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Keys to Successful Online Learning. Keys to Successful Online Learning. Keys to Successful Online Learning. Keys to Successful Online Learning. Keys to Successful Online Learning. Reading Skill. Finding out Word Meanings. Decide Your Choice.
Keys to Successful Online Learning Keys to Successful Online Learning Keys to Successful Online Learning Keys to Successful Online Learning Keys to Successful Online Learning
Reading Skill • Finding out Word Meanings • Decide Your Choice
I. Finding out Word Meanings Discuss with your partner: In how many ways can you guess the meanings of new words?
1. By definition (定义) e.g. The harbor(港口) is protected by a jetty—a wall built out into the water. Key 防波堤 q
2. By helping words(辅助词): that is, meaning, such as, or, likewise... e.g. Jane is indecisive, that is, she can’t make up her mind. Key Unable to make decisions or choices 优柔寡断 q
3. By the opposite of the word e.g. Jane was talking with others while Eliza remained reticent all the time. Key Unwilling to talk about what you feel 有保留的;沉默的 q
4. By your own experience lintel e.g. The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel. Key A piece of wood across the top of a door门楣 q
5. By sentences before or after the sentence e.g. a. I am a resolute man. Once I set up a goal, I won’t give it up easily. b. After spending three weeks in the woods, Henry was tired of solitude. • Key • having great determination or firmness 坚定的,果断的 • b.being alone and away from other people 孤独
6. By examples e.g. Select any of these periodicals: Times, Newsweek or Reader’s Digest. Key a magazine which comes out at regular times 期刊,杂志
7. By word part clues A. Compound words oversee = over + see landmark = land + mark throughout = through + out setback = set + back download runaway motorcycle feedback ... Any more?
? Guess what I mean peacemaker rewrite restless acceptable misprint unfit illogical dishonest mislead
Reading Skills: Practice Directions: Now read the following sentences and try to figure out the meanings of the underlined words and expressions. Use context clues, word-formation clues, your knowledge of subject and your knowledge of the world to decide which of the synonyms(同义词) provided is the closest match. Do not count on the New Words because these words have been purposely chosen outside of the list.
II. Decide Your Choice 1. The more you expose yourselfto new words, the more words you’ll learn by seeing how they’re used. A. put yourself in contact with B. show yourself up to C. reveal yourself to
2. Whether you’re still in school or you head up a corporation(公司), the better command you have of words, the better chance you have of saying exactly what you mean and of understanding what others mean. A. are at the front of B. are in charge of C. work for
3. Learning the roots of words allows us to pick up whole families of new words at a time. A. collect B. improve C. learn D. receive
4. Should you use your new words on friends? Careful—it depends on the situation. You know when a word sounds natural and when it sounds stuffy. A. rude B. impolite C. unpleasant D. too formal
5. Aristophanes said, “By words, the mind is excited and the spirit elated.” A. filled with joy B. cleaned C. lifted D. cleaned up
blamed: consider sb. responsible for 归咎 • 从第一段我们可以得知一个事实─有越来越多的孩子在家中学习。这一句是第二段的开头,顺理成章这一段应探讨这个现象的原因。由于孩子在家就读并不是常规的教育方式,因此此处可理解为“归咎于”。
schooling: education or attention at school 接受教育, 学习 • 这个单词的意思可从前一句猜出。前一句说家长有权教育孩子,那么社区官员的责任就是保护这种权利。这里schooling其实相当于前句中的teach their children。
sharing: use sth. together with sb. 共用 • 这句话的前半部分说未来的学校是small groups of children,因为不是一个孩子,那么设备必定是共享的。 • curriculum: courses offered at school 课程 • 这里提到的未来的学习必定要包括课程。
running: managing and in charge of 经营 • 从下文可知Leslie Barson是如何管理他的学校的,所以这个单词表示经营、操作。 • Civil War: a war between groups of citizens of the same country 国内战争 • 这个短语可从构词法,即两个单词的意思组合猜出它的意思。也可从前面的American根据掌握的背景知识得出意思。
self-worth: knowledge of one’s own value 自我价值 • 这个单词可从构词法,即两个单词的意思组合猜出它的意思。 • missing: leaving out 错过 • 这个单词可由这个句子的整体意思猜出。后半句说“我是多个俱乐部的成员,还有许多在上正规学校的朋友”,所以他并不会失去什么。
solve: find an answer to a problem 解决 • 这个单词的前面有a way to后面有this problem, 因此回很容易猜出是“解决”的意思。 • basics: the major subjects or knowledge 基本知识 • Michael Barber深信学校的重要性,being taught basics和 being examined是并列的,而学校的基本职能包括传授基本知识和考试。因此可得知此词的意思。
Online learning, a form of ________ education, _____ to learning and other supportive resources that are _________ through a networked computer. With the development of the Internet, online learning often takes place on the Internet. In an online lesson, the computer _______ material in ________ to a learner’s _______. The computer asks the learner ___ more information and _________ appropriate material _____ on the learner’s input. The material can be as simple as ___________ lessons and their tests that are transcribed into a computer program. distance refers available displays response request for presents based traditional
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Useful English Learning Websites • http://www.wwenglish.com/ • http://edu.sina.com.cn/en/ • http://www.4english.cn/ • http://www.hjenglish.com/ • http://www.iselong.com/ • http://www.24en.com/ • http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/ • http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/language_tips/index.html • http://www.putclub.com/ • http://www.crazyenglish.org/