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Presentation by: Rannoi Sedumo – CFO (Acting HOD) Gilberto Martins – DDG PW

SELECT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE: Public Hearings on Conditional Grants and Capital Expenditure First Quarter results. Presentation by: Rannoi Sedumo – CFO (Acting HOD) Gilberto Martins – DDG PW. CONTENTS. Strategic Context Budget trends Roads infrastructure Provincial Infrastructure Grant

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Presentation by: Rannoi Sedumo – CFO (Acting HOD) Gilberto Martins – DDG PW

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  1. SELECT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE:Public Hearings on Conditional Grants and Capital ExpenditureFirst Quarter results Presentation by: Rannoi Sedumo – CFO (Acting HOD) Gilberto Martins – DDG PW

  2. CONTENTS • Strategic Context • Budget trends • Roads infrastructure • Provincial Infrastructure Grant • Departmental Infrastructure budget • Gautrain • Public Works infrastructure • Departmental Infrastructure budget • Client Department budgets

  3. VISION AND MISSION Vision • Socio-economic growth, development, and an enhanced quality of life for all people in Gauteng Mission • To develop an integrated, sustainable infrastructure, which promotes a people-centered, innovative, developmental public works and an accessible, safe and affordable movement of people, goods and services

  4. SIX (6) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • Provision of accessible, affordable, reliable, safe, integrated and environmentally sustainable public transport system • Effective management and transformation of transport and socio-economic infrastructure related institutions, systems and processes • Support economic growth and investments through the provision of appropriate transport systems and socio-economic infrastructure • Integrate transport systems and socio-economic infrastructure systems in the Gauteng Growth and Development Strategy and development plans of other spheres of government • Implement the Expanded Public Works Programmes in a manner that optimizes employment and addresses economic and social needs of the poor • Efficient and effective management of the Department

  5. 1st Quarter Expenditure Review Financial year 2006/07 Period : April to June 2006

  6. Budget Spending trends

  7. Conditional Grant • The department is a recipient of the Provincial Infrastructure Grant from National Treasury • The grant is used for maintenance and rehabilitation of roads • A business plan was submitted as required by Division of Revenue Act

  8. Provincial Infrastructure Grant Actual Estimate Year Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 TOTAL BUDGET R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 2006/07 34,834 46,749 51,487 31,259 164,329 163,098 % of Total 21% 28% 31% 19% 100% Provincial Infrastructure Grant 163,098 BUDGET 164,329 TOTAL 31,259 Quarter Quarter 4 2006/07 51,487 Quarter 3 46,749 Quarter 2 34,834 Quarter 1 Expenditure

  9. Key projects in Roads Infrastructure • Construction of the dual carriageway and two intersections for Cosmo City • Construction of K60 in Sunninghill • Construction of a dual carriageway from Dalpark to Heidelberg - K109 Old Heidelberg road • Rehabilitation of the Cullinan road in the Dinokeng area

  10. GAUTRAIN • Delay in the sign off of the financial implications of the project might lead to under expenditure. • Indications are that the financial closure will be reached towards the end of September 2006. • This milestone will accelerate expenditure.


  12. Gauteng Department of Public Transport, Roads, and Works-“The Preferred Service Provider”

  13. DPTRW – Vote 9 : Program 2 – Capital Works • To construct new facilities • Upgrade , rehabilitation, maintain existing facilities • Implement client departments needs • Render professional and technical service • Ensure optimum usage and benefits of provincial property portfolio

  14. Expenditure Report – Prg 2 :Public WorksCapital Works Notes: Expenditure in the April is low due to commencing of work on site. New project started in this financial year have a low capital expenditure in month 1. To ensure that expenditure is maintained at minimum average of app R12 mil per month in accordance with budget allocation, April month under spending is being factored in to proceeding months. Monthly project review meeting being held to monitor expenditure.

  15. DPTRW – Vote 9 : Program 2 – Maintenance • Upgrade , rehabilitation, maintain existing facilities • Implement client departments needs • Render professional and technical service • Ensure optimum usage and benefits of provincial property portfolio

  16. Expenditure Report – Prg 2 :Public Works Maintenance Note: The Pretoria region has the largest number of Public Works facilities that it is required to maintain, hence the budget allocation is large in comparison to the other regions ie Pretoria Region = R 10 mil : Springs Region R 1.0 mil. Expenditure is in line with the projection at present. Monthly project review meeting are held to review progress and outputs.

  17. Expenditure Report – Social Development

  18. Expenditure Report – DACE

  19. No allocation

  20. Expenditure Report – Health

  21. Expenditure Report – SRAC

  22. DPTRW – Vote 9 : Program 5 – EPWP • Enable economic upliftment and empowerment • Reduce infrastructure backlogs • Alleviate unemployment by creating jobs • Facilitate skills development through training • Target woman, youth, disabilities job creation

  23. Expenditure Report – Prg 5 - EPWP

  24. Wayforward • Introduction of multi year financial budgeting and implementation for projects. • Life cycle budgeting to be developed at project identification phase. • Contractual implementation in line with CIDB requirements. • Construction Contact Centres established to assist with contractor development and project assistance.

  25. Monitoring capacity and planning • Monthly Expenditure Report meetings are held between programme managers and the Finance branch. • Senior quarterly management meetings are used to discuss performance of the various programmes. • The Executive Management committee also receives monthly expenditure report from the CFO. • The HOD and DDG PW holds one-on-one meetings with individual managers from time to time to ensure accountability for service delivery.

  26. Monitoring capacity and planning • At unit level performance is monitored against operational plans. • Monthly and quarterly infrastructure reports are send to Treasury. • Project Management Resource Groups assist in ensuring performance happens at site level. • Client departments needs/plans developed and implemented.

  27. Service Level Agreements • SRAC has been signed in August 06 • Social Development , final draft with client for legal review and comments, will be signed 2 weeks post comments received by Public Works.

  28. Service Level Agreements • Health Department was signed July 06. • DACE Final draft to DACE , if approved to signed 19th Sept • SLA’s with Blue IQ are in place for the Cradle of Humankind and Dinokeng projects.

  29. Thank You “In order to achieve real action you must yourself be a living part of Africa and of her thought; you must be an element of that popular energy which is entirely called forth for the freeing, the progress and the happiness of Africa.” Frank Talk , Steve Biko , I write what I like

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