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MDCFUG Maryland ColdFusion User Group 3/14/2000 Downloading CF Data into Excel presented by Joan Falcão, NIST joan.falcao@nist.gov. Quick and Dirty. Save your ColdFusion web page in html Open Excel Open the html file from the Excel File/Open menu Html tables translate into Excel tables
MDCFUGMaryland ColdFusion User Group3/14/2000Downloading CF Data into Excelpresented by Joan Falcão, NISTjoan.falcao@nist.gov
Quick and Dirty • Save your ColdFusion web page in html • Open Excel • Open the html file from the Excel File/Open menu • Html tables translate into Excel tables • Form objects translate into Excel objects
“Seamless” Integration • Code a template with cfcontent tag • Invoke the template from the following template • Configure each browser to associate “application/excel” with the Excel executable via the “Pick App” button • Embellish with Excel macro or add-in (another configuration step)
ColdFusion Code for Excel • Use cfcontent Tag • Enable CFCONTENT in CF Server Basic security? • <cfcontent type="application/excel"> • Select import format: • html or tab/carriage return • Engineer white space • <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes"> • Careful placement of <cfoutput> and </cfoutput> • Plan ahead for next screen • Post the Excel sheet from the next screen • Configure browsers to open Excel automatically
Excel_tab.cfm <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes"> <cfset AwardNumber = "6H2000"> <cfset RecipientName = "TeraTech, Inc"> <!--- QUERIES FOR GRANTS AND ACCRUALS DATA AND LAST UPDATED DATE---> <cfquery name="GetAccruals" datasource="Grants"> SELECT FY, PP, Accrual FROM AllYearAccruals WHERE AwardNumber='#AwardNumber#' AND Accrual <> 0 </cfquery> <!--- START OF EXCEL OUTPUT. ---> <!--- Delimited by TAB and RETURN. ---> <!--- APPLICATION.CFM white space will be included. ---> <!--- So be sure to use cfsetting enablecfoutputonly ---> <!--- EVERYTHING PRINTED MUST FALL WITHIN CFOUTPUT TAGS ---> <cfcontent type="application/excel"> <!--- HEADING DATA ---> <cfoutput>Award Number: #AwardNumber# Recipient Name: #RecipientName# </cfoutput> <!--- DYNAMICALLY RENDERED ACCRUALS DATA. PRINTED ROW-BY-ROW. ---> <!--- Engineer your white space carefully. ---> <!--- Pay careful attention to placement of cfoutput tags ---> <cfoutput query="GetAccruals"> #FY# #PP# #DollarFormat(Accrual)#</cfoutput> <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="no">
Excel_tab.cfm OUTPUT Award Number: 6H2000 Recipient Name: TeraTech, Inc 1997 23 $629,972.00 1997 3 $525,761.00 1997 11 $741,652.00 1997 16 $1,142,713.00 1998 25 $170,008.00 1998 25 $935,902.00 1998 5 $201,170.00 1998 10 $1,366,523.00 1998 16 $1,832,299.00
Excel_html.cfm (1 of 3) <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes"> <cfset AwardNumber = "6H2000"> <cfset RecipientName = "TeraTech, Inc"> <!--- QUERIES FOR GRANTS AND ACCRUALS DATA AND LAST UPDATED DATE---> <cfquery name="GetAccruals" datasource="Grants"> SELECT FY, PP, Accrual FROM AllYearAccruals WHERE AwardNumber='#AwardNumber#' AND Accrual <> 0 </cfquery> <!--- START OF EXCEL OUTPUT. ---> <!--- EXCEL SPREADSHEET WILL READ/IMPORT HTML FORMATTING. ---> <!--- EVERYTHING PRINTED MUST FALL WITHIN CFOUTPUT TAGS ---> <cfcontent type="application/excel"> <!--- GRANTS DATA AND ASOFDATE DISPLAYED ---> <cfoutput> <html> <head> <title>Accruals History</title> </head>
Excel_html.cfm (2 of 3) <body> <table border="2" bordercolor="red"> <tr> <td align="LEFT" bgcolor="Aqua"> <font face="Arial Narrow"><b>Award Number:</b></font> </td> <td align="left" colspan=2> <font face="Arial Narrow">#AwardNumber#</font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" bgcolor="Aqua"> <font face="Arial Narrow"><b>Recipient Name:</b></font> </td> <td align="left" colspan=2> <font face="Arial Narrow">#RecipientName#</font> </td> </tr> </cfoutput>
Excel_html.cfm (3 of 3) <!--- DYNAMICALLY RENDERED ACCRUALS DATA. ---> <cfoutput query="GetAccruals"> <tr> <td align="center"><font face="Arial Narrow">#FY#</font></td> <td align="center"><font face="Arial Narrow">#PP#</font></td> <td align="right"><font face="Arial Narrow">#DollarFormat(Accrual)#</font></td> </tr> </cfoutput> <!--- END OF EXCEL OUTPUT ---> <cfoutput> </table> </body> </html> </cfoutput> <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="no">
Called from NextScreen.cfm <html> <title>Next Screen</title> <cfif IsDefined("GenerateExcel")> <body onLoad="document.excel.submit();"> <cfelse> <body> </cfif> <!--- Contents of next screen ---> Hello World! <cfif IsDefined("GenerateExcel")> <!--- hidden form to pass variables to Excel spread sheet ---> <form name="excel" action="Excel_tab.cfm" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="AwardNumber" value="6H2000"> <input type="hidden" name="RecipientName" value="TeraTech, Inc"> </form> </cfif> </body> </html>
Application.cfm Ensure that application.cfm does not generate white space – especially with “tab&carriage return” format <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes"> <!--- Your Application.cfm code goes here ---> <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="no">
Configure Each Browser(Netscape notes) If you’re lucky, Netscape will prompt you • In the “Unknown File Type” box, • click the “Pick App” button, and • browse for/SELECT the Excel executable on your PC If unlucky, (blank screen or Netscape insists on saving): • On Netscape menu bar, • edit/preferences/category/navigator/applications • search each description for “file type details” entry with MIME type = “application/excel” • it may have “description” of “download” (from Norton) • delete it, since it’s not working • regenerate the Excel file and respond to prompt For security reasons, do not uncheck the box: “Always ask before opening this type of file”