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Mindfulness for meditation haters: appliance of heartrate coherence training in ACT. Marco Kleen MSc Brain Dynamics Groningen / PsyAdvies.nl University of Groningen. Mindfulness: definitions.
Mindfulness for meditation haters: appliance of heartrate coherence training in ACT Marco Kleen MSc BrainDynamics Groningen / PsyAdvies.nl University of Groningen marcokleen@hotmail.com
Mindfulness: definitions • Skill: being present, observingone’sexperiences in a non-judgementalwayno matter howaversivethoseexperiencesmaybe • Attitude: compound factor of four ACT processes in the hexaflex (acceptance, being present, defusion and self-as-context) marcokleen@hotmail.com
Disadvantages of formal mindfulness training • Resistance against meditation-like techniques • Religious objections • Time investment • Dogmatic appliance marcokleen@hotmail.com
Goals • Pragmatic mindfulness • Function of the excersize is more important than the form • Increase accesibility of mindfulness for ‘meditation haters’ • Research biological marker of mindfulness marcokleen@hotmail.com
Heartrate variability • Variance of interval between heartbeats • Sympathetic and parasympathetic ANS • Reflects emotional functioning (among other variables) marcokleen@hotmail.com
Chaos Coherence
Coherence vs chaos • Coherence focussing on breath, acceptance, being open minded, focussing on present, mindfulness. Technically: dominance of 0.1 Hz frequency. • Chaos problem solving, non-acceptance, experiential avoidance • Being coherent can be trained Heartrate Coherence Training (HCT) marcokleen@hotmail.com
Applications • Heartmath Emwave® protocol (= HCT; counterconditioning). Primairy goal: symptom (stress) reduction • HCT adapted to the hexaflex (HCT-ACT)‘mindfulness through heartrate coherence training’. Primairy goal = practical mindfulness marcokleen@hotmail.com
HCT-ACT • Heartmath ® Freeze Framer/Emwave: easy to use biofeedbackprogram • Low intensity: 3 x 7 minutes per session • Homework: 10 minutes a day marcokleen@hotmail.com
Two Phases • Phase 1. Skilltraining • Phase 2. Exposure marcokleen@hotmail.com
Phase 1: skilltraining • Teaching basic mindfulness • Focus on breath • Focus on bodily experiences • Focus on thoughts (self as process) marcokleen@hotmail.com
Phase 2: exposure • Graduated exposure • Teaching clients to be accepting and curious towards aversive emotions, thoughts, memories • Autobiographic material, symbolic letters, photographs, imaginary exposure, exposure in vivo, hyperventilation provocation marcokleen@hotmail.com
Pilotstudy • Pre-posttest design: Mindfull Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) • Avarage weighted cohrence scores (GGC’s): - low = 0- medium = 1- high = 2 • T0: Baseline • T1: After skilltraining • T2: First exposure • T3: Last exposure marcokleen@hotmail.com
Population • N =7 clients refered to outpatient mental health facility for psychotherapy • Experiential avoidance marcokleen@hotmail.com
Primairy results • Qualitative: positive reactions of clients, automatic generalization of techniques in daily life, no dropouts • Quantitative: paterns of coherence and self reported mindfulness in accordance with predefined hypotheses marcokleen@hotmail.com
Hearrate coherence Mean weighted coherence scores Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test, p < o.o5 marcokleen@hotmail.com
Mindfulness Mean self-reported mindfulness (MAAS) Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test, p < o.o5 marcokleen@hotmail.com
Conclusions • Mindfulness throught HCT-ACT seems feasable • HCT increases mean weighted coherence scores and mean selfreported mindfulness • Heartrate variability may be a biological marker for mindfulness marcokleen@hotmail.com
Restrictions • Small non-randomized group • Control of breath? • Enthousiasm researcher marcokleen@hotmail.com
Publication • Kleen, M. & Reitsma, B. (in press). Mindfulness door middel van hartslagcoherentietraining. De toepassing van biofeedback in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Psychopraxis, summer 2009.Mindfulness through hearratecoherence training: appliance of biofeedback in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). marcokleen@hotmail.com
Live demonstration marcokleen@hotmail.com