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Working to Create “A Life Like Yours” (ALLY). Home and Community Based Medicaid Waivers. History Advocacy Education Information and Referral DD Waiver Case Management Guardianship Pooled Special Needs Trusts. The Arc of Northern Virginia: Who we are and What we do.
Working to Create “A Life Like Yours” (ALLY) Home and Community Based Medicaid Waivers
History • Advocacy • Education • Information and Referral • DD Waiver Case Management • Guardianship • Pooled Special Needs Trusts The Arc of Northern Virginia: Who we are and What we do
Purpose and Description of Medicaid Waivers • Eligibility Criteria • Waiver Services Definitions • Waiver Services for each Waiver • Screening Process/Summary & Criteria • Other Steps Outline
Waivers give States the flexibility to offer services to an individual in the community rather than living and receiving services in an institution. Purpose of the Waivers
What is a Medicaid Waiver? Medicaid: Medicaid is what pays for the services you can receive from a Medicaid Waiver Waiver: Waiving the choice of institutional placement and choosing to accept services in the community
Six Waivers in Virginia Elderly or Disabled with Consumer Direction Waiver (EDCD)- now include the HIV/AIDS Waiver Individual and Families with Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD Waiver) Intellectual Disability/formerly Mental Retardation Waiver (ID/MR Waiver) Day Support Waiver Technology Assisted Waiver (Tech) Alzheimer’s Assisted Living Waiver (AAL Waiver)
Three Criteria to Determine Eligibility 1) Financial Eligibility Criteria 2) Diagnostic Criteria 3) Functional Criteria
Financial Eligibility for State Plan Medicaid Categorical Criteria Disabled or age 65 or older Families with children Pregnant women Recipients of cash assistance Low income Medicare beneficiaries Financial Thresholds Low income and asset guidelines (up to 80%) of Federal Poverty Level Thresholds vary by category group Consideration of exceptionally high medical bills (spend-down) Parental income/resources DO count for minor children
Financial Eligibility for Medicaid Long Term Care (Waivers and Institutions) Categorical Criteria Must Need Long-term Care Criteria defined for each Waiver Assessment of need requiredFinancial Thresholds $2130 per month (gross income) Spend-down for 4 of the Waivers $2000 resource limit Parent income/resources do NOT count regardless of child’s age
Financial EligibilityIf someone has applied for the Waiver, does this mean they have applied for Medicaid? No! These are two separate process! To apply for Medicaid, contact the local Department of Social Services!
Financial EligibilityThe household income is too high to qualify for Medicaid, should the individual still apply for a waiver? Yes! You CAN be on the waiting lists without receiving Medicaid benefits. Once a slot becomes available, you can apply for Medicaid under the “Long Term Care/Institutional Rules”. And remember, different rules apply when it is State Plan Medicaid versus “long term care” Medicaid!
Explore a Special Needs Trust Like The Arc of Northern VA’s Pooled Trust • A SNT is a legal document designed to: • Provide benefit to & protect the assets of a person with a disability while allowing the individual to be qualified for and receive government benefits, such as Medicaid, Medicaid Waivers and Supplemental Security Income. • For more information, contact: • Tia Marsili, Director of Trusts • tmarsili@thearcofnova.org • (703) 532-3214 x115 • www.thearcofnovatrust.com
Diagnostic Eligibility EDCD Waiver Individuals who have significant medical needs. The criteria used to determine eligibility is the nursing home criteria. Day Support Waiver Individuals with ID/MR who have been determined to meet two of the Level of Functioning Criteria. Technology Assisted Waiver Individuals who require ongoing skilled nursing care. Individuals 21 and older who are dependent at least part of each day on a mechanical ventilator or meet complex tracheotomy criteria. Individuals under the age of 21 who meet certain criteria based on various methods of respiratory or nutritional support
Diagnostic Eligibility ID Waiver Must have a diagnosis of ID or be under the age of 6 and at developmental risk Children on the ID Waiver who do not have a diagnosis of ID/MR at the age of 6, possible transfer to DD Waiver IQ Score (70 or below) and psychological testing is required! DD Waiver Must be 5 years and 9 months of age and have a developmental disability or “related condition” to apply Cannot have a diagnosis of an intellectual disability IQ Score (71 or above) and psychological testing is required!
Functional Criteria ID, DD, and Day Support Waivers: All individuals must meet the Intermediate Care Facility-Intellectual Disability (ICF-ID) level of care. This is established by meeting the indicated dependency level in two or more of the categories on the Level of Functioning Survey. Categories include: Health Status, Communication, Task Learning Skills, Personal/Self Care, Mobility, Behavior, and Community Living Skills. View the LOF Survey online: http://www.dbhds.virginia.gov/documents/forms/1157eMRwaiver.pdf EDCD, Alzheimer’s, and Technology Waivers: Individuals must meet the nursing facility eligibility criteria determined by using the Universal Assessment Instrument (UAI) Assesses social, physical health and functional abilities
Waiver Services Definitions Personal / Attendant Care Respite Care Companion Care Day Support In Home Residential Assistive Technology Environmental Modifications Personal Emergency Response Transition Services
Waiver Services DefinitionsOptions of Care Agency Directed Care that is rendered by a Medicaid approved agency The agency hires and manages and pays the workers The agency submits the paperwork necessary for payment to DMAS Consumer Directed Workers are directly hired and managed by the individual receiving the DD Waiver support services The individual, or their family if the client is a child or is unable to manage the task, is responsible for managing all aspects of the employment relationship, including recruiting, hiring, training, supervising, ensuring payment through DMAS, and firing if needed There is a service facilitator to assist you with this process
Waiver ServicesOffered by the EDCD Waiver No Case Management Service DMAS Contracted Providers including institution, facility, agency, partnership, corporation, or association Personal Care Aide Services Adult Day Health Care Respite Care Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) Medication Monitoring Consumer-Directed Services Transition Services
Waiver ServicesOffered by the Tech Waiver Case Managed by DMAS Personal care (Adults Only) Private duty nursing Respite care Environmental Modifications Assistive Technology Personal Emergency Response System
Waiver ServicesOffered by the Day Support Waiver • Case Management by the Local CSBs • Day support services • Prevocational services • Supportive Employment
Waiver ServicesOffered by the ID Waiver Support Coordination provided by local CSB Day support Supported employment Personal or Attendant Care Respite care In-Home Residential Support Adult Companion Care Assistive technology Environmental modifications Therapeutic consultations Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) Transition Services (from institution to community via Money Follows the Person Program) In addition to these the ID Waiver also offers • Residential support (group home, sponsored placement, 24 hour-care)
Waiver ServicesOffered by the DD Waiver Case Managed by Private Non-Profit Organizations contracted with DMAS, such as The Arc of Northern Virginia Supported employment Day Support Personal or Attendant Care Respite care In-Home Residential Support Adult Companion Care Assistive technology Environmental modifications Therapeutic consultations Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) Transition coordination from an institution to the community
Screening ProcessesEDCD Waiver EDCD Waiver Call your local Department of Health or Department of Social Services for intake Alexandria (703-746-5700), Arlington (703-228-1350), Fairfax (703-324-7500) Set up Screening and intake appointment with Social Worker Schedule visit with the nurse Meet with local County case worker Meet with Home Health Care Agency or Service Facilitator Waiting List None – just the process of intake
Screening ProcessesTechnology Assisted Waiver Technology Assisted Waiver • DMAS conducts the screenings for individuals under the age of 21 who request Tech Waiver services • Call 804-786-1465 or local Health Department or Department of Social Services • If hospitalized, the hospital social worker or discharge planner can assist in coordinating a screening with DMAS • Waiting List • None – just the process of intake
Screening ProcessesDay Support Waiver Steps: • Contact the local CSB for Screening information Waiting List • Limited number of slots (300) • First come, first serve • Allocated by state office of ID Services
Screening ProcessesID Waiver Screenings are conducted by the local CSBs • Arlington: 703-228-1700 • Alexandria: 703-746-3400 • Fairfax: 703-324-4400 (refer to ID Services) • Steps: • 1) Call your local CSB to complete a screening process • 2) Complete application they send to you • 3) Make and attend intake process at the CSB
Waiting ListID Waiver Urgent Criteria Primary Caregiver (s) is/are 55 years or older. Living with a primary caregiver who is providing the service voluntarily and without pay and they can’t continue care. There is a clear risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation. Primary caregiver has chronic or long term physical or psychiatric condition significantly limiting ability to provide care. Individual is aging out of a publicly funded residential placement or otherwise becoming homeless. Individual lives with the primary caregiver and there is a risk to the health or safety of the individual, primary caregiver, or other individual living in the home because individual’s behavior presents a risk to himself or others OR Physical care or medical needs cannot be managed by the primary caregiver even with generic or specialized support arranged by the CSB.
Recap of ID Waiver ID Waiver: In Virginia the ID Waiver waiting list is served based on need and region population Approximately 9,457 people have ID Waivers. Approximately 6,529 people are on the waiting lists. Over 3,762 of those are on the urgent care waiting list The waiting list grows at a rate of one person per day Numbers as of 10/01/13
Steps: 1) Complete the Screening Request Form Available on http://dmasva.dmas.virginia.gov/ or www.thearcofnova.org Send form to Regional Child Development Center: Alexandria - Veronica Aberle, Health Center - P: (703) 838-4300 F: (703) 746-4938 Arlington - Margaret Jones, Arlington HS P: (703) 228-1640 F: (703) 228-1126 Fairfax - Terri Morris, Fairfax Co. Health Dept P: (703) 246-8628 F: (703) 385-3681 2) Have an appointment with local Child Developmental Center (CDC) for Screening 3) Receive letter from CDC stating eligibility 4) Choose a Case Management Agency 5) Complete Plan of Care with Case Manager ***You are NOT on the waiting list until your screening and Plan of Care are completed! Screening ProcessesDD Waiver
Waiting List DD Waiver: • The DD Waiver waiting list is served on a first come, first serve basis. • 948 people have DD Waivers • 1,295 people are on the waiting list Numbers from DMAS as of 08/13
Medicaid Waiver Services(Source: VA Department of Medical Assistance Services 8/13)
While on the waiting list what else can you do? Depending on level of need and eligibility criteria, you can apply for other waivers: You can NOT be on both the ID Waiver List and the DD Waiver List. You CAN be on either the ID Waiver list OR the DD Waiver list AND Receive or be on the list for the Elderly or Disabled with Consumer Directed Services Waiver (EDCD), Day Support or the Technology Waivers. Call your county for case management and other locally funded services or resources that may be available to you. Utilize the Individuals and Families Support Program Funding Up to $3,000 per year for supports to serve you in the community Read more at http://www.dbhds.virginia.gov/ODS-default.htm Available September 3, 2013 and subsequently on July 1 each year Access START Crisis Services- 24 hour crisis response and respite for people with ID/DD and behavioral or mental health needs who are over 18 years old 885-89-START
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Where Do I Go For More Information? All Waivers: Virginia Medicaid Waiver Technical Assistance Center 866-323-1088 (toll free) 1-804-786-1465 http://dmasva.dmas.virginia.gov ID Waiver: http://www.dbhds.virginia.gov/ODS-MRWaiver.htm UAI Manual (Universal Assessment Instrument): http://www.dmas.virginia.gov/Content_atchs/ltc/ltc-uai_umnl.pdf Local Community Services Board Arlington: 703-228-1700 Alexandria: 703-746-3400 Fairfax: 703-324-4400
Thank you! • The Arc of Northern Virginia 2755 Hartland Road Falls Church, VA 22043 • Lisa.Fong@TheArcofNova.org • 703-532-3214 Ext 108 • www.thearcofnova.org