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Surfaces Reporter is India's 1st dedicated magazine connecting Architecture and Interior Designs Materials"! A special edition dedicated completely to Panels & Surfaces. The issue covers the story of Corten steel along with The Crescent, Surat, a Corten Steel project in India by Sanjay Puri Architects, Mumbai exclusively shared with Surfaces Reporter. Do you think that u2018Boundaries are blurring between natural & man-made products?u2019 How some materials like WPC, Fiber Cement Boards are slowly but significantly finding space in Indiau2019s architecture & interiors. We are sure that you would find interesting content on every page. To know this and more: Subscribe: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSurfaces Or get a complimentary digital copy: http://bit.ly/get-ComplimentaryCopy
February February 11 THE�CRESCENT
editorial surreal surreal surfaces This month February is almost universally celebrated as the month of love. Love, which is known to be the strongest emotion that a person can feel. When we relate this to design & products that revolve around our homes, interiors, architecture, nothing connects & binds us more than Surface materials. And why not? A surface is the first element that comes in contact with our senses, the starting point of visual & emotional relationship, triggering initial response & experience, breeding familiarity or otherwise. It's not the impression it makes; it's the impression it leaves on you! Thus, we have conceptualized the entire February issue on Panels & Surfaces. I am sure you will love to go through topics like Blurring Boundaries between Natural and Man-made designs; How some materials like WPC, Fiber Cement Boards and Corten Steel are slowly but significantly finding space in India’s architecture & interiors; The expanding world of Panels & Surfaces and how we at Surfaces Reporter are looking at the possibilities of some materials in near future. We have also compiled a series of Highlighter designs for ready reference. Sanjay Puri Architects have exclusively shared one of their latest projects with Surfaces Reporter – The Crescent. With the first look at the images, I was awestruck to see a sculptural ‘Corten Steel project’ in one of India’s tier –II cities, Surat. The last Corten Steel project we had covered was Ron Arad’s Holon Museum, Israel. Undoubtedly, our Tier-II cities are fast becoming the hotspots of progress in real estate activities. I hope they defy the current global slowdown and help India to emerge strongly with growth & expansion opportunities for the entire nation. In the month of January, Team Surfaces Reporter was present at 4 different exhibitions around the world – Domotex Hannover, IMM Cologne Germany, KBIS in USA, and Acetech Ahmedabad. We have a treasure of inputs to share from these visits, which we will keep pouring in coming issues. In the current one we have briefly published some innovations in Flooring from Domotex and the winning product designs from KBIS, Las Vegas. Wishing you a month filled with love, health, growth & happiness! vertica@surfaces.in feBrUAry 2016 SURFACES REPORTER 2
The CresCenT @suraT by Sanjay Puri architectS, MuMbai Ar. Sanjay Puri from Sanjay Puri Architects, Mumbai
CONTENT iN Visual- i 39 Best of KBIs LAs VeGAs BAth & KItchen 57 GoInG hIGh: wALL hIGhLIGhteRs whAt you need to Know BefoRe optInG foR hIGhLIGhteRs wIth Best hIGhLIGhteR desIGns 96 pAneL & suRfAces eXpAndInG hoRIZon An oVeRVIew of the IndustRy wIth suRfAces RepoRteR’s eXcLusIVe mAteRIAL meteR 46 KIds’ fuRnItuRe ÇILeK fuRnItuRe showRoom feBrUAry 2016 SURFACES REPORTER 4
CONTENT iN Visual- ii wood pLAstIc composIte (wpc) poweRhouse of possIBILItIes!? 11 fLooRInG InnoVAtIons pIcKed fRom the GLoBAL Best eVent on fLooRInG - domoteX GeRmAny 2016 50 108 89 BLuRRInG BoundARIes Between nAtuRAL & mAn mAde desIGns. do you AGRee? 118 the cResent, suRAt By sAnJAy puRI ARchItects 116 A metAL’s monoLoGue ‘coRten steeL’ feBrUAry 2016 SURFACES REPORTER 5
W W Dear Women Architects & Designers of India, Federation of World Women Architects & Design Professionals is inspired by the thought of giving Women Architects & Designers the centre stage that will converge into a melting pot of women from different strata of the ecosystem flowing with creative energies, inspiring stories to learn from, tips for the younger lot, recognization of talent, and insightful agenda that will revolve around Women professionals in Architecture & Design of India. Register NOW to get information & invitation for the event to be held in March 2016. CLICK and REGISTER NOW: www.worldwomenarchitects.com Opportunities: * A complete issue of magazine celebrating the work done by Women Architects & Designers of India, in association with Surfaces Reporter. * One day event & Award night in March 2016, in conjuction with International Women’s Day. REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE SOON!
readers comments I have seen Surfaces Reporter in a showroom and would love to explore more. Have flipped through the magazine briefly and found it informative. Taranjeet Kaur, Kloudbridge the Design Studio, Bengaluru I run a showroom and was looking for a magazine centred around materials. I hope that Surfaces Reporter will help me to get the knowledge of industry & updates. Sahil Sahni, Diamond Decor, Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh You have created a new method of presentation, and the magazine is full of knowledge about new materials & applications! Akshit Tholia, Graphite Design Studio, Jaipur I am a manufacturer. I have seen Surfaces Reporter in our architect’s office and instantly liked it. So, I would like to subcribe. Vishwas, Nutec Woodwonders, Yelahanka, Bangalore Hello Vertica, Congrats! We have been going through your publication Surfaces Reporter for the last several issues. Amazing effort and commendable task achievement. It’s looking good and getting better with every passing month. I know you must be getting a lot of these messages everyday, just sharing the thought with you. Keep it going. Wishing you all the best! Rohit, Founder Partner, Studio Parallele, New Delhi I am a vivid reader of “Surfaces” and enthralled with the varied products intelligently put together! Brian J. Vieyara, House of Kyrav, European Designer Doors I like the concept of the Surface Reporter very much, as it keeps us informed about the latest & trending materials available in the market & being used by people. Keep it up! Ar. Pratik Kotak, Rajkot Message from Ministry of Environment & Forest, Climate Change, to the readers of Surfaces Reporter Magazine: “The message from MoEF, Climate Cange, to the readers of Surfaces Reporter is that, we should try and minimise the interference to the environmental systems. Use materials which are more environment- friendly. There is no fixed definition for this; you have to keep evolving the technologies. Government is highly focussed on renewable sources of energy. Wherever constructions are taking place and new buildings are coming up, if we can incorporate these things at the earliest stage itself, it will become easier for people to adopt to it and we will be able to mitigate the impacts of climate change in a much better fashion.” Ravi S Prasad, IAS, Joint Secretary, MoEF, Climate Change, Govt. of India Thank you all for your valuable comments! Write your opinion to us at- press@surfaces.in surfaces.magazine surfacesmagzin You surely inspire us!!! You surely inspire us!!!
blurring boundaries | surFaCes rePorter Blurring Boundaries Buy a diamond and unless you get a certificate of authenticity signed and stamped by the right authority, and Man-made designs are trying to cross paths and the series of impacts, market movements, and change products? Are we finally going to land in a world with emotionless man-made products or may be, a more between natural & Man Made designs! it’s really difficult to know from the appearance whether what you have bought is pure or artificial. in consumer behavior. Some more questions are in need of answers: Natural materials are limited so what pertinent question would be - how to add life-like emotions in man-made products? “What is natural and what is artificial?” For a common man, it is tough to make out these days. We have some interesting insights in this article regarding this. sometimes come at relatively lesser costs, and added benefits? Will there be a future where most natural “Aren’t all building to some degree?” Another question is, “What do you actually mean by Natural and what is Artificial?” is the future of natural products? Are we becoming more complacent towards man-made innovations which SURFACES REPORTER® welcomes your views, arguments and more thoughts on the subject. materials ‘synthetic’ SURFACES REPORTER® has been studying this subject since months to understand the way Natural and environmental concerns of using already depleted natural resources, is it not time to focus on alternate Write to us at press@surfaces.in materials will be replaced with more hi-tech man-made materials? And to consider about the sustainability A natural product has emotions close to our nature wellbeing and centeredness. intrinsic quality of emitting which brings along a sense of Why is the world running after Natural products? Man-made products are seen in surface décor products. at the same time. More the natural, more we feel at ease it might be!), may not be welcomed by majority of us. as human beings, we are strongly driven by emotions. reasons why humans love natural products, while these interestingly, most of the trend in products where at home feeling, or nice but not as cozy, or may be to go for a party or as a dance floor but given the choice us bore too soon. That’s our intrinsic nature. emotions close to our nature which brings along a sense are ample reasons why companies are crazily researching out What are Natural and from Mother earth naturally, not adulterated in composition man is the Man-made one. it is usually done with the help of boundaries are continuously blurring between natural and surprising, or/ and better, if at all it engages and comforts of having the same in your bedroom (however luxurious of the ways to develop & design products close to natural. Man-made products? by men, and used with minimum intervention of machines other materials, skills, technology and labor. That’s the first point of our experience, either comfortable with the products. A glittery wall or floor may look good we all want to finally get back to things which don’t make a natural product has intrinsic quality of emitting a material that is used directly from nature or is derived hand, a material or product crafted/ processed/ developed by and chemicals, is called a Natural product. on the other of wellbeing and centeredness. well, these are just a few february 2016 SURFACES REPORTER 90 HIGHLIGHTERS homes in rural India, to elaborate sketches & patterns of animals doors. As people moved to bigger towns and cities in the search of started where one or more walls were painted with highlighting or sometimes some shelves for keeping artifacts. Today, people are world, to serve the discerning Indian consumers. Thus, in different Surfaces Reporter | FOCUS GoinG hiGh with who is selecting, his sources and also the kind of eye he keeps for They add a personality to an otherwise mundane space without understanding design and taste of buyers. actually giving the trouble of changing the entire décor. We are According to Surfaces Reporter, a highlighter material is a piece perfect eye-catching wall is very crucial in the decor of your space. the options available in Wall Highlighters, to help you to understand Highlighters are usually easy to install with hassle-free application. surfaces as well where the top or sidings are finished with a subtle or combination of pieces/ panels which can be put together by It holds the entire design together. It is vital for the Highlighter to the types, and also to check and select as per your projects. From the humble beginning with mud paintings on walls of our we Indians are in love with various ornate options for walls and started making more sense. Then the trend of colour mix and match The statement wall was usually adorned with photo frames and most unique and elegant wall coverings & panels from around the seeing this trend of wall highlighters getting passed on to furniture highlighter material. nailing/ gluing/ binding to a surface (usually a vertical wall) that complement the rest of décor, yet stand out in its own way. This and flowers with natural dyes, to even more intricate works in better living, time and space did not permit to pursue traditional art contrasting colour, which acted as a statement wall. no more satisfied with just paints. With the new demand and showrooms, you will find different variety of wall panels and fabric and grass braids pasted or hanging on entrances and walls, forms. Slowly, easier options of white washing and painting the walls literally turns heads and emphasizes the essence of the room. A article of SURFACES REPORTER focuses on showcasing some of What you need to know before opting for highlighters with rising aspirations, companies are doing their best to bring in the highlighter materials. It all depends upon the taste of the person best Highlighter Designs february 2016 SURFACES REPORTER 57 Voguebay Panels
Expanding Horizon An overview of the industry with exclusive Material Meter Surfaces Reporter’s Panels & Surfaces Expanding february 2016 SURFACES REPORTER 96 Wood Plastic comPosites SURFACES REPORTER | METALAB Wood Plastic Composites (WPC) are produced by thoroughly mixing MaKing OF WPC though injection moulding is also used. Extruded WPCs are formed into tougher and easier to install, making it possible to enlarge the cross section processed in a Pelletizing Extruder, which produces pellets of the new Foam extrusion is another innovative technology, wherein composition of thermal and acoustic insulation of facades besides other application. ground wood particles and heated thermoplastic resin. The most common both solid and hollow profiles. and in turn the load bearing capacity. A large variety of injection moulded material. The pellets are then re-melted and formed into the final shape. and extrusion. by hollow profiles. Extruded foam WPC is ideally suited for high quality ood is one of the most versatile surface materials that can be used development of many alternatives of wood. One such material is furniture, sidings, pergolas, doors etc. With the growing popularity of the method of production is to extrude the material into the desired shape, The first extruded forms of the material were solid boards, however, parts are also produced, from automotive door panels to cell phone covers. Other manufacturers complete the finished part in a single step of mixing all the qualities of durability and high mechanical resistance exhibited for varied applications. Due to its naturally warm and pleasant WOOD PLASTIC COMPOSITE (WPC). The material had a humble material, SURFACE REPORTER® decided to probe a little deeper to feeling, wood has been the first love of architects and designers all over matured and is now being used widely for wall claddings, indoor-outdoor Powerhouse of Possibilities!? W beginning as an alternative choice for decking. But as the years passed, it ascertain its properties, possibilities and probable future. Material’s beginning resins by EIN Engineering. As the name suggests, Wood Plastic polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene etc. Polyethylene based WPCs are by the end product to the target area of application. the world. However, the growing concern over environment led to the later on, hollow profiles were also developed. The boards became lighter, In some manufacturing facilities, the constituents are combined and WPC is said to have been invented in Japan about 30 years ago as a fillers like pulp, hulls & bamboo and thermoplastics, which mostly stabilizers, blowing agents, foaming agents, and lubricants help tailor saw dust, fibre fillers like pulp, hulls & bamboo and thermoplastics, substitute for wood made from softwood waste and recycled polymer include new or waste plastic from materials such as polyethylene, Wood Plastic Composite is a combination of wood flour powder, based WPCs are by far the most common. special resins allows the boards to weigh as little as possible while retaining Composite is a combination of wood flour powder, saw dust, fibre far the most common. Additives such as colorants, coupling agents, UV which mostly include new or waste plastic from materials such as polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, etc. Polyethylene february 2016 SURFACES REPORTER 108 february 2016 SURFACES REPORTER 108
Bath & Kitchen event kITChEN & baTh aT Kbis las VeGas OVERVIEW & WINNING PRODUCTs The Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS) is North America’s related to the kitchen and bath segment first displayed here its visit, found some interesting insights on the industry. Please note that we will be showcasing the second part of premier annual event dedicated to the kitchen and bath and later on spread through-out the world. The event covers In the coming pages, you will see 5 winning products from upcoming Special issue on Tiles, Bath & Kitchen. and bath industry! The Best of KBIS winners are: Wash and SmartBoost for Vibrato Faucet Best of Kitchen: Gold is Walker Zanger for Kaza Concrete Pullout Refrigerator industry. Going successfully since last 50 years, KBIS is known as the entire spectrum of related objects that include furniture the event as well as 10 products picked from the Best of KBIS. The annual competition that showcases the best of the kitchen Best in Show: Electrolux for Perfect Steam Washer w/ LuxCare Best of Bath: Silver is Robern for Balletto Vanity Best of Kitchen: Silver is Liebherr for Undercounter the voice of the kitchen and bath industry. Most of the trends accessories and surfaces as well. SURFACES REPORTER the event covering exclusive Bath & Kitchen segment in our ®, during Best of Bath: Gold is DXV by American Standard february 2016 SURFACES REPORTER 39 Showcase / Innovations @Domotex FloorIng InnovatIons InterestIng seen @Domotex 2016 DOMOTEX 2016, Germany is one of the leading events for global flooring and carpet industry. With 1,441 exhibitors from 59 countries and 45,000 trade visitors from more than 100 nations, DOMOTEX this year showed great innovations being done in the flooring industry. SURFACES REPORTER® presents an exclusive showcase of innovations at DOMOTEX. Send us your reviews at Press@surfaces.in and keep reading this space to see a more comprehensive coverage of the event in the upcoming issues. Spina Modulare of Creator Line by 509.1 mm) makes innovative geometric Treviso and treated with a water-wax solution. by Parchettifio Garbelottto herringbone and diamond patterns possible. The Modular formats of oak parquet (14 by 509.1 parquet is manufactured in-house in Italy near www.garbelotto.it 11 Flooring innovations best event on flooring. picked from the global San Miniato Opus Lignea by with high-quality, hand-made parquet flooring. stone and marble are incorporated in the form of Parchettificio Toscano In this product line, a variety of materials such artistic, exclusive intarsia floors. Since1930s, the company has been synonymous as wood, leather, steel, copper, bronze, slate, www.parchettificiatoscano.it february 2016 SURFACES REPORTER 50
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