelation: If anyone comes to me without hating… wife and children… even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” Saint Paul demonstrates the depths of his discipleship in sending back to Philemon the beloved Onesimus whom Paul cherishes as “my child, my own heart.” The Lord wants to give us a grace that exceeds even the love of a parent, a spouse, or a child. The kind of detachment that Jesus calls for in the Gospel today creates in us the desire that disposes us to receive all that God is eager to give us. Since “the earthen shelter weighs down the mind that has many concerns,” the Lord insists that we carry our own cross. For that cross separates us from anything that conforms us to our own inadequate ideas and measures so that we can follow Christ faithfully. the love of Christ, not even the strongest bonds of affection. To be his disciples, we must take up our cross and renounce everything. // Is this reasonable? We have become so reasonable that most of the time we no longer show any of that gospel audacity which marks the authentic disciple of Jesus. In a world where the conditions of life are dominated by the idols of materialism, Jesus’ call demands heroic response. We are led to rediscover, in the gospel, the high cost of grace. // In this invitation to radical detachment, the issue is attachment to a person, Jesus. We become what we love. If we love money, we will become money. If we love Christ, we will become children of God. ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH MINERSVILLE, PA www.StMatthewTheEvangelistParish.org Rectory Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM SAINT MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST WELCOMES ALL No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race, ethnicity, etc.; you are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved and Respected at Saint Matthew the Evangelist Parish!’ SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR: Sr. Meg Cole(610-289-8900x222) VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR: Wendy S. Krisak (1-800-791-9209) WEEKDAY MASS AT 8:00 AM MON – Linda Davis Miller by Sylvia TUE – 8:00 AM – Health Intentions by Sylvia 7:00 PM – Living and Deceased Parishioners WED – Sophie Gallo (Annv) by Margaret Conway THU – James and Phyllis McNamara by Daughter and Family FRI – Francis O’Connor by Mollie and Helene SAT – 4:00 PM – William and Mary Grigalonis by Sister, Violet SUN – 7:00 AM – M/M Edward Siminitus by Family 9:00 AM – Sr. Lucretia by Helen Gottschall 11:00 AM – Joseph E. Mackey by Gehres Family ******************************************************************************************************************************************** THE WEEKLY CALENDAR: You are just, O Lord, and your judgment is right;/ treat your servant in accord with your merciful love. (Ps 119 (118): 137,124) THE TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, September 8 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 6:30 AM and 10:45 AM. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS(FPC):11:00 AM Mass. Jesus told us to ask the Harvest Master to send laborers into his harvest. We hope the prayers of our participat- ing families will bear fruit. May God be attentive to MICHELLE STRIPE who will host the Family Prayer Chalice for Vocations this week. Call 399-5056 or sign up in Church. We need volunteers for the week of September 22nd. FAMILY PERSPECTIVE: Today’s gospel is clear: commitment to another involves sacrifice. Before we accept a commitment such as marriage or parenting, we must plan carefully like the king in today’s gospel. These are serious commitments which demand complete self-giving and are not for the faint hearted or selfish. PRO-LIFE REFLECTION: In the time it takes to read this message, one baby will die by surgical abortion. One baby every twenty seconds, three per minute, 180 per hour, over 3500 per day die from surgical abortion. That’s more deaths in one day than occurred at the WTC on 9/11/01. It is equivalent to a WTC loss every day of the year! This is the hidden war of terror being waged on the pre-born in our country. STEWARDSHIP: “Everyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:33. When we first hear this statement, it seems that Jesus is making an unrealistic demand upon us. How can we renounce all of our possessions? We need them to live. However, what we must renounce is the belief that they belong to us. Everything that we have belongs to God alone. All of our resources are entrusted to us not only for our own use, but also so that we can help others. Once we renounce the idea that we possess or are entitled to anything, it is much easier to share the many gifts that God has given us. Then we truly are His Disciples. LAST WEEK YOU CONTRIBUTED: Sunday: $3,261; Utilities: $679. Expenses: $3,648.58. Thank you for your generosity! FRATERNAL CHARITY: ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY– Your donation of all TYPES OF CANNED SOUPS will allow the SVDP Society to aid the needy of our area. Volunteer for our SVDP Society Outreach and God’s Bountiful Table. Call544-2739. VOTIVES:(1) SANCTUARY: IMO John Andruchek and Peter and Genevieve Ferenchick. (2) ALTARS: BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: IMO Jan and Julia Malec and Jan and JozefaSmiszek by Grandson, Father Leo; For 0. It is not an easy way of life that Jesus proposes to the “great crowd that was with him.” His words are not addressed to a select few, the professional religious people, but to all who would follow him. He calls for radical renunciations. We must prefer nothing to goal! We need the support of all our parish families to reach it. If you have not made your pledge of support, you may drop off your pledge form in the collection basket or return it to the Rectory. Extra pledge forms are available at the back of Church. Please call the Rectory or visit www.adbaa. org with any questions. Thank you! Serve One Another As of today, our parish has raised $18,261 from 208 parishioners representing 96% of our parish goal of $18,950.55 and 34% of our total number of registered families. We are only $689.55 away from our 2013 the Health of Evan Gober by Grandparents, Stan and Sally; IMO Russ Rothermel by Linda, Mitra, Meggi. DIVINE MERCY: IMO James and Phyllis McNamara by Daughter and Family; For the Health of George Homa and Special Intention by Wife and Family. (3) BEFORE: ST. JOSEPH: Special Intention. ST. ANTHONY: For Special Intention of Bill Zaharis. ST. ANNE: Special Intention for Health. 544-2211. FLOWERS: We gratefully acknowledge the flowers adorning the BVM Altar IMO Russ Rothermel by Linda, Mitra, Meggi. MONDAY, September 9 –ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ MOHEGAN SUN CASINO BUS TRIP: Cost: $23; Rebate: $25 to play. Leaves R&J at 8:00 AM; Quandel’s at 8:30 AM. Call Julie (544-5231) or Helen (544-5465). TUESDAY, September 10 – ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: Classes begin! 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. All Students are to report to the Good Shepherd Cafeteria at 6:00 PM. Contact our C.R.E., Rosalie Novack (544-2211). PRE-SPIRIT DAY FOOD SALEAfter all Masses today we will be selling hot Pierogi ($6 per dozen), Halushki ($6 per quart) and Potato Soup ($6 per quart) at our Parish Center until sell-out. Enjoy our delicious food! SPIRIT DAY: Sunday, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Our Parish will have a stand in front of the Minersville Hi Rise selling bleenies and our God’s Bountiful Table benefiting SVDP Society will have a stand also. Please support our Parish fundraisers. All help is appreciated!
PROTECTORS OF THE UNBORN PRECIOUS SOULS’ PRO-LIFE GROUP MONTHLY MEETING: Everyone welcome – both men and women. Come join us and become the voice for these “Precious Souls” which God has created. Together we can make a difference. Meetings are second Tuesday of each month. Call 345-4619 for location and time. WEDNESDAY, September 11 – DEVOTIONS TO ST. PEREGRINE: 8:00 AM Mass. Ask St. Peregrine to help cancer patients / caregivers. GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Fr. Anthony Ricapito Annex. THURSDAY, September 12 – MONTHLY ROSARY: 6:15 PM, our Church. Come and pray the Rosary with us. SOUNDS OF THE SPIRIT” CONTEMPORARY CHOIR REHEARSAL: 7:00 PM, Church Loft. Call 544-2355. AN EVENING OF DANCING AND GREAT MUSIC: 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, Luther Ridge at Seiders Hill, Pottsville. Music by “The Sensations”. Call 621-7200 for more information and to register. FRIDAY, September 13 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 7:45 AM. THE HELPERS OF GOD’S PRECIOUS INFANTS: Presenting: “Witnessing for Life”. Variety of weekend events in Bethlehem begins with Adoration at 7:30 PM today at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Bethlehem. Call 610-674-4624 for more information. SATURDAY, September 14 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 3:30 PM. TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, September 15 –SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 6:30 AM and 10:45 AM. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS (FPC): MARY GRABUSKY (7:00 AM) will host the FPC this week. Call 399-5056 or Sign-Up in the Church Vestibule for September 22 and October. SECOND COLLECTION ENVELOPE: (1) GENERAL REPAIR: Your contribution will help defray the cost of general maintenance. (2) Please catch up with any missed envelopes. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* MINISTERS AT MASS FOR THE TWENY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OFF. PROC.LECTORS EUCH. MIN.ALTAR SERVERS SAT 4:00 PM Grigalonis Family Rosalie Novack Frank Melenchick Alex Reppert Killian Clark SUN 7:00 AM Siminitus Family Mary Jo Nabholz Eric Andruchek 9:00 AM Gottschall Family Theresa Kroznuski Sharon Kolenick Alexandra Eades Jordan Berdanier 11:00 AM Gehres Family Tom Mundy Mary Ann Harrison Jesse Stickell Jamie Kuehn Jade Stickell Mary Regina Mundy ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* COMING EVENTS: Please be sure to mark your calendar! SEPTEMBER 17 – HEALTH AND WELLNESS DAY: 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM, Luther Ridge at Seiders Hill, Pottsville. Blood pressure screenings, flu shots, pneumonia vaccines. Call 621-7200 for more information. SEPTEMBER 19 – RED CROSS BLOODMOBILE: 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM, Good Shepherd Building Cafeteria. Donate your blood, give life! SEPTEMBER 21 – ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL PILGRIMAGE BUS TRIP TO THE SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL: Depart Quandel’s Lot at 8:15 AM for Germantown, PA, and arrive back in town approximately 6:00 PM. Cost $85 and includes bus fare, shrine donation, and lunch on the Moshulu docked at Penns Landing. Call Mary at 544-3046. SEPTEMBER 22 – HALUPKI DINNER: 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM, St. Nicholas Hall, Primrose. $9.00 per platter includes: halupki, filling, mashed potatoes, green beans and roll. Eat-in or take-out. Advance tickets only by calling 544-4581. SEPTEMBER 22, 23, 24 – ANNUAL FORTY HOURS DEVOTIONS. Memorializations of Vigils ($5 each) and Flowers ($10 each) can be made by contacting the Rectory (544-2211). We would appreciate your help in adorning our Church’s Altars with Vigils and Flowers during this special time when Jesus is present on our Altar. Thank you! SEPTEMBER 24 : INSTITUTE FOR CATECHESIS AND FORMATION: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Tuesday evenings until October 15, Nativity BVM High School, Pottsville. ICF 101 – Christian Anthropology. Call 1-610-289-8900 X221 or email adultformation@allentowndiocese.org. SEPTEMBER 25 – GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Fr. Anthony Ricapito Annex. OCTOBER 4 – HADDOCK OR CRAB CAKE DINNER: 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM, St. Michael’s Parish Center, Minersville. $10 eat-in or tale-out includes: haddock or crab cake, french fries, cole slaw, green beans, roll and dessert. Beverage included with eat-in only. Call Jean at 544-6853 for advance tickets. Sponsored by St. Michael the Archangel Ladies’ Guild. OCTOBER 6 – SHOWER OF ROSES FESTIVAL IN HONOR OF ST. THERESA, THE LITTLE FLOWER: The event begins with 1:00 PM Mass at St. Francis of Assisi Parish at The Shrine of St. Therese, Nesquehoning, PA. Procession, Benediction and a showering of roses to follow. Ethnic foods will be available at concession stands throughout the day. 570-669-6075 for directions or information. OCTOBER 19, 20 – DIOCESAN COLLECTION: WORLD MISSION SUNDAY: Our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to act in solidarity with missionaries in India and throughout the world. Every day, faithful missionaries are reaching out in the name of Christ, offering practical, emotional and spiritual care to communities, children and families in desperate need, bringing the light of Christ to the darkest of circumstances. Please use the Special Mission Sunday Envelope found in your envelope boxes. For more information visit: www.IAmAMissionary.org. ST. JOSEPH LEARNING CENTER COLLECTION: After all weekend masses, the Knights of Columbus, Schuylkill County 431, will be collecting funds at the exit doors for the St. Joseph Learning Center. All funds received will go directly to the center. Your support for the Center would be greatly appreciated. OCTOBER 31 – NOVEMBER 3 – PARISH MISSION: More details to follow. NOVEMBER 1 – ALL SAINTS DAY: HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION: Masses will be celebrated at 7:00 PM (Eve), 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM. NOVEMBER 3 – ANNUAL TURKEY BINGO: Doors open at 12:00 Noon; Bingo starts at 2:00 PM. Good Shepherd Cafeteria. Admission $3.00. Donations of baked goods would be appreciated and should be brought directly to the Cafeteria today. Just place your name on these items. Food and refreshments will be available. For more information, call Theresa (544-4316) or Rose Ann (544-5304). A NIGHT OF HEALING: The night begins with Confessions and Eucharistic Adoration starting at 6:30 PM. Mass is at 7:30 PM. Adoration will resume after Mass. Also after Mass, Father Hess will pray with people for healing. ALL ARE WELCOME! BRING A FRIEND! FOOD PREPARATION AT OUR PARISH CENTER: Christmas Pierogi Making Sunday, September 15, 22, 29 – 1:00 PM; Monday, September 16, 23, 30 – 9:00 AM PLEASE LEND YOUR PARISH A HAND! EVERYONE IS WELCOME! SEPTEMBER 28 – WORKERS / VOLUNTEERS APPRECIATION DINNNER: After 4:00 PM Mass in our Parish Center. All Liturgical Ministers, Choir, St. Vincent dePaul Society Members,Religious Education teachers and aides, God’s Bountiful Table volunteers, Parish Festival and Lenten Food Sale Workers, Special Bingo Volunteers, Anyone who helps the Parish in any way is welcome! We need you to call the Rectory at 544-2211 to inform us if you will be attending in order to be adequately prepared. HOPE TO SEE YOU!