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Chapter 49: Nervous Systems

Chapter 49: Nervous Systems. Miranda Darling. Overview: Command and Control Center. Brain is more complex than supercomputer New technologies allow us to map brain activity in action. Concept 49.1: Nervous systems consist of circuits of neurons and supporting cells.

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Chapter 49: Nervous Systems

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  1. Chapter 49: Nervous Systems • Miranda Darling

  2. Overview: Command and Control Center Brain is more complex than supercomputer New technologies allow us to map brain activity in action

  3. Concept 49.1: Nervous systems consist of circuits of neurons and supporting cells Nervous systems relay information within the body Nervous system evolved billions of years ago when ability to detect and react to environment in prokaryotes aided enhanced survival

  4. Concept 49.2: The vertebrate brain is regionally specialized During embryonic development too many neurons are present and they undergo apoptosis to form specialized regions and the brain goes from smooth to convoluted

  5. Concept 49.2: The vertebrate brain is regionally specialized Gray matter is layered over white matter. White matter is myelinated. Gray matter is not

  6. Concept 49.2: The vertebrate brain is regionally specialized Each region regulates specific functions although there is overlap among different regions and information gets integrated.

  7. Concept 49.3: The cerebral cortex controls voluntary movement and cognitive functions The cerebral cortex is the highly convoluted outer layer of the brain that is involved in higher thinking such as creativity, memory, and learning

  8. Concept 49.4: Changes in synaptic connections underlie memory and learning Changes in synapses such as gain or loss or change in signal strength cause changes in memory and learning. Short term memory is formed in hippocampus Long term memory is formed in cerebrum

  9. Concept 49.5: Nervous system disorders can be explained in molecular terms Disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Schizophrenia, and Bipolar disorders can be explained on the molecular level and usually have to do with faulty neurotransmitters Stem cells present in adult brain offer treatment options through induction of differentiation of transplantation of cultured stem cells

  10. Sources Page • https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:gzHOr7ZXKaYJ:www.uta.edu/biology/watson/lab/1442%2520Structure%2520and%2520Function%2520of%2520Organisms/Lecture%2520Notes/Chapter%252049.pdf+chapter+49+nervous+systems+powerpoint&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESi3bT651zdfmMqxwb7ZEOJvhj5jtgAA7DbiWi4wPv6N-M6hBoWKl-IFr-0BAB8_bYxgfawm2VWqXENCu7viWwUHyJojJ79F7stkcOEJNsukE6Mj25_Hbk2HuN_ii8QDv4ETC83H&sig=AHIEtbSYoCyh3r1m4L5QPEGNvbrVG-nyBw • Google images • Myself

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