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Sun Valley Church of Christ Ministry Communication. January 23, 2011. 1. Agenda. Introduction Ministry Reviews Purpose Goals Needs Conclusion. 2. Mission. Be effective servants in the hands of God as we seek to teach and save the lost and to edify the saved. 3. Membership Care.
Sun Valley Church of ChristMinistry Communication • January 23, 2011 1
Agenda • Introduction • Ministry Reviews • Purpose • Goals • Needs • Conclusion 2
Mission Be effective servants in the hands of God as we seek to teach and save the lost and to edify the saved 3
Membership Care Purpose The purpose of the Membership care ministry is to follow guidance provided by Galatians 6:10 "As we have therefore opportunity let us do good to all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith" KJV. In practice, we at Sun Valley would like to ensure that we build up one another so that we continue to grow in faith and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Many needs arise within a congregation and this ministry will be devoted to meet these basic life sustaining needs. Needs such as: transportation, meals & visits to the sick, hospital visits, contact with delinquent members, and smaller group fellowships to grow closer together. Goals 1. Complete our organization & become operational 2. Quarterly fellowships within care areas 3. Become better acquainted with one another 4. More involvement from more members Needs 1. Care area leaders 2. Participation from each family in care area work and fellowships 3. Members to provide rides and visits 4. Members to host activities in their homes 4
Benevolence Purpose Benevolence Ministry is the desire to help those in need, or charitableness in act of kindness or providing a charitable gift. This will be done within the context of limited resources provided to this ministry and upon consultation and approval of the Elders. Benevolence is administered both internal (member within the Congregations) as well as external. Scriptures reminds us “that it is more blessed to give than receive", also Jesus reminds us that the poor will always be with us. Goals 1. Restoration of the individual within the limitations of the ministry and principles of good stewardship 2. Conduct seminars of good stewardship and financial management for those needing benevolent assistance 3. Continue assisting the ladies committee in operating a food pantry Needs 1. With the economy being what it is we would ask that you give specific to this ministry, in that way 2. Help brothers and sisters in need 5
Building & Grounds Purpose The Sun Valley Church of Christ building and grounds ministry’s purpose is to maintain the building and grounds. Coordinate maintenance and usage of building for Sunday worship, Wednesday night bible study and events and activities with other ministries. Goals 1. Maintain building facility 2. Maintain grounds 3. Coordinate building usage 4. Parking lot patrol Needs 1. Volunteers for building maintenance 2. Volunteers for maintaining grounds 3. Men to sign up for parking lot patrol 4. Volunteers for work days 6
Fellowship & Special Events Purpose To edify and build up the body of Christ here at the Sun Valley Church of Christ. We will do this by organizing events and providing food, allowing the members here to build stronger, closer relationships with one another. We will use a variety of methods to foster everyone’s interest in getting to know each other more intimately. Our goal is to draw one another closer together, there by strengthening our unity in the Faith. Goals 1. To consistently provide a variety of activities to encourage fellowship 2. To involve everyone who has a desire to participate in building up the Body 3. To communicate effectively to congregation our plans and goals 4. To strengthen the bond of unity in love Needs 1. To find and empower those willing to give unselfishly of themselves to the work of the Lord 2. To work in harmony with the other ministry leaders to preserve peace and unity 3. To be flexible and willing to adapt to an ever changing environment 7
Finance Purpose To collect, report, and distribute funds used to evangelize the world. With the direction of the Elders, uphold the stewardship principles of God as it relates to our giving, spending and serving the Lord. Provide technical and financial guidance to the Sun Valley Church. Goals 1. Maintain our financial accounting system 2. Promote stewardship principles of God 3. Provide timely reporting to Sun Valley Needs 1. Some skilled accounting volunteers to maintain our accounting projects 2. Help with teaching/counseling personal finances to those want it 8
International Evangelism Purpose The purpose of the International Evangelism ministry is to fulfill the mandates of Jesus Christ and take the gospel to all parts of the globe. The Sun Valley Church of Christ takes seriously the Lord's mandate to evangelize the world and realizes that, by ourselves, we are insufficient for this task However, relying on the Lord's presence in missions, and being empowered by the Holy Spirit, we gladly take our place beside such sending churches as Jerusalem and Antioch and gladly send those who will go. Goals 1. Assist the Hindmans in Ukraine 2. Assist the Bitikofers in China 3. Continued participation: Ecuador, Guyana, other campaigns 4. Encourage our youth to consider mission work Needs 1. Prayers 2. Notes of encouragement via email or letter 3. Help in organizing mission activities (Bulletin boards, emails, cards, letters, brochures, fellowships etc) 4. Volunteers to assist and help plan for returning/departing missionaries and students 9
Technology Purpose The purpose of this ministry is to record and disseminate information of interest and importance to the members of this congregation in various formats, keeping current with proven technologies. Goals 1. Organize elders and deacons meetings 2. Produce weekly bulletins, screen announce 3. Maintain sound room equipment and procedures to ensure 100% up-time 4. Maintain other communications and equipment in partnership with Internet ministry Needs 1. Sound room coordinator (scheduler, supplies ordering) 2. Web programmer w/database interface experience 3. Sound room operators 4. Trivia question writers for screen announcements 10
Local Evangelism Purpose Reach out to the local community to inform them about the services, classes and special events at Sun Valley. Goals 1. Develop a mailing program to nearby neighborhoods 2. Leverage website for awareness and access to God’s Word 3. Coordinated follow–up with respondents and visitors Needs 1. Postcard/brochure designers & editors 2. Bulk mailing preparers and coordinator 3. Help in coordinating and organizing follow-up 4. Prayers 11
Visitor Follow-Up Purpose To make sure that each first time visitor feels welcomed. Assist the membership in encouraging each other. Goals 1. Follow-up with 100% of first time visitors 2. Increase our membership Needs 1. Card writers and e-mailers 2. Visitor follow-up across all care groups 3. Administrators and record keepers 12
New Membership Follow-Up Purpose The New Member Ministry creates a sense of belonging right from the time the new family or individual places membership. Our Mission is to make sure the new member is placed right away and working in the ministry of their choice after filling out the assessment sheet and teacher request form provided in the new member packet. We also provide name badges to ensure our members can see identify these new members and welcome them. Goals 1. To provide the service assessment sheets to the Elders/Deacons in charge 2. To provide the Teacher Request forms to Deacon in charge of teachers 3. To provide names of new members to Membership Care Deacon Needs 1. Need a helper/helpers from first service 2. Need card senders for new members 13
Educa. & Teacher Training Purpose The purpose of the education ministry is to ensure the best possible Biblical education for members and visitors of all ages. This is a cornerstone of ensuring that future generations of Christians are not lead astray, and helps to further mature Christians for opportunities to serve the Lord. Goals 1. Expand current teacher pool 2. Recognize accomplishments of children 3. Improve communications of adult classes being offered Needs 1. Teacher recruitment and retention 2. Classroom helpers 3. Parental involvement 14
Youth Programs & Events Purpose The Youth Ministry organizes, manages and coordinates fellowships, activities and Bible-based programs for youth ages 0-12 and their families. Goals 1. Provide an annual VBS program 2. Coordinate verse memorization, daily Bible reading and other Bible-related programs to encourage Bible reading among youth 3. Provide activities for youth during parent (young married) activities. 4. Foster church family ties among our youth 5. Encourage PALS and other youth programs to sustain and remain engaged. Needs 1. Chaperones for youth activities 2. Activity planners/Event coordinators 3. VBS planner 4. VBS teachers 5. VBS artisans (props, scripts, skits, etc.) 6. Daily Bible reading coordinator 7. Verse memorization program coordinator 15
Teen Programs SVYG - Setting an example for others to see • Purpose • Provide opportunities for the Sun Valley church of Christ teens (7th through 12th grades) to develop spiritually: • Instruct the Gospel as of first importance (1 Corinthians 15) • Teach and encourage the youth to set example for the believers (1 Timothy 4:12) • Develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of the scriptures (Romans 10:17) • Develop they youth of today into the leadership of tomorrow (Titus 2) Goals 1. Develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of the scriptures 2. Continue parental commitment to role-model service and participation 3. Build the importance of community within the teen ministry 4. Build the importance of service within the teen ministry Needs 1. Teachers 2. Devotional Coordinators 3. Open homes for bible studies and teen activities 4. Volunteers for chaperoning, food preparation, leading events, etc. 5. Encouragers and mentors 6. Bible Bowl assistants/helpers 16
World Bible School Purpose Teaching God’s Word to people around the world through correspondence. Goals 1. Increase student enrollment 2. Help teachers in Africa to save souls by providing lessons and Bibles 3. Our preacher in Nigeria assists approximately 15 other Nigerians in his area to become preachers 4. We would like to help him increase that number with additional lessons and Bibles 5. Increase and train additional members to grade and send lessons as the need arises Needs 1. Assistance and support of WBS initiatives 17
Website/Library Purpose To evangelize and provide information about the Sun Valley Church of Christ through the use of technology. SVCHURCH.COM is the face of this Body on the internet. Not just locally but to the whole world…the web has no boundaries. Goals 1. Provide an appealing and informative web site 2. Provide regular updates to content 3. Entice visitors to explore our congregation Needs 1. Help with content posting and editing 2. Authors for inspirational or instruction articles, church news and events 18 18
Conclusion Purpose Sun Valley has a Vision, Purpose, with Goals and Objectives God calls you, His church and the world need you Please consider the opportunities “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” -- 1 Peter 4:10 19