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Erwin M. Gierlinger UE-UA/PH-OÖ Erwin.gierlinger@ph-ooe.at http ://clilingmesoftly.wordpress.com

Erwin M. Gierlinger UE-UA/PH-OÖ Erwin.gierlinger@ph-ooe.at http ://clilingmesoftly.wordpress.com. CLIL HEAVEN. The content of the subject is in the forefront and I try to do this in English. But what about LANGUAGE?. CONTENT rules !.

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Erwin M. Gierlinger UE-UA/PH-OÖ Erwin.gierlinger@ph-ooe.at http ://clilingmesoftly.wordpress.com

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  1. Erwin M. Gierlinger UE-UA/PH-OÖ Erwin.gierlinger@ph-ooe.at http://clilingmesoftly.wordpress.com

  2. CLIL HEAVEN The contentofthesubjectis in theforefrontand I tryto do this in English But whatabout LANGUAGE? CONTENT rules! But whyshouldwebedoing CLIL at all iftherearenolanguagegoalspresent? … andwhose LIFE isitanyway? All education is language education, since language is a defining quality of what it means to be human


  4. CLIL Appropriate Language Measures CALM

  5. CLS – Cute LL Strategies • metacognitive strategies, • cognitive strategies, • social strategies, • affective strategies, • mnemonic strategies, • compensatory strategies

  6. CognitiveStrategies • Rehearsal: repeating the names of items or objects to be remembered • Organization: grouping and classifying words, terminology, or concepts according to their semantic or syntactic attributes • Inferencing: using information in text to guess meanings of new linguistic items, predict outcomes, or complete missing parts • Summarizing: synthesizing what one has heard to ensure the information has been retained • Deducing: applying rules to the understanding of language • Imagery: using visual images to understand and remember new verbal information • Transfer: using known linguistic information to facilitate a new learning task • Elaboration: linking ideas contained in new information, or integrating new ideas with known information

  7. MnemonicStrategies

  8. Ground rules for talk – the 3 Rs • We share our ideas and listen to each other. • We talk one at a time. • We respect each other's opinions • We give reasons to explain our ideas. • If we disagree we ask “why”? • We try to agree in the end.

  9. My personal readingchecklist

  10. Who am I as a languagelearner? • Talk about /reflect on thelanguagesthatyoualready „know“? Whatisyourlanguagebiography? • Whichisyourfavouritelanguageandwhy? Whatlanguage do youfeelmostconfident in? Why? • What do youlikeaboutotherlanguages? • What do you find difficult/easy aboutotherlanguages? • Whyhaveyoulearnt/studiedotherlanguages? • Are thereanyotherlanguagesthatyouwouldliketolearn? If so whichones, whyandhow? • Haveyoueverfeltembarrassed/confused/uneasy/marginalisedin a FL situation? What was itlike? • Are thereanyrecommendations/advicethatyoucouldgivetolearnersof a foreignlanguage?

  11. Us and them: The cultural aspect We Austrians/English are The Austrians/English are .... Austrian/English is

  12. CLIL andthe L1 • Explain the most important points in L1and carry out tasks in L2 • Bilingual mind maps • Use L2 texts with L1 introduction and/or summary • Gain information from L2 texts and analyse, discuss, evaluate them in L1 • Use language games bilingually, such as crosswords, memory, bingo • Bilingual, visual support materials • Create bilingual materials (L1/L2 version in wikipedia). • Sandwich Technique: L2 > L1> L2 (code-switching) • Code-mixing • Google translations • Suggestopedia/super learning: parallel texts

  13. LSD – languagespecificdynamics • Morphologytraining • Collocations: Frequent/typicalwordcombinations • General/Academic/Subject-specificlanguage • Subject-specificdiscourse/register • Key words

  14. Prefix – Suffix introduction „Renewableenergy?“ ,whatdoesthiswordmean?

  15. Language inventory – key vocabulary awareness

  16. Language inventory – key vocabulary awareness Take your key words hand-out and reflect on the lesson: • Do I remember any words from the teaching or teaching materials that could be added to the mind map or the grid? Make sure that you understand these words and check their meanings in a dictionary. • Pair work: Choose three words from the hand-out and explain them to your partner. Then it is your partner's turn. After this, each of you writes a meaningful sentence for each of the three words that you have heard and give it to your partner. Your partner checks whether the sentence is correct or not. • Pair work: Choose two keywords and compare your word families. Do you have the same words and if not would you like to add any of your partner's words? • Group work: Create a crossword puzzle. Using 10 words from your hand-outs create a crossword puzzle and challenge another group. • Group work/pair work: Create a quiz activity with multiple choice statements. Using six words from your hand-outs create a quiz with 4 multiple-choice statements and challenge another pair or group. Follow this design: • an XYZ is/XYZ means/causes/leads to/etc • an extinct animal (3 more statements where only one is correct!)

  17. CLIL Chemistry

  18. CLIL History

  19. Graphic organisers:http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/

  20. Webquests A WebQuestis an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the Internet. • http://bestwebquests.com/ • http://webquest.org/ • http://oncampus.richmond.edu/academics/education/projects/

  21. Home – Expert groups: Alternative energyresources Solar energy Geothermal energy Homegroup Alternative energysources: benefitsanddrawbacks Tidal power Wind power Biomassenergy

  22. The Net-generation Grandadcanyougo online andskypewithus? • Permanentlyconnected • SeekInnovation and Entertainment • Multimedia Technology • Videos, ipods, mobiles, etc. • Collaborating and Networking • Blogs, social networks, forms, wikis, etc. Don Tapscott “Grown up digital” Simon 3,6; Lara 1,10(2011-02-24)

  23. CLIL task: teachers • The research question. Which “grand” question should the student be able to answer by the time he/she finishes the chapter. • Provide a summary in easy, accessible English. • Make a language inventory. • Write a list of 5 “Test yourself questions”. These are to consolidate and reinforce learning • Which smart learningstrategies will beinvolved? • Whatmediacanbeutilised? • Howcan I turn itinto an „identityactivity/text“?

  24. CLILtask: Learners • In smallinterestgroupsdecide on a topicanddrawup a keyvocabularyinventoryof it. • Youmay Google yourtopic. Forexample, „volcanoesforkids“ andthendecide on yourkeywords. • Decideif there are any academic words that may be keywords for your topic. Include them in your inventory. http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/~alzsh3/acvocab/ Click on “word lists”. • Find usefulcollocationslinkedtoyourwords in a monolingualdictionaryandincludethem in yourgrid. • Design a languagegameoractivitytoconsolidateyourwords. Usefulwebsites: • http://jc-schools.net/tutorials/ppt-games/ • http://www.isabelperez.com/tesllinks2.htm#vocabulary • http://www.btinternet.com/~ted.power/games.htm

  25. Work in progress • Evaluation criteriaorsuccessindicators. • How do I knowmyimpact? How do I knowthatmystudentshaveachievedthis? • Whatistheempiricalsupportformyprinciples, procedures, measures, andtechniques? • And (how) doesit matter? • What‘stheroleofthe „L“ in CLIL? • Howcan CLIL becomemoreeffective? • If so in whatways?

  26. There is no recipe, no professional development set of worksheets, no new teaching method, and no band-aid remedy. It is a way of thinking: "My role, as teacher, is to evaluate the effect I have on my students. J. Hattie, 2012 Erwin M. Gierlinger UE-UA/PH-OÖ Erwin.gierlinger@ph-ooe.at http://clilingmesoftly.wordpress.com

  27. It‘s a visualworld • Drawings • Cartoons • Clip art • Graphicorganisers • Picture strip • Graphs, bars, charts • Video clips • Webquests • Realia • Any other visualisation

  28. „The Prime-Minister‘sresponse was extremelyunprimeministerial” BBC Radio 2, 19. October 2011

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