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Learn about the Central Drug Authority's role in combating substance abuse, overseeing the National Drug Master Plan, and coordinating strategic projects in South Africa.
C D A LEGAL MANDATE • CDA was established in 2001 in terms of the Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency Act 20 of 1994 which has been repealed. • The current CDA is established in terms of the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act 70 of 2008 and Regulations • The term of office of the CDA is 5 years
C D A Three spheres of CDA • National level: CDA • Provincial level: Provincial Substance Abuse Forum • Municipal level : Local Drug Action Committee
C D A National level: Central Drug Authority The Central Drug Authority consist of officials of a rank of a Director or equivalent in the following departments: Department of Social Development Department of Justice and Constitutional Development South African Police Services Department of Health Department of Basic Education Department of Higher Education and Training Department of Home Affairs Department of Foreign Affairs Department of Trade and Industry South African Revenue Services Department of Correctional Services Department of Labour
C D A National Treasury Department of Arts and Culture Department of Sports and Recreation South Africa Department of Agriculture Department of Transport Department of Provincial and Local Government National Youth Development Agency Medicines Control Council National Prosecuting Authority 13 other experts members in the management of the demand and supply of substances
C D A Powers and duties of Central Drug Authority The Central Drug Authority must- Oversee and monitor the implementation of the National Drug Master Plan Facilitate and encourage the coordination of strategic projects Facilitate the rationalisation of existing resources and monitor their effective use Encourage government departments and private institutions to compile plans to address substance abuse in line with the goals of the National Drug Master Plan Ensure that each department of state has its own performance indicators Facilitate the initiation and promotion of measures to combat the use of substances Ensure the establishment and maintenance of information systems which will support the implementation, evaluation and ongoing development of the National Drug Master Plan
C D A Powers and duties of Central Drug Authority (cont..) Submit an annual report that sets out a comprehensive description of the national effort relating to the problem of substance abuse Ensure the development of effective strategies on prevention, early intervention, reintegration and aftercare services, and in particular ensure the development of effective strategies regarding the prevention of HIV infection and other medical consequences related to substance abuse Advise government on policies and programmes in the field of substance abuse and drug trafficking Recommend to Cabinet the review of the National Drug Master Plan every five years Organise a biennial summit on substance abuse to enable role players in the field of substance abuse to share information; and May exercise such powers and must perform such duties as may be determined by the Minister from time to time
C D A Provincial level: Provincial Substance Abuse Forum A Provincial Substance Abuse Forum must consist or representatives from- Relevant provincial department Community action group Law enforcement agencies Research institution Treatment institutions Non-governmental organisations The business community; and Any other structure considered relevant by the MEC
C D A Adequate and sustained funding must be provided by the Provincial Department responsible for Social Development. Any member of a Provincial Substance Abuse Forum who is not employed in the public service, must be paid by the HOD for travelling and subsistence allowances while attending meeting of the Provincial Substance Abuse Forum
C D A Functions of Provincial Substance Abuse Forum A Provincial Substance Abuse Forum must- Strengthen member organisations to carry out functions related directly or indirectly to addressing the problem of substance abuse Encourage networking and the effective flow of information between members of the Forum in question Assist Local Drug Action Committee in the performance of their functions Compile and submit an integrated Mini Drug Master Plan for the province for which it has been established Submit a report and inputs, not later than the last day of June annually, to the Central Drug Authority for the purpose of the annual report of the CDA; and Assist the CDA in carrying out its functions at a provincial level
C D A Municipal level: Local Drug Committees A municipality must establish a Local Drug Action Committee to such give effect to the Drug Master Plan The LDAC must consist of interested persons and stakeholders who are involved in organisations dealing with combating substance abuse in the municipality in question The members of a LDAC must be appointed by the Mayor of the municipality and must consist of- Officials from government departments represented at local level A member of the SAPS A Correctional official nominated A representative from an educational institution
C D A Establishment of Local Drug Committees (cont…) A representative from prevention, treatment and aftercare services within the municipality nominated by the Mayor of the relevant municipality A representative from the local health authority nominated by the Mayor of the relevant local municipality A representative of the local business sector nominated by the Mayor of the relevant local municipality A legal professional from the local community nominated by the Regional head of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development; and A representative from local traditional authority
C D A Functions of the Local Drug Action Committees A local Drug Action Committee must- Ensure that effect is given to the National Drug Master plan in the relevant municipality Compile an action plan to combat substance abuse in the relevant municipality in cooperation with provincial and local government Ensure that its action plan is in line with the priorities and the objectives of the integrated Mini Drug Master Plan and that it is aligned with the strategies of government departments Implement its action plan Annually provide a report to the relevant Provincial Substance Abuse Forum concerning actions, progress, problems and other related events in its area; and Provide such information as may from time to time be requires by the Central Drug Authority
C D A Compliance with implementation of National Drug Master Plan by various government departments, entities and stakeholders The Central Drug Authority must request responsible government departments and Provincial Substance Abuse Forum to submit annual reports by no later than the last day of June, and such other reports as may be required The Central Drug Authority may request Cabinet, through the Minister, to intervene in cases where government departments or entities do not comply with the requirements set out in the National Drug Master Plan The Central Drug Authority must develop systems and monitoring mechanisms to ensure implementation of the National Drug Master Plan and reporting by all government departments, entities and stakeholders
C D A THE DRUG SCENE United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2014: Annex 1 estimates : 15-64 year old • Cannabis 7.5% (World 3.8%) • ATS 0.9% (World 0.7%) • Cocaine 0.4% (World 0.4%) • Opioids 0.3% (World 0.7%) • Opiates 0.3% (World 0.4%)
C D A Substance Abuse problem in S.A. • Approximately 270 991 citizens are problem drug users in 2010 report • 1.97 million citizens are problem alcohol users • About 50 per 1000 (5%) of school-entry children have Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorders (FASD • Cannabis: between 11.2%(WC) and 50.2% (Limpopo/Mpumalanga) of patients reported this as their drug of choice • Cocaine: between 1.9%(WC) and 20.1% (EC) reported this as their primary drug of abuse • Heroin: between 0.3% (FS,NC,NW) AND 29.5% (KZN) reported this as their primary drug of abuse
C D A Substance Abuse problem in S.A. Cont... • ATS: between 0.1%(KZN)AND 40.6% (WC) reported this as their primary drug of abuse • OTS: between 0.1 (WC) and 12.3% (EC) reported medication as their primary drug of abuse Access to Treatment • 1 in 18 requesting treatment have access in SA • 1 in 3 have access in North America • 1 in 4 in Oceania • International Narcotics Control Board for 2013 (United Nations, 2014:45)
C D A Response to the S.A situation • Community needs and priorities informed the National Drug Master Plan review for 2013-17; • Issues • Better parenting skills and competencies • Recreation facilities and opportunities • Tavern closure • Law enforcement to reduce threat • Reduce availability of all drugs • Education and awareness • Treatment • Job opportunities and reduction of poverty
C D A Response to the S.A situation • National Drug Master Plan reviewed and adopted by Cabinet in 2013 • The NDMP 2013/17 has three pillars, namely: • Demand Reduction : • Supply Reduction: • Harm Reduction:
C D A Supply Reduction • Controlling the distribution of and access to raw drugs and precursor materials, production and manufacture, sale and distribution. • Seizure and destruction of precursor materials, raw materials and distribution facilities. • Legal action on the use, abuse, manufacturing and trafficking
C D A Demand Reduction • Preventing the onset, use, abuse, and dependence on drugs through the following programmes and services: • Prevention • Early intervention
C D A Harm Reduction • Limiting the damage caused to individuals and communities who have succumbed to substance abuse: • Treatment • Reintegration • After care
C D A Roles and Responsibilities of the Departments The following are departments represented: • Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries: Control crops • Arts and Culture: Support occupational groups at risk • Correctional Services: Correct the offending behaviour of sentenced persons and entry of drugs in prisons • Basic Education: Combat substance abuse among the learners and the educators. • Financial Intelligence Centre: Pass on information it receives from banks.
C D A Roles and Responsibilities of the Departments • International Relations and Cooperation: Ensure South Africa complies with international obligations through bi-lateral and multi-lateral agreements. • Health: Responsible for the reduction of drug demand and harm caused by psychoactive drugs including alcohol and tobacco. • Higher Education and Training: Combat alcohol and other drugs at tertiary settings
C D A Roles and Responsibilities of the Departments • Home Affairs: Combating drugs, while managing the movement of people. • Justice and Constitutional Development: Effective management of criminal Justice system relating to drug offences. • Labour: Development of guidelines to protect employees. • Medicines Control Council: The regulation of medicines in South Africa.
C D A Roles and Responsibilities of the Departments • National Youth Development Agency: Combat substance abuse among youth • Social Development: Administers the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act, (Act No 70 of 2008) and NDMP • South African Police Service: Ensures visible crime deterrence by proactive police action.
C D A Roles and Responsibilities of the Departments • Sports and Recreation: Responsible for developing and implementing prevention programmes against substance abuse. • Trade and Industry: Regulate the Liquor Industry. • Transport: Enforce activities through Road Traffic Management Corporation.
C D A Roles and Responsibilities of the Departments • National Prosecuting Authority: Assist SAPS on joint operations leading to arrests and prosecution • National Treasury: Monitor money related issues.
C D A Challenges in Municipalities • No dedicated people to deal with substance abuse matters in some Municipalities • No budget dedicated for substance abuse matters in some Municipalities • Some Municipalities not implementing the National Drug Master Plan • Programs in Municipalities are not coordinated
C D A Challenges in Provinces • Limited Resources: human and financial • Uncoordinated programs • Unsustained Local Drug Action Committees • Poor reporting • No monitoring and evaluation of structures • Poor representation in the Provincial Substance Forum by government departments • Outdated and inaccurate baseline
C D A National Challenges • Substance abuse in South Africa is on the rise. • CDA does not have implementation structures in all spheres of government. • There are limited resources for the CDA. • Non reporting by some departments. • Inability to conduct baseline study.
C D A Remedial Action • Operational structure of CDA to be strengthened at all levels • More resources to be allocated to CDA for all its structures • Comprehensive Baseline study to be conducted • Strengthen preventative measures to combat substance abuse. • Elevate non-reporting by departments to IMC.