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Learn to design an Impact Evaluation roadmap covering intervention description, evaluation questions, design, sample, timeline, and more. Understand the theory of change, identify IE questions, and address challenges for accurate evaluations. Discuss sample size, budget, staffing, and stakeholder responsibilities. Present your IE design for review and kickstart the journey toward impactful project outcomes.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. INTEGRATING IE INTO YOUR PROJECT DESIGN Aidan Coville, DIME DIME Istanbul IE Workshop, May 2015

  2. how do we get there…?

  3. workshop output A PowerPoint presentation on Thursdayproviding a roadmap for the IE: • Intervention description • Evaluation question(s) • Evaluations design • Sample and data • Timeline To cover, but not to present: • Staffing • Budget

  4. day 1: understand the project Lot’s of what questions: project activities/interventions Even more why questions: program rationale (warning: we’ll probably get existential on you) Then the how: Work down from big picture to specifics to understand project assumptions and constraints > what is the theory of change of explains how we move from the intervention to impact?

  5. investment retention

  6. day 2: identify IE questions

  7. day 2: identify IE questions Initial plan: what is the impact of my programon • Business investment • Firm growth • Employment… But what about the challenges identified? What if people don’t understand how ADR works? What if there is no information for foreign investors on where to identify promising local investment opportunities ? What if grant applications are too complicated? Are we interested in proof of concept or program effect?

  8. Now what’s the question…? What impact will my program have if nobody applies for financing? Why are people not applying? How do we get the right incentive package?

  9. Leads to hypotheses to test Is the incentive too small? Is the process too stringent/complex? Do valuable investment opportunities exist / do businesses know about them?

  10. DAY 2 OUTPUT: Send IE questions for group review on day 3

  11. day 3 and 4: evaluation design and sample Fundamental concern is how to answer the identified IE questions accurately This hinges on the quality of your control group

  12. Why is sample size important

  13. Day 4: think about budget and staffing Who is in a position to decide on moving forward with the design? Who will be responsible for following up? What will data collection cost and how will it be covered? What about analytical services (design, implementation, analysis, dissemination)?

  14. Day 4: output DAY 4 OUTPUT: Country team presents IE design (2 hours per presentation) 5 mins

  15. day 5: the journey begins…

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