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Cincinnati Church of Christ. Whoever obeys his command will come to no harm. Ecclesiastes 8:5. If someone has a serious health issue or hospitalization, please be sure to notify the Elders. Weekly Announcements for July 18, 2010.
Cincinnati Church of Christ Whoever obeys his command will come to no harm. Ecclesiastes 8:5 If someone has a serious health issue or hospitalization, please be sure to notify the Elders. Weekly Announcements for July 18, 2010 Today is our HOPE Manila collection. Thanks for your support that gives abused children in the Philippines education, counseling and housing. Your contribution makes a big difference. Camp Discovery All balances are due. Please put in Michelle’s box on the office door. Please pay your camp Discovery balance BEFORE the first day of camp. Discovery camp is 6-8th grade, July 25-30. August Blood Drive! Please sign up today in the back of the church for our August 8th event. You can donate anytime between 8:30 am and 2:30 pm that Sunday. Please call Laura Huesman with any questions. 891-2856 Rent a College Student!Help support the campus to the International Campus Ministry Conference. They will do spring cleaning, yard work, etc. See Michael DeAquino for details. There will be a Singles Luncheon today in the cafeteria immediately following church 11:45 – 1:00 pm. This is for all singles: mature, young adult, single parents and your children. Please join us for food and fellowship. Sam’s Club Shoppers – come for a great lunch and sponsor our campus ministry. Saturday, July 24th the campus will be grilling up hot dogs and burgers, serving chips and drinks in front of the Field’s Ertel Road Sam’s Club beginning at 11 am. Come have lunch before you shop and support the campus to attend the ICMC. Marrieds, Save The Date! Our next Marriage Retreat will be October 9th and 10th. Location and details to come. Special Missions Contribution so far collected: $60,458! This Wednesday July 21st we will be meeting in our Shepherding Groups. Just a reminder that all reimbursement requests must be turned in within 30 days of receipt date. Please get these in as soon as possible. Thanks! WELCOME: If you have recently moved or plan to move to Cincinnati from another church please contact Jim or Lyn Fulcher 513-847-4253 or email jfulcher001@cinci.rr.com LEADERSHIP DIRECTORY Elder Jim Fulcher (513) 847-4253 jfulcher001@cinci.rr.com Elder Joe Dilts (513) 232-1070Joe_Dilts@yahoo.com Elder Tom Meade (513) 754-8538 drtmeade2@hotmail.com Youth & Family Ministry John Cleghorn (513) 615-6899jclegy@mac.com Campus Ministry Michael DeAquino (630) 251-5832 deaquino.michael@gmail.com Benevolence Committee Marshall Hopkins (513) 281-3799 Thanh Truong (513) 459-2839 Tom Conway (513) 474-0625 Tony Overstreet (513) 336-8486 Colen Cromer (513) 256-7214 Music Ministry Joe King (513) 942-0304 josephaking@fuse.net Scott Oakman (513) 521-1615 Oakman92@yahoo.com Children’s Ministry Coordinator Phil Bruns (513) 459-1858 phbruns@embarqmail.com Church Office 4220 E. Galbraith Road Cincinnati, OH 45236 (513) 842-9300 or cell (513) 600-2911 Administrator, Michelle Diekmeyer mdiekmeyer@gmail.com Prayer Requests: MIDWEEK SCHEDULE • Meade Family – Lizzie Meade still in hospital • Brenda Thomas’ family with the passing of her brother Stan • Jeanne Lutkehaus (Linda Rayburn’s mom) has had a stroke and lost vision in right eye • Eleanor Ohlwine (Amanda Lowther’s mother) who had a heart attack this week • Charles Battle’s family – his brother died last week • Michelle Townes – she has been diagnosed with Anklosing Spondylitis and Fibromyalgia • Please keep our brothers and sisters who have on-going and chronic health issues in your prayers. July 21st: Shepherding Groups July 28th: Sherpherding Groups Aug 4th: Congregational BBQ Aug 11th: Men’s Devo 7:30 pm 7/11/10 338 Benevolence Update 7/4/10 200 427 6/27/10 7/11/10 10 HOPE Update 7/4/10 0 6/27/10 0 Contribution Update Budget: $10,400 7/11/10 11,267 Website: www.cincinnatichurch.org Please submit all announcements/prayer requests via the website. All announcements for the newsletter must be submitted to the website no later than 1 pm on Thursday to be printed for Sunday. 5,022 7/4/10 6/27/10 12,361