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MUK - SGS Automation Project. Findings Objectives Recommended solution Key features Benefits Policies and procedures Next steps. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University. SGS Automation Project – Findings.
MUK - SGS Automation Project Findings Objectives Recommended solution Key features Benefits Policies and procedures Next steps Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS Automation Project – Findings • Paper-based records and procedures • delays, redundancy, inefficiency and loss of information • Delays • tension between the university’s teaching mission (exercised by departments) and its financial obligations (carried out by the administration) • Students have no incentive to bring their status up to date until they are ready for examination or award of degree. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS Automation Project – Findings (2) • SGS employees enter, and re-enter, large amounts of data that could be entered by students and their supervisors. • At the same time, SGS employees spend large amounts of time explaining procedures and required actions to students. • Most OECD universities have adopted self-service systems for students and their supervisors, and they “ration” the availability of their administrative employees. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS Automation Project – Findings (3) • SGS has run out of room for paper files. The present volume of paper is such that it interferes with SGS employees’ ability to do their work. • In addition - • Frequently files cannot be found when wanted. • Paper documents spend long periods of time in transit – or awaiting transit – between Faculties, students, examiners, University officials, and SGS. • Student status is often unknown or out of date because information in transit has not reached SGS. • SGS employees consequently spend large amounts of time determining the current status of students’ studies. This time is lost. • This state of affairs limits the university’s capacity to educate graduate students. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS Automation Project – Findings (4) • Research funds within SGS are well tracked and accounted for. [Project documentation ...?] • However ... • The delays in communication with faculties mean that SGS (and MUK) has difficulty to publish timely information about newsworthy activities and results. • Faculty and department websites are also not up to date. • Hence the monitoring of research outputs (publications, conference talks, discoveries, new partnerships, ...) is difficult. • Relationships with research funders suffer needlessly as a result. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS Automation Project – Findings (5) • The University could benefit by having a consolidated research directorate overseeing the various institutes (MISR, IDI, ...) and managing patents, IPR, innovation programmes, etc in a uniform and transparent fashion. For example: • Adverts for funding sources aren’t well publicized. • Application and award / disbursement procedures are not well known. • The Research Manual, due out in mid-2011, should help address this issue. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS Automation Project – Objectives • Sharply reduce the number of printed documents required in SGS student records. • Eliminate the delays associated with movement of paper documents, and the resulting frequent searches for documents in transit. • Enable students, SGS and Faculty employees, as well as University officials and external examiners to correspond by online data entry and email. • Shift much of the burden of data entry from SGS employees to students, their supervisors and examiners, and other faculty members. • Allow students, SGS and university Faculty employees, as well as university officials and external examiners to view student documents, educational and financial status, according to the needs of their respective roles, without delay, at any time. • Reduce the amount of SGS employee time spent providing procedural information and guidance to students. • Facilitate the query and reporting of degree-related research status and outputs. • Enable the reporting of student status and results by Faculty and programme. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS – Graduate Student Management System SGS Records Document scanner SGS Admissions & Registration reports The SGS Graduate Student Management System (GSMS) consists of a web database and online file store with multiple types of users, corresponding to the job functions of different SGS employees. SGS Admin & Management SGS LAN GSMS server File store SGS Examinations GSMS database Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS – Graduate Student Management System SGS Records Document scanner SGS Admissions & Registration The SGS Graduate Student Management System (GSMS) consists of a web database and online file store with multiple types of users, corresponding to the job functions of different SGS employees. reports SGS Admin & Management SGS LAN GSMS server The database holds biodata and registration information for all students, plus links to every document for each student – forms, certificates, letters, bank slips, financial statements, theses, reports and transcripts. The file store holds scans or PDFs of all documents for all Makerere graduate students. File store SGS Examinations GSMS database Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS - GSMS – Key Features • GSMS is a web database; the only user access is via browser GUI. • All forms and templates are online, accessible according to user permissions. • All documents are stored online. (In the database, the DBMS saves a link to the file containing the document instance.) • User permissions determine access to the online documents. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS - GSMS – Key Features (2) • Documents are saved in the online file store (and are given descriptive names including Student #, Document type (see list of about 40), date received). • A Records or Central Office person verifies each uploaded document before making it visible to other users. • Signed document originals are kept by SGS Records and a scan of each one is stored online and linked as needed in the database. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS - GSMS – Key Features (3) • A student’s view into the system is via the Manuals (Student procedures, Research). The manuals describe the processes and contain links to the required forms and document templates. Likewise for supervisors and examiners. • The database stores the form view/create/sign permissions for each different user role – for example: • Student, Faculty supervisor, examiner, ... • SGS – Admissions / Registration, Examinations, Records, Administration, Management • A non-student can be assigned multiple user roles and may toggle between them. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS – GSMS interconnection SGS Records Document scanner SGS Admissions & Registration Student reports Student SGS Admin & Management SGS LAN internet Supervisor, Examiner GSMS server File store MUK web server SGS Examinations GSMS database Bank web pages MUK financial status system Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS - GSMS Benefits • More effective use of SGS employees’ time: • Less time spent answering inquiries from students and faculty members, especially in AAR and Central Office, but also in Examinations. • Great reduction of time spent searching for student files and documents, particularly in Records and Examinations. • Hence, ability to handle a larger number of graduate students with the same staff. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS - GSMS Benefits (2) Faster response to queries from students, faculty members, auditors and SGS management. A more pleasant working environment for SGS employees, with greatly reduced accumulation of paper files throughout SGS. Possibility to free up office space in SGS by scanning in old paper files. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS - GSMS Benefits (3) Increased collection of fees from graduate students, particularly by proactive handling of extensions and withdrawals. Earlier collection of fees from graduate students through improved enforcement of procedures. Improved ability to track research progress and identify / publish newsworthy items for funders, university stakeholders and local media. Hence, improved relationship with research funders and stakeholders. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS – Policy & Procedure Notes • A project to implement an online system like this may entail university policy changes with respect to SGS operations. Examples: • Requiring all SGS applicants to supply an email address for correspondence. • Requiring all examiners to supply an email address for correspondence, plus banking or other online financial coordinates for payments. • Requiring all registered students to have a bank account. • Accepting payment from students (or on their behalf) by mobile money, internet banking bill payment, and/or credit card. • Treating email advice of a signed, scanned original document in the GSMS database as equivalent to mailing the signed original to its recipient(s). • Policy changes such as these can greatly simplify the design – and operation – of the Graduate Student Management System. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS – Policy & Procedure Notes (2) • Other policy changes can help to better align the academic and administrative missions. Examples: • Adding penalties for late payment of fees, to cover added administrative costs and inflation. • Designate hard-copy search by SGS Records as a paying service, charged on a cost-recovery basis. • Allow SGS-Records to impose a penalty charge for any search that turns up an unpaid fee. • These policy changes need to be identified, defined and agreed as a part of the project implementation plan. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS – Other Procedure Changes • The implementation of an online system for SGS operations could be aligned with some other beneficial procedure changes, such as: • Requiring SGS vehicle drivers to maintain a log book of trips and fuel purchases in each vehicle. • Storing all SGS office supplies in the same room, with access only by SGS-Admin. • However, these procedural changes are independent and could be implemented at any time. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
SGS - GSMS Policy Questions • DICTS framework and policy guidelines for University systems. • Hosting and availability • Standard operating environment • External access • Administrator documentation • ... Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
GSMS – Development Estimate • GSMS estimated development effort range: • 2.5 – 3.5 person-years, depending on policy / procedure changes decided. • About 45 online forms and templates, each with data look-ups and validation • 15 to 20 different user types across students, faculties, examiners, SGS and Makerere administrative offices; distinct permissions for each type • Web user interface that shows graduate student management work flows to users and embeds business logic • Reports, plus searching and query support • ... Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University
Next Steps Appoint a committee to analyse and recommend beneficial policy and procedure changes for SGS operations. Document detailed GSMS requirements in liaison with this committee (or its working-level subcommittee). Commence GSMS system and user interface design for review with SGS. Department of Innovations & Software Development Faculty of Computing and IT - Makerere University