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Tale of the Tape: The Challengers

Tale of the Tape: The Challengers. Pit Stop. What were the Crittenden Amendments This state seceded first Who was the president of the South? Government name? What did the Compromise of 1850 deal with?. Who was John C. Breckenridge? Why is he important? What is the Freeport Doctrine?

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Tale of the Tape: The Challengers

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  1. Tale of the Tape:The Challengers

  2. Pit Stop • What were the Crittenden Amendments • This state seceded first • Who was the president of the South? • Government name? • What did the Compromise of 1850 deal with? • Who was John C. Breckenridge? Why is he important? • What is the Freeport Doctrine? • What is the Wilmot Proviso?

  3. Primary Source Daily

  4. South Carolina Secedes?War of Northern Aggression? • Only 2 Federal forts remain in the South • South seizes other government buildings • ________________________ • Lincoln is trapped • South Carolina sees it as aggression and fires/captures Ft. Sumter • April 1861 • Throws out the talk of peaceful solutions

  5. More Secession • After Ft. Sumter more secession • Border states • Border states have ________________________ • Manufacturing aspects as well

  6. Border States • Lincoln’s Goal is to ______________________ • Declares _______________________ • Sends troops to MO and western VA • North’s Purpose for War • 5 Civilized Tribes • Sided with the _______________ • Confederate government promises to make federal payments to them • Sends troops to Confederate army

  7. Divided We Fall… • Many volunteers in the North to the South • Why? • Many volunteers in the South to the North • 300,000 • Many families were split apart • Lincoln had 4 brothers-in-law fight for the Confederacy

  8. Foreign Aid • Trent Affair, 1861 • Alabama • Britain eventually stops because they realize they are setting a dangerous precedent

  9. Foreign Aid • South needed help to win • Most of Europe ruling classes are ______________ • Hate ____________ • Working class were for the North • Couldn’ t vote but ruling class didn’t want to anger them • High unemployment in Britain at the start of the war • Lincoln • Unemployment relief

  10. Foreign Flare Ups • France • Napoleon III _____________________ • Why is that an issue? • US remains careful until the end of the war • Napoleon takes back support and Max is taken out • Canada • Canadians plan to burn/steal from Northern cities • Irish get together groups and go invade Canada • Dominion of Canada is created by Britain

  11. Askin’ All Them Questions • Who are the 2 presidents? • What is Lincoln’s dilemma with Ft. Sumter? • Who are the Border states? • What is transcendentalism? • What is the Missouri Compromise?

  12. Making Statements, Assuming • What do you think the advantages of the South will be going into the Civil War? • What does this remind you of?

  13. The Tale of the Tape • The South:

  14. Tale of the Tape • Confederate Government • Can’t ___________________ • Some states only want troops to fight within their borders • Jefferson Davis • Wanted a ___________ central government • Opposed • Was a good speaker, but butted heads with his cabinet/Congress • Didn’t listen to public opinion • Nervous breakdowns • Hard to handle military and diplomatic handlings

  15. South Finances During the War • Crushed • Blockade and destruction • 30% of nation’s wealth, 1861 • 12% of nation’s wealth, 1870 • Other Issues • Ripped up lines to repair others • Window weights used for bullets • Gourds were made into dishes

  16. South’s Military Strategy

  17. Raising Troops • Southern Army • Volunteer at first • Had to go to conscription sooner than the North • Why? • Hiring of substitutes was allowed • Slaveowners with 20 or more slaves could be exempted

  18. Raising Money: South • Customs duties • Were cut off by Northern blockade • Bonds • Netted $400,000,000 • Taxes • Paper money

  19. Tale of the Tape • Northern strengths strongly outweigh Southern strengths in the long run • What Ifs • Border states seceded • Uncertain states like IL, IN, OH seceded • Early defeats lead to an armistice? • Britain/France help the South

  20. Askin’ All Them Questions • What is conscription • Explain the quote “Rich man’s war…poor man’s fight” • What were some advantages for the South? Disadvantages? • Fort Sumter • What is habeas corpus? • Who got rid of it? Why?

  21. Tale of the Tape:Defending Civil War Champs

  22. Previously • What is conscription • Where did large draft riots take place? Who? Why? • Explain the quote “Rich man’s war…poor man’s fight” • What were some advantages for either side? • What is habeas corpus? • Who got rid of it? Why? • Who are the 2 presidents? • What is Lincoln’s dilemma with Ft. Sumter? • Who are the Border states?

  23. Tale of the Tape • The North

  24. Tale of the Tape • Government • Abraham Lincoln

  25. Tale of the Tape • Lincoln and the Constitution • Questionable actions

  26. Raising Troops • North • Bounty Brokers • Enlisted multiple times to collect signing bonuses • Draft riots, NYC, 1863 • Irish • Lasted for 4 days • 2,000 killed

  27. Raising Money: North • Taxes • Customs duties • Paper Money • $450,000,000 issued • Bonds • 2,500,000 • National Banking System

  28. PSD

  29. Boom Time in the North • New Factories • What would’ve helped them? • Development of _______________ • Labor Saving Machines • Petroleum • Found in PA, 1859 • Pioneers move west • Free land in Homestead Act, 1862

  30. Women During the War • New opportunities for women • Clerks • Manufacturers • 400 posed as male soldiers • Spies • Nurses • Organized fundraisers

  31. Askin’ All Them Questions • Who was Clara Barton? • What were some economic benefits for the North? • Why was Lincoln troubled about Ft. Sumter? • What was the Lecompton Constitution?

  32. Union Military Strategy • Anaconda Strategy • Slowly suffocate the South with a blockade • Liberate slaves in the South • Seize the Mississippi River • Cut the South in half • Send troops through Carolina and Georgia • Decapitate it by taking Richmond • Engage everywhere possible • Grant’s idea

  33. Naming of the Civil War • The different sides had different names for some of the battles • North • South • Also reflected in ______________

  34. Battle of First Bull Run / Manassas Junction • July 1861 • Lincoln wants to try his unready troops • Demonstrate Union power • Could lead to fall of Richmond • Only 100 miles away • Congressmen and spectators showed up • Brought lunch pails and carriages

  35. Battle of First Bull Run / Manassas Junction • Union does well at the beginning of the battle • __________________ holds the line for the South • Like a stone wall • Results • 5,000 total casualties • _____________________________ • Made South more confident • Some Southern soldiers deserted thinking that the war was over • Southern enlistments dropped

  36. Askin’ All Them Questions • Why are there different names for certain battles? One example. • What was the North’s strategy to win the war? • What happened with the Trent? • What was the Alabama? What are the possible consequences of it? • Abraham Lincoln suspended this right in order to preserve the Union. • What were Southern advantages during the Civil War? • What were the Border states? • What happened at Ft. Sumter? Why was Lincoln faced with a dilemma? • Who is Maximillian? Why is he put in? • What is conscription?

  37. 1861-1863: The South Rises!

  38. George McCllelan & the Peninsula • West Point grad • Fought in M-A war • Command of Army of Potomac • Hated to sacrifice troops • A “players coach” • Overcautious • Always thought he was outnumbered • Constantly drills his army without doing anything • Lincoln tells him to move forward

  39. George McCllelan & the Peninsula • McCllelan decides to take a water approach, Spring 1861 • After a month of fighting the Union captures Yorktown • Wasn’t defended well…shouldn’t have taken that long • Lincoln diverts troops to chase after Stonewall Jackson • Lee counter-attacks • __________________, June 1862 • Union ends up retreating

  40. Results of Peninsula Campaign • South…winning (duh) • Lee loses 20,000 • McCllelan looses 10,000 • McCllelan removed from command • Temporarily • Lincoln • If Richmond had fallen • Union restored with slavery?

  41. Battles on the Sea • What is Northern strategy? • Concentrated only on largest ports • Blockade running • Britain says its up to you • Profitable • Rendezvous in the British Bahamas • British later use this strategy in WW1 • ___________________________ • _________________________ • Monitor was the Union response • Two ships fought to a standstill • South eventually destroys theirs to keep it away from the North • END of wooden ships

  42. The South is Rising • Second Battle of Bull Run, August 1862 • Lee attacked Union general Pope • CSA wins convincingly • Effects of South winning early • Infighting in the North • Example? • Lincoln is pressured to act on slavery • Why?

  43. The South is Rising • Lee decides to _______________ • Bring MD into the South • Encourage foreign intervention • General Lee heads towards Antietam Creek in Maryland…(cue duh duhduhduh music)

  44. Askin’ All Them Questions • What was the Merrimack? • Effect? • What was the Peninsula Campaign? • Describe George McCllelan? • What happened at the 1st Bull Run?

  45. Battle of Antietam • September 1862 • McCllelan is restored to command • Union troops find a copy of Lee’s battle plan • McCllelan is able to stop Lee’s advance • Lee retreats • McCllelan lets him go

  46. Effects of Battle of Antietam • Bloodiest day of the war • 4,000 dead • The South was on the verge of winning the war

  47. History Channel http://www.history.com/topics/battle-of-antietam/videos#the-battle-of-antietam

  48. 1863: Turning Points

  49. Askin’ All Them Questions • What was the Merrimack? • Effect? • What was the Peninsula Campaign? • Describe George McClellan: • What happened at the 1st Bull Run? • What was Thomas Jackson’s nickname? Where did he get it? • This was the bloodiest single day of battle during the Civil War: • Why did Lee want to go to MD? • What was the Confederate capital city? • What is habeas corpus? Why was it suspended? • What was the Emancipation Proclamation?

  50. Primary Source Daily

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