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Transformative Mentorship for Holistic Practitioners

Join Stuart White, DC, in a mentoring program aimed at unlocking your potential, overcoming barriers, and evolving your nutrition-based practice. Attend monthly teleconferences, shadow colleagues, and delve into the 7 pillars of clinical transformation. Witness the evolution of your consciousness as a healer, guiding patients towards greater self-realization through biochemistry and holistic care. Explore the power of endocrine support, glycemic regulation, immune up-regulation, and more. Enhance your practice and patient outcomes through consistent education and compliance. Take your holistic approach to the next level with this mentorship program.

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Transformative Mentorship for Holistic Practitioners

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  1. Mentoring the Mentor Stuart White, DC, DACBN, CCN Whole Health Associates 1406 Vermont Houston, Texas 77006 713/522-6336 stuartwhite@wholehealthassoc.com www.wholehealthassoc.com

  2. Mentor goals: • To declare what is possible and establish a commitment to that possibility • Address personal and professional barriers limiting the ability to serve • Evolution of vision/mission/ethics that drive success • Create immediate action steps to apply learning and growth • Construct the round table of applied trophologists

  3. Mentoring the mentor: • Who are the mentors? – Practitioners • Who are we mentoring? – Patients and GAP • What’s the purpose? – Optimized life • How does it work? – Whatever you learn you teach someone else (anyone else) • Who’s is included? – Self selection, you pick yourself

  4. Mentoring the mentor: • Each participant attends monthly teleconferences (1 hour in duration, 4th Thursday of month) creating a round table discussion/exploration of the dynamics and details of a nutrition-based wholistic practice • Each participant chooses a colleague in his/her world to convey the notes and information – no information squandering • Issues/problems/questions are considered a learning process for everyone, although individual’s remain anonymous • All questions, comments, case studies to be directed through email to SP rep who will compile and include in next teleconference ( must be submitted 10 days prior)

  5. Evolutions: 7 Pillars Development • Each consultation was a step in evolution • The development of the 7 pillars was incremental and followed the understanding and experience of clinical transformative biochemical modulation as a viable transformative therapy – the shift in my consciousness as a healer from symptomatic care to the possibility of organism evolution to a greater realization of self potential • As patients would present with their typical low standards of desire (improve my headaches, lower my BP, treat my disease) and as I practiced good clinical standards of note taking and interview techniques I opened myself to much more information than just physical symptoms – I began to witness the transformation of consciousness in the patient and the development of character and strength • In the beginning I saw the value of the endocrine support, specifically the HPA axis, and the people I did not support did not move into the larger undertaking of developing a greater realization of themselves – I began to have a story that the endocrine pillar was the most important background to a person, partially fueled by some spiritual training tat viewed the endocrine glands the crossover points from spirit to physical form • For many years this was my secret that distinguished me from all the other practitioners – no matter what you presented with I tweeked the HPA axis and thus funded the success of the other processes I was seeking to encourage

  6. Evolutions: 7 Pillars Development • After 6 years of booming success I began to listen to the talks of nutritional minded practitioners and educators, as they covered topics like acid/base balance, glycemic insulin/cortisol regulation, and gradually included these ideas with my patients that we engaged in long-term chronic care – in other words I continued to carve on them and refine their systems • At first mineral repletion for the purpose of achieving acid/base balance was the big thing, but I found that glycemic regulation had more impact and reduced a strain/burden that had more impact than the mineral status – so the 2nd and 3rd pillars established themselves in my mind • Whenever any patient would give me the time (longevity of care) I would always be doing sequential immune up-regulation, and after a while I began to conceptualize this to the reduction of immune burdens as a specific and global way to develop the person’s strength, hence pillar 4 emerged • When all the rage over inflammation came out in the mid 90’s I was immediately struck by the way we were talking about nutrients as interventions similar to drugs to shift the pro-inflammatory state, and my craving for unified mechanisms of disease took me upstream for ideas of what contribute to inflammatory up-regulation, and thus modulation of these factors – from that emerged the gut lining/food allergy experiences and the biochemical multiple vector impact that could be achieved by simple basic food allergy identification and removal – results were global with all my patients and thus pillar 5 became joined the paradigm

  7. Evolutions: 7 Pillars Development • By the time I introduced the pillars in an educational format there were 6 that had been identified • Because overarching the success of my patients to move through evolutionary experiences was the need for consistency and compliance over time, allowing for the incremental accomplishments of the body in detoxification procedures, glandular repair and synchronization, etc, I described the 6th pillar as long-term tropho-restorative care – knowing that from clinical experience when a patient would apply themselves over time with the clinical practices I was employing they would achieve significant transformations in their physiology and psychology • I distinguished this from the patients who would be unable to apply themselves consistently over time and how they would not seem to develop the healing inertia to breakthrough and break free from the static states of their development • Also sprinkled in the practice were the profound shifts of almost miracle proportions where people would report the end of serious addictions, changing life-limiting arrangements, changes in personal choice preferences without counseling sand from within – I was being introduced to the true authorship of people’s evolution and I got

  8. Evolutions: 7 Pillars Development • Finally, but still not finished, I began to see significant success in reversing vascular degenerative processes, and this began to reveal a complex integration with the whole of physiology – another component of an individual’s health that could shape the patient evolution on multiple levels simultaneously without any deliberate marshalling being required – again sessions were more about talking about what was happening and celebrating that they were about trying to get change to happen • So pillar 7 came forward in my understanding – so too now the digestive pillar has asserted itself in my awareness as a basic foundational strength that must be present in each person for healing and evolution to happen • When these pillars have all been supported and enhanced their seems a unbridled potency that is not stimulant driven that acts to cause the growth and resilience and presence necessary to permit healing and evolution in patients • New pillars may emerge as my clinical experience increases, we must always distinguish techniques and events from global conceptual idea

  9. Evolutions: 7 Pillars Development • These pillars are not technique bound – they apply to all techniques and all practitioners – the pillars attempt to describe the way life creates vitality at the physical level to support the many other levels of an organism’s path and experience • So in the end for me as a practitioner every technique I employ and every action I take with a patient is part of this 7 pillared map for success that has reveled itself to me through clinical practice • All initiatives with patients must play onto this map/paradigm which creates confidence and direction in both practitioner and patient

  10. Eternal Truth • I want to warn you not to copy me, but work out your own method. Our people tell us to be original. If you can watch the method, though, and the way I go about it, maybe that would give you some thoughts about what to follow, what it’s all about. Then you work out your own substance, your own songs, your own prayers and things to go with it… Rolling Thunder

  11. Detoxification: • Every cell in the body has detoxification processes at the membrane entry levels and within the cell – as well certain systems/organs in the body are devoted to the larger global detoxification required to prevent toxicity and biochemical strangling • Selenium and glutathione have received a lot of attention as essential roles in the detox process, and they are certainly embedded in a complex cascade of eventual increments designed to move foreign substances out of the body in a safe way • Whole food concepts do not fractionate to the glutathione and selenium levels of focus, but they do included this level of function by supporting the global pathways that cause glutathione up-regulation and selenium repletion • SP Greenfood is a remarkable product making these contributions – 3/day maintenance provides great sulfur donors and detox pathway support, and greater dosages (10/day) can be employed to strongly support detox during stressful periods • Cataplex E as a selenium contribution can help address cold extremities and supply selenium for the heavy metal issues (T4 to T3 conversion) • Every disease will respond to these efforts, and requires such

  12. On task - Mastery in life is the opposite of control. Eckhart Tolle

  13. Normal Miracle - • Realize ordinary life as an unbroken flow of normal miracle! Andrew Harvey

  14. Endocrine/Hormonal – Disruption & Depression Glycemic Management – Insulin/Cortisol Dysregulation pH Bioterrain – Net Acid Excess Inflammatory status – Cumulative Repair Deficit Immune burden - Toxicity, Infection & Infestation Circulatory Status – Arterial, Venous & Lymphatic Competence Digestive Potency – Fuel absorption, waste removal, Immune modulation 7 Pillars of Healing

  15. 7 Pillars of Healing The possibility of human greatness (all manner of healing) Foundational parthenon of health – homeostatic optimization 7 Digestion 5 Immune 3 Bioterrain 1 Endocrine 2 Glycemic 4 Inf lammat ion 6 Ci rculat ion Genetic physiological genius

  16. Revisiting the parthenon of health • 7 pillars of foundation strength and physiological potency • Original parthenon represented the wholene4ss of Greek life – their math, science, art, sense of proportion, sacred geometry, and philosophy all together in one place and in perfect proportion • The parthenon of health upon the foundational pillars of mammalian/human design is a place wherein possibilities are realized – healing, thinking, forgiveness, wisdom, leadership, spiritual fulfillment • My practice experience has shown me that constructing the pillars is all that is needed – the elegance, power and design of greatness follows in people facilitated this way

  17. 7 – Digestive Potency • Digestion must bring in substance that provide energy and sustenance, and to remove wastes • 80 % of immune system resides in the GI mucosal barrier - GALT • Loss of ecology creates cascades of cytokines, immune modulation, inflammation, resorption of toxins, tissue degradation, leaky gut degeneration • Fasting

  18. #7 Core Physiologic Principal Ingestion Normal reduction of food to nutrient components Abundance of CHO’s, additives, toxicity Supported physiology Strengthening functions Adaptive response Chronic weakened systems unable to break down food Loss of digestive ecology Initial detox / repair / fortification Increased immune burdens – leaky gut Restoration of gut integrity and health Chronic tissue degeneration - inflammation Balanced physiology creates balanced diet Palliative medication and decline Healed, renewed, vital, repairing

  19. Armor for the world: gut lining • How thick is your gut lining? • Children are resilient and typically not hypersensitive because of this inherent gut lining integrity and thickness • The world invades and overwhelms us though our gut lining, not through our skin • Thickening the gut lining may serve to increase confidence, tolerance, calmness, patience, peace • Thicken gut lining with Cataplex AC (10), GastroFiber (3), Chlorophyll (4), LactEnz (4), removing food allergies, increasing protein consumption SP Complete 2 Tbsp, microflora repletion with 10 strains of flora including the famous casei species, Colostrum/Gamma Globulin supplementation • Lining thickness may be inferred by measuring level of secretory IgA of which 90% is formed in the lining of the gut, hence the less gut lining the lower the sIgA (saliva test)

  20. The Nano-Bacterial Challenge: • Nano bacteria represent particles of bacteria that have the same immune/inflammatory provocation as a fully viable bacteria • Reports say that this is a problem secondary to experiments in the stratosphere • Symptoms include cystitis, kidney infections, and finally heart infections leading to CAD • Garlic 5000 (4) is best protector from this while backing up Albaplex (6), Arginex (6), Cranbery Complex (4) • Symptoms can resolve quickly but exacerbate repeatedly

  21. Proliferative tendencies as a foundation concept in Cancer • Increased vascular supply created increased fertility for cell growth, just as reduced vascularity creates cell degeneration and ultimately death • Perhaps the body has a balance about its own vascular state that creates proliferative stability • Factors that increase vasularity chronically may increase the soil conditions for proliferative events • Cherry hemangiomas may signal a tendancy towards vascular proliferation • Inflammation may promote vascularity

  22. A Clinical study – Supporting Cancer • Kirk

  23. Very sick Reduced Rife Started 4/11–4/20 Enzymes Rife 1.75 hrs skip days Started Rifing 4 hrs day 2/7 Started getting Very sick Stent 12/5 Stent 12/22 Balloned > 160 normal

  24. Stent 12/5 Stent 12/22 Balloned Ran Half Marathon 10/29 > 1.3 normal

  25. Started Supplements 11/29 Stopped 12/21 Supplements Added 12/14Supplements Started 12/28 Supplements > 56 normal

  26. > 35 normal

  27. Stopped 4/20 Enzymes Started 4/11–4/20 Enzymes Started Rifing 4 hrs day 2/7 > 33 normal

  28. A Clinical study – Supporting seizures • Richard

  29. Eternal truth - Wisdom arises through the simple act of giving someone or something your full attention. Attentions is primordial intelligence, consciousness itself. It joins the perceiver and the perceived in a unifying field of awareness. It is the healer of separation. Eckhart Tolle

  30. Give generously As you have received

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