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Session 2: Horizon 2020 – preparations on national and regional level: lessons learned from FP7, methods to maximize funding levels, cooperation potential among countries of the region, scientific fields of special interest. Preparation to H2020, and related joint interests László SZARKA
Session 2: Horizon 2020 – preparations on national and regional level:lessons learned from FP7, methods to maximize funding levels, cooperation potential among countries of the region, scientific fields of special interest
Preparation to H2020, and related joint interests László SZARKA Head of Department of Research Institutes, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Mátraháza, 26 October, 2012
Contents 1. EU R&D programmes: FP6 and FP7 results and H2020 expectations 2. Publication prices and Open Access 3. Co-operation potential
Innovation order in Europe V4 countries Due to the different initial and boundary conditions, the list is not at all surprizing.
Rank order of countries involved in FP6 (sums calculated per capita inhabitants) V4
Rank order of 33 countries involved in FP7 according to FP7 support commitments signed until March 2011 (sums calculated in € per capita inhabitants) (increased to 19,52€ by October 2012) V4
Sharing of EU FP6 sources between „West” and „East” (shown as present EU-12 countries) in million euros 2004-2006: EU10+2)
An updated statistics made by the National Innovation Office (October, 2012) Conclusion: a systematic constancy with very little error bar
EU FP7 facts from Hungary The success rate of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is the highest in Hungary, but the number of projects and the obtained support is moderate. The success rate in terms of winning proposals and obtained support is similar in all V4 countries
Horizon 2020: opportunities and threatsatthesametime • Lobbying forbettersuccessratesthanweexperiencedin FP6 and FP7 • Lobbying for more equalconditions • Lobbying forkeepingtheresearchpotentialinCentral Europe • Recent H2020 developments (10 October, 2012, CompetitivenessCouncil) • 25 % overhead • 8 thousand €/year/researcherbonus • New „Marie Sklodowska-Curie” (MC) correctionfactors • Finetuning of thematicprioritiesareunderdiscussion (end of October, 2012)
The database of electronic journals in Hungay has been operated since 2012 by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: better coordination among the Hungarian partners Renewal of contracts with big publishers: separation of electronic and print journal subscriptions New business models are expected in the era of transition to Open Acces Chances of a joint V4 coping with Elsevier?
Open Access Mandate of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences The President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences issued an Open Access Mandate on 24 September 2012 The researchers and employees of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences - including researchers of the subsidized research units and Momentum research groups - should make their scientific publications Open Access. i.) self-archiving in institutional or discipline-based repositories, ii.) publishing them in Open Access journals or in hybrid journals offering paid Open Access. The Mandate is obligatory for all scientific publications submitted for publication after January 1st, 2013. Open Access for scientific publications submitted before 2013, or published already, is recommended (through repositories). URLs of the Open Access versions of the publications should be entered to the Hungarian National Scientific Bibliography (MTMT) database. Embargo periods - if required by the publisher - could be accepted if no longer than one year (for articles). Corrected manuscripts (final versions accepted by the journals after peer review) could be archived. If the publisher does not accept any form of Open Access, publications should be archived in REAL, choosing a closed access option. For articles the option visible for "registered users only" should be applied, books should be visible for the "repository staff only", if the publisher does not allow Open Access deposit. Aspects of patentability could be taken into account. Details: http://real.mtak.hu/eprints/mandate.html
Received on 24 October, 2012. It is too expensive… What about a common strategy in transition to OA?
3. Co-operation potential • - A closercontactamongadministrativeheads of researchnetworks • in V4 countrieswould be welcome • Commonregionalinterests • Scientificco-operations
Research centres and research institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences from 2012Red: research staff; green: main office New research centres ENERGY SCIENCE Budapest 92 HUMANITIES AND ARTS Budapest 312 ECOLOGY Tihany 91 AGRICULTURE Budapest 202 NATURAL SCIENCES Budapest 411 SOCIAL SCIENCES Budapest 156 ASTRONOMY AND EARTH SCI. Sopron 123 ECONOMY AND REG. SCI. Budapest 144 „WIGNER” PHYSICS Budapest 250 Unchanged research institutions LINGUISTICS Budapest 94 MEDICAL SCIENCE Budapest 81 MATHEMATICS Budapest 81 INFORMATICS Budapest 140 BIOLOGY Szeged 225 NUCLEAR RESEARCH Debrecen 105
Declaration of the Budapest World Science Forum 2011 on a New Era of Global Science http://www.sciforum.hu/declaration/index.html Text adopted by the 5th Budapest World Science Forumon 19 November 2011 Contents: 1. Responsible and ethical conduct of research and innovation 2. Improved dialogue with society on scientific issues 3. International collaboration in science 4. Collaborative policies to overcome knowledge-divides in the World 5. Capacity building for science What about a regional version of the WSF 2011 declaration?