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By: Paul Johnson. Speedy Pontiac Sign. Intro. History The location of the sign The logo design What the logo means Change in logo Conclusion. History of Pontiac. If you don’t already know Pontiac is a type of automobile. The company that produced Pontiac was General Motors.
By: Paul Johnson Speedy Pontiac Sign
Intro. • History • The location of the sign • The logo design • What the logo means • Change in logo • Conclusion
History of Pontiac • If you don’t already know Pontiac is a type of automobile. • The company that produced Pontiac was General Motors. • They produced the first cars in 1926. • In 1906 the Pontiac Spring and Wagon Works was the first time Pontiac the name was used. For a name of the Business. • When the car first came out they wanted to call it Indian or Poncho (slang terms for the car) instead of Pontiac
History Continued • Pontiac came out with a six cylinder car in 1927. • The first all new Pontiac’s were introduced in 1949. • The Pontiac’s cars are sold in United States, Canada, and Mexico. • A Native American Headdress was used as the logo. • The new logo was introduced in 1958.
Pontiac’s Location • The location of the Pontiac Symbol is in the parking lots and streets of ISU. It is on a many car parked all over the campus streets of ISU. • The location is a pretty good place to get customers to come to your business. • This is a good place to have logos or signs to attract younger customers to your business.
The Logo’s Design • The shape of the logo is an upside down triangle, so the top point of the triangle is pointing towards the ground. • The other two points are pointing up towards the sky. • The base of the triangle caves in a little.
Logo’s Design Continued • The logo color’s are red on the inside of the triangle with silver and gray outline. • There is a cross towards the top of the logo which is a silver color.
Means of the logo • Pontiac is the name of an Indian Chief that fought in a war. • That could mean that Pontiac the cars could be classified as a warrior. • Another reason could be is that the logo is designed as a arrowhead so it could be a weapon for war.
Means of the Logo Continued • The cross on the top part of the logo could represent a symbol of Christ. • The cross could also represent the death of Chief Pontiac. • The logo could also mean speed for how it is shaped.
Means of the Logo • The red in the logo represent the blood of someone who fought in battle. • The arrowhead is a sign of strength, and power. • The silver and gray represent the armor or shield of the warrior protection.
Means of the Logo Continued • The logo could mean more sporting performance car. • The logo attracts the youth to the cars because of the sporty look. • “Pontiac says that the design represents and arrowhead.
Changed Logos • The old logo has been around for quit some time now it is time for a change. • The new logo is designed like an arrow or still an arrowhead. • The new logo is all silver with lines going across the inside of the logo.
Conclusion • From the history of Pontiac to the new design this company has attracted a lot of customers. • The design of the logo is unique from the upside down triangle with the cave in on the base of the triangle. • The color of the logo is red which stand out from other colors. The silver and gray outline.
Conclusion Continued • The means of the logo could be a lot of things. • From a warrior, speed, weapon for war, some time of religion for battle, or represent some that died at war. (for the cross.) • To the new logo that was designed today.
Bibliography • "Pontiac-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Pontiac. 10,10,2008. 12 Oct 2008 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac. • "Pontiac ." The History of Pontiac. 12 Oct 2008 <http://www.cars-directory.net/history/pontiac/>. • http://www.exchange3d.com/cubecart/images/uploads/aff353/Pantiac_Logo_Prew01.jpg • http://images.1aauto.com/models/Pontiac_Logo.jpg • http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://bp0.blogger.com/_f6ZOgAVT6dA/Rgl-ekj_3gI/AAAAAAAABic/4P7SJywOUBY/s320/Pontiac_Logo.jpg&imgrefurl=http://tunedcarwallpapers.blogspot.com/2007/03/pontiac.html&h=308&w=320&sz=9&hl=en&start=11&um=1&usg=__jeSSV-nStgbPEtuVvQ1DTOmTj-g=&tbnid=uQWGOBZNBaAt0M:&tbnh=114&tbnw=118&prev=/images%3Fq%3DPontic%2Blogo%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN • http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://old.cartype.com/images/page/Pontiac_logo7.jpg&imgrefurl=http://old.cartype.com/page.cfm%3Fid%3D1481%26alph%3DALL%26dec%3DALL&h=669&w=669&sz=29&hl=en&start=12&um=1&usg=__z2Ayk4sDz-j-TjUw8pIc8d8OtFw=&tbnid=VnKEJPmk0yL50M:&tbnh=138&tbnw=138&prev=/images%3Fq%3DPontic%2Blogo%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN • http://autorepair.lahabrabc.org/pontiac-logo.gif • http://blogs.cars.com/photos/uncategorized/pontiacemblem.jpg • http://www.freewebs.com/toyotasucks/pontic%20logo.gif i