Obsidian Demon The Obsidian Demon is all about defense. Like the Rock Demon, it has almost no elemental power, but it makes up for it with high EP and the Deflect attack, which protects it from weapons. Obsidian Demons are very sharp, and they can use the sides of either arm to slash an enemy, but their slow speed makes it hard for them to deal as much damage as some Demons do. Obsidian Demons have a history of being re-named. The original Obsidian Demon from DFDD Reborn was called the Imperminion, and the DFDD Reloaded version was first called the Defender Demon. The Obsidian Demon eventually got its name from the color of the rock that it is made of. Why the Obsidian Demon had the Water Element was a mystery until an unusual Obsidian Demon shot a jet of water out of its shield arm. No other Obsidian Demons have been able to copy the trick. Obsidian Demon 1 reflex 2 hands 50 EP Physical Attacks Edge: Deals 10 damage. Deflect: Flip a coin. If heads, the Obsidian Demon can’t be affected by weapons during your opponent’s next turn. 0 reflex 1 hand 1 Rock Powerup 1 reflex 1 hand 1 Rock Powerup 1 Water Powerup Actually, that’s not quite true. The Special Edition Obsidian Demon is hidden somewhere.
Essential and Ancient Obsidian Demons Upgrading Obsidian Demons doesn’t do much for their attacking power, but it makes them drastically harder to kill. Essential Obsidian Demons grow a spiked shield on their right arm that protects them against regular attacks, and Ancient Obsidian Demons trade both shields for a pair of ice wings that can block weapon attacks without a coin flip. Considering that Ancient Obsidian Demons are barely summonable, it doesn’t seem that people will ever be able to summon an Elder Obsidian Demon. Essential Obsidian Demon Ancient Obsidian Demon 2 reflex 2 hands 120 EP 4 reflex 2 hands 260 EP Physical Attacks Guarded Strike:Deals 15 damage, and flip a coin. If heads, prevents the next 15 damage done to the Essential Obsidian Demon. This effect doesn’t stack. Deflect: Flip a coin. If heads, the Essential Obsidian Demon can’t be affected by weapons during your opponent’s next turn. Physical Attacks Spinning Edge: Deals 20 damage. Shield: The Ancient Obsidian Demon can’t be affected by weapons during your opponent’s next turn. 2 reflex 1 hand 1 Rock Powerup 1 reflex 1 hand 2 Rock Powerups 1 Rock Powerup 2 Water Powerups 1 Ice Powerup 2 reflex 1 hand 1 Rock Powerup 1 Water Powerup 1 reflex 1 hand
Specials Special Edition 2 Rock Powerups 1 Ice Powerup 1 Water Powerup 1 Rock Powerup 1 Water Powerup 1 Earth Powerup 1 Water Powerup Physical Attacks Jet Bolt: Deals 10 damage. Fortitude: Remove all Special Conditions from the Obsidian Demon. Special Attack: Ancient Obsidian Demon Retaliate: Deals damage to an enemy Demon equal to half of the damage that the Ancient Obsidian Demon has (rounded up to the nearest 5) Special Attack: Obsidian Demon or Essential Obsidian Demon Double Slash: Deals 30 damage, and flip a coin. If heads, deals 10 more damage. 50 EP Stance of Sundering Obsidian Demon Sharpening 2 hands 1 hand 2 hands 1 hand 2 hands 1 reflex 2 reflex 0 reflex 4 reflex 1 reflex Obsidian Demons don’t normally have much attacking power, since their focus is defense, so they use Special Attacks to make up for it when no weapons are available. Standard and Essential Obsidian Demons use Sharpening to make their hands more effective, giving them Double Slash (which, coincidentally, used to be an attack that Essential Rock Demons had before a balance adjustment made them stronger). Ancient Obsidian Demons are the only Ancient so far to have their own Special Attack card, making Stance of Sundering the very hardest card to use. However, the Retaliate attack is so powerful that it makes up for this difficulty the first time you use it.