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Robert Doisneau: Master of Parisian Street Photography

Explore the life and works of Robert Doisneau, a renowned French photographer known for capturing the essence of daily life in Paris. From children playing to famous artists like Picasso, his images bring the streets of Paris to life. Discover his narrative approach and award-winning legacy.

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Robert Doisneau: Master of Parisian Street Photography

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  1. Robert Doisneau  By: Alma Tellez Photo120 J. Dotta

  2. LIFE 1912 Born April 14th in Gentilly, France . • He studied at Ecole Estienne in Paris and received a diploma as an engraver-lithographer. • Works as an industrial photographer at the Renault factories in Billancourt , France . • In 1994, he had a contract with Vogue magazine. Le baiser de l'hôtel de ville

  3. He sold his first photo-story to the Excelsior newspaper in 1932 • Doisneau used photography as a narrative tool. • He wanted to change the visual impact of the photograph • He manipulated the images, such as multiple exposures onto the paper using his small darkroom. • He died in 1994

  4. AWARDS • 1986 Balzac Prize • 1983 Grand Prix National de la Photographie • 1956 Niepce Prize • 1947 Kodak Prize

  5. Paris New York Chicago Amsterdam Beijing Tokyo Rome Oxford, England Portugal Scotland Osaka, Japan Chile Ireland Canada exhibitions

  6. Themes • Children at play • Busy streets of Paris • Occupation and liberation of Paris • Fashion photography • He photographed many artists such as Giacometti, Cocteau, Leger, Braque, and Picasso.

  7. "The marvels of daily life are exciting; no movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street." Doisneau -He took photography first as a hobby, but later on he used advertising and postcard photography to earn his living

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