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ESPON Workshop at the Open Days Brussels, 5 October 2010. Cooperation: the benefits of cooperating across internal and external borders. Cities as nodes of cooperation Selected results from the FOCI project Moritz Lennert, IGEAT-ULB. Scales of cooperation. Intra-metropolitan dynamics.
ESPON Workshop at the Open Days Brussels, 5 October 2010 Cooperation: the benefits of cooperating across internal and external borders Cities as nodes of cooperation Selected results from the FOCI project Moritz Lennert, IGEAT-ULB
Intra-metropolitan dynamics Typology of intra-urban dynamics in European LUZ, in the years 2000
Cities decoupling from their hinterland ? Change of disparities in the development level between the metropolis and its regional hinterland in 1995-2004
Cities embedded in national systems Share (%) of the total variance in total GDP (pps) growth between cities in Europe
Cities as gateways of global cooperation Continental gatekeepers and representatives for worldwide networks of multinational firms
Cities in firm networks FUA centralities in the network of multinational firms with a distance below 100km
Cities as nodes in connectivity networks City network daily return accessibility by rail between a selected list of metropolitan areas between 5h and 23h (time-table based)
Cities in networks of research and innovation Cooperation in selected Framework Programme research projects in the Eastern Balkans
Enhancing cooperation • Elements of difficulty for cooperation • Hindering factors linked to the institutional framework • heterogeneity of competences • limits of competencies • inadequacy of administrative boundaries in relation to the issues on the ground • limitations in financial resources of the respective administrative levels of the partnership • Hindering factors linked to the relationship between partners • competition between partners of similar weight • mistrust of small vs. bigger partners • inadequacy between city links and firm links • Elements favouring cooperation • Identification of concrete and reasonable objectives that are attractive for all partners • Identification of objectives requiring the joint intervention of all partners • Cross-border networks because of the particularly strong incoherences across borders, in fields such as transport, infrastructure provision, etc
Moritz Lennert IGEAT – ULB moritz.lennert@ulb.ac.be Thank you !