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Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management (OPTIMA) Zarqa River Basin Fourth management board meeting 19-21

Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management (OPTIMA) Zarqa River Basin Fourth management board meeting 19-21 December 2006 Milan, Italy. Project Team. Contribution to WP 00. Project coordination and administrative Month 1 to 36. Lead Partner: ESS, C 01

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Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management (OPTIMA) Zarqa River Basin Fourth management board meeting 19-21

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  1. Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management (OPTIMA) Zarqa River Basin Fourth management board meeting 19-21 December 2006 Milan, Italy

  2. Project Team

  3. Contribution to WP 00 Project coordination and administrative Month 1 to 36 • Lead Partner: ESS, C 01 • Level of Efforts by UJO 1 m/m • Activities: • Coordination with the Jordanian team • Supervising day-to-day activities • Communicating with other partners regarding various activities • Presenting the project objective and activities in media, meetings and conferences

  4. Contribution to WP 01 Requirements and Constraints Month 1 to 36 • Lead Partner FEEM, C 02 • Level of Efforts by UJO 2 m/m • Activities: • Stakeholders were identified • Gender information were obtained • Source of information were identified • Data availability against requirements were defined • Data constrains were identified Status: • D01 (D1.1 and D1.2) were submitted by FEEM

  5. Contribution to WP 02 Socio-Economic Framework Month 1 to 12 • Lead Partner IRMCO, C 06 • Level of Efforts by UJO 1 m/m • Activities: Tasks Completed Status: • D2.1, D2.2, D2.3 and D2.4 Completed

  6. Contribution to WP 03 Analytical Tools Month 3 to18 • Lead Partner ESS, C 01 • Level of Efforts by UJO 1 m/m • Activities: • Partly completed and the rest are in progress • WRM: completed for the baseline scenario • WRM: completed for the future scenario • Optimization model: completed output from WRM and constraints and Instrument are being tested • DMC: in progress and is being tested

  7. Contribution to WP 04 Data comilation analysis Month 6 to24 • Lead Partner INTERGEO, C 04 • Level of Efforts by UJO 4 m/m • Activities: • Water Technology Data Base • 4 Technologies has been entered • Desalination concerning Jordan case • Wastewater treatment • Irrigation water management • Water Harvesting • Rehabilitation of pipe network

  8. Activities: • Compilation, analysis and processing of data • GIS Data • Hydrologic data • Economic data • Institution data • Population data Status: D04.1 and D04.2 Completed

  9. Contribution to WP 05 Land use changes, RS and GIS data Month 6 to 24 • Lead Partner NCRS, C 08 • Level of Efforts by UJO 1 m/m • Activities: • Completed Status: • D 05.1 (land use data report completed)

  10. Contribution to WP 06 System Integration and Implementation Month 6-24 • Lead Partner ESS, C 01 • Level of Efforts by UJO 1 m/m • Activities: • Able to use the WRM from web server at ESS. • Use the forum, problem reporting, access to deliverable and other tools. Status: • D 06.1 completed

  11. Contribution to WP 10 Case Study Month 12-30 • Lead Partner UJO • Level of Efforts by UJO 1 m/m Status: • Problem analysis completed and submitted

  12. Base line Scenario • The basin is the most important basin in Jordan as it host more then 50% of the population. • The water resources system in the basin is very complicated as it consist of: • Groundwater for domestic, industry and agriculture • Inter basin transfer of groundwater for domestic uses • Pumping of surface water to Amman for domestic uses • Desalination of brackish water for Domestic and industry • Treatment of surface water for domestic • Wastewater treatment plant that discharge to river • Runoff water or catchments contribution to the river.

  13. The water quality issues due to the effluent coming out of the 4 treatment plants of BOD5 > 60 have created a quality issue for irrigation.

  14. Building the Baseline Scenario

  15. Stakeholders workshop

  16. The number of participants in this workshop was 30 persons representing all stakeholders that were already identified for the project and 9 from the University of Jordan and 3 from C zero. • They represent decision making bodies (Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment and Jordan Meteorological Department), research and academic institutions, industries, farmers, water distributing company, civil societies and NGOs. Most of the participants are at mid-level or high level management.

  17. The opinion of stakeholders to the most important problems.

  18. List of the most important objectives and votes of stakeholders

  19. Planned Action • The focal point for planned action was the Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI). A discussion was made between the different participants and decision makers and experts from the MWI. The planned actions that were formally approved by the MWI and might affect future optimization of water resources in the basin can be summarized as: • Additional Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) at Zarqa, west of Jarash and other sites within the basin. • Upgrade and expansion of existing WWTP's. • Reduction in groundwater extraction for irrigation and municipal use (by law). • Reallocation of water to high value products (industry and Municipal) • Conveyance of Disi water to Amman. • Desalinization of Zara-Ma'een and Abu Zighan water. • Red Sea- Dead Sea Canal (after 2020).

  20. Steering Committee Meeting

  21. Steering Committee Members

  22. Set of Constraints

  23. New Scenario 2010 Based on the contact with the stakeholder and meeting with the steering committee, a new scenario has been built taking into consideration all changes that might occur from 2004 to 2010. • Population growth from 2.72 to 3.3 million. • New supplies of water like Disi • New treatment plants • Expansion of cities

  24. Contribution to WP 14 Evaluation: post-optimal analysis Month 13-33 • Lead Partner COR • Level of Efforts by UJO 1 m/m Involvement of stakeholder • Interaction on the first workshop • Direct and phone contact regarding constraints • Steering committee meetings • Data collection and verification from MWI

  25. Contribution to WP 15 Comparative analysis: generic lessons and best practice Month 25-36 • Lead Partner ARD, 09 • Level of Efforts by UJO 3 m/m Status: • Organize Jordan case study results in a common conceptual framework within a common set of indicators for further analysis

  26. Contribution to WP 16 Dissemination and exploitation Month 3-36 • Lead Partner IRMCO, 06 • Level of Efforts by UJO 2 m/m • Activities: • The project has been posted at the UNESCO Chair website under the domain of the university of Jordan. www.ju.edu.jo/unesco • The objectives of the project and some of its results have been presented in the Mediterranean water seminar which was organized on Oct. 10, 2006 jointly between UNESCO Chair and the Spanish Cultural Institute of the Spanish Embassy in Amman.

  27. Thank you for your patient

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