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Aneta Stefanovska Head of division for air quality monitoring

Air quality monitoring, assessment and reporting in Republic of Macedonia. Aneta Stefanovska Head of division for air quality monitoring Ministry of environment and physical planning. Sarajevo, 06-07 July 2011 Air quality kick off meeting. National Legislation.

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Aneta Stefanovska Head of division for air quality monitoring

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  1. Air quality monitoring, assessment and reporting in Republic of Macedonia AnetaStefanovska Head of division for air quality monitoring Ministry of environment and physical planning Sarajevo, 06-07 July 2011 Air quality kick off meeting

  2. National Legislation • Law on Ambient Air Quality (Official Gazette of RM no. 67/04; 92/07; 35/10) • Secondary legislation • Decree on limit and target values for levels and type of pollutants in the ambient air, alert and information thresholds; dead lines for achieving limit and target values for specific substances; margins of tolerance for limit value and target value and long term objectives for specific pollutants (Official Gazette of RM No. 50/05); • Rulebook on criteria, methods and procedures for evaluation of the ambient air quality (Official Gazette of RM No.82/06); • Rulebook on inventory and determination of the levels of the pollutant emissions in the ambient air in tones per year, for all types of duties, as well as other data needed for submission of the Program for monitoring the air in Europe (EMEP) (Official Gazette of the RM No. 142/07);

  3. National Legislation • Lists of zones and agglomerations for ambient air quality (Official Gazette of RM no.23/2009); • Rulebook on content and manner for preparation of National plan on air protection (Official Gazette of RM No.108/2009); • Rulebook on content and manner for preparation of Programs for air improvement and protection (Official Gazette of RM No.108/2009); • Rulebook on content and manner for preparation of Action plans for air protection (Official Gazette of RM No.108/2009); • Rulebook of methodology for monitoring of ambient air quality (Official Gazette of RM No.138/2009); • Rulebook on the contents and the manner of transmission of data and information on the status of the ambient air quality management (Official Gazette of RM No.138/2009);

  4. National Legislation • Rulebook for methodology for inventory taking and identification of the levels of emissions of pollutants in the ambient air in tons per year for all types of activities, as well as other data required to be submitted under the Programme for air monitoring in Europe (EMEP) (Official Gazette of RM No.2/2010) • Rulebook on the limit values of permissible levels of emissions and types of polluting substances in waste gases and vapors released from stationary sources into the air (141/2010); • Rulebook on the form, methodology and manner of handling and maintains of Cadastre of pollutants and polluter, Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No 92/2010 • Rulebook on the equipment, devices, instruments and appropriate facilities requirements for entities performing professional matters for ambient air quality monitoring • Rulebook on the form and the content of the forms for submitting data for emissions in the ambient air from stationary sources, the manner and time period of data delivering, according to the capacity of the installation, the content and manner of keeping diary for emissions in the ambient air

  5. National Legislation The following rulebooks are in preparation phase: • Draft Decree for determination of the combustion installations which should take measures for protection of ambient air from the pollution, through reducing emissions of some pollutants into the air • Draft Rulebook for methods, manner and methodology for air emissions measurements from stationary sources

  6. EU legislation

  7. National policy documents • In the frame of the on-going UNECE project for ratification and implementation of the three last protocols under the LRTAP convention financed by Netherland the preparation of the following documents is underway: • National plan for air quality protection • National plan for emission reduction • Both documents should be ready until end of 2011

  8. International conventions • Convention on long range trans-boundary air pollution (CLRTAP) • is taken by succession from Yugoslavia • (it was signed in 1991) • Eight protocols under the CLRTAP have been ratified during 2010 year • United Nation framework convention for climate change (UNFCCC) • Kyoto protocol has been ratified

  9. Institutions performing air quality monitoring in the Republic of Macedonia • Public Health Institutes • Public Health Institute - Skopje, which has established monitoring network for measuring the concentrations of SO2, black smoke, aerosediment, CO and lead at 7 measuring points in the City • Public Health Institute - Veles measures SO2, black smoke and aerosediment at 3 measuring points in the City • Public Health Institute in Kumanovo, Kocani, Tetovo, Bitola, Ohrid, Prilep and Stip monitor aerosediment • Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning • Hydro-meteorological Administration • (stopped the measurements)

  10. Establishment of SAQMS • Year 1998 • JICA - Study “Monitoring of air pollution in Republic of Macedonia” • 4 monitoring stations in Skopje and Central station (MEPP) • Year 2002 • PHARE COP '99 - 3 monitoring stations and 3 High Volume Sampler (HVS) • Year 2004 • CARDS 2001 - 8 monitoring stations and 1 High Volume Sampler (HVS) and 6 Low Volume Sampler (LVS) • Calibration laboratory, Balance room and Service car • Year 2011 • IPA 2008 – 2 monitoring stations

  11. State Air Quality monitoring system

  12. Monitoring stations

  13. State Air Quality monitoring system THERMO Electron Corporation Measuring methodologies : • The Model 43C pulsed fluorescence SO2 analyzer • The Model 42C ChemiluminescenceNO-NO2-NOx analyzer • The Model 48C Gas Filter Correlation (GFC) CO analyzer (infrared absorption) • The Model 49C UV photometric ozone analyzer • PM analyzer: FH 62 I-R; b-ray absorption

  14. Calibration Laboratory • Established in May 2004 • Calibration of the referent analyzers with primary static injection system • Determine the correlation between primary calibration method and other methods that we use • secondary dynamic dilution system • gas transfer standard • field calibrator

  15. High and Low volume samplers

  16. PM10 and HM measurements procedures • Collected Samples (24h) are transported in Central Laboratory • PM10 is measured gravimetrically • Filters are prepared by prEN14902:2005 standard • Samples are analyzed by ICP • In 2006 indicative measurements were carried on for: PM10; As; Cd; Hg; Ni; Cr; Fe; V; Mn; Pb; Cu; Zn andMg.

  17. Data Collection, validation and processing

  18. CENTRAL STATION • CAS (Central Acquisition system) • Wincentral • SQL View • ISOgen • Collector

  19. DATA VALIDATION • Database based on MS SQL Server 2000 • User interface on macedonian language • Used as an application for air quality data management • It possesses a function for import of air quality data from automatic station • It possesses a function for export of validated air quality data for further treatment • The source code is not available


  21. REPORTS Daily reports • State inspectorate of environment • City center for information and warning • City of Skopje – Unit for environment Monthly report • Hydro meteorological administration • Republic institute for health protection • Institutes for health protection • Municipalities Annual report Preliminary assessment report

  22. INTERNATIONAL REPORTING Current reporting towards EEA and EC • EoI data (97/101/EC) • Monthly ozone data (2002/3/EC) • Summer ozone data (2002/3/EC) Future reporting towards EEA and EC • Annual report on air quality (questionnaire 2004/461/EC) • Near real time reporting for Ozone

  23. Preliminary assessment of air quality • Improved preliminary assessment report -Twining project “Air Quality improvement” CARDS 2005 programme • These three main assessment methods were used for preliminary air quality assessment: • air quality measurements for the period 2005 – 2007 from the State air quality monitoring system • air emission inventories • Cadastre of polluters and pollutants in Republic of Macedonia • CORINAIR emission inventory • air pollution modelling



  26. TwiningProject • Twining project “Strengthening the central and local level capacities for environmental management in the area of air quality” • MS countries: Finland, Austria and Italy • Duration 2 years: September 2010 – September2012 • Improvement of air quality assessment • Introduction of dispersion modeling • Preparation for accreditation of calibration laboratory • Establishment of air quality information system • Preparation of pilot action plan and program for air quality protection for city of Bitola

  27. Overall problems • Regular service and maintenance of the monitoring stations • Problem with realization of procurement of spare parts, calibration gas bottles • Lack of employees

  28. Future steps • Preparing the accreditation of calibration laboratory • The SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) concerning all the relevant activities of the Calibration laboratory should be in use • Adopt the QA/QC procedure in full operation • Build up the uncertainty budget for the air quality measurements • Revision of the SAQMS according to the requirements of the CAFÉ directive

  29. FUTURE STEPS • Procurement of new Air quality information system • Automatic data validation • Data correction according to calibration • Development of the air quality web portal • Air quality data in real time

  30. What kind of support do we expect? • Training for implementation of QA/QC procedures in calibration laboratory • Support in further implementation of the CAFÉ directive • Determination of the chemical composition of PM2.5at rural site • Air quality data analysis and source apportionment studies • Financial support for participation to the inter-comparison exercises organized by EC/JRC and by WHO • Financial support for participation tothe meetings of AQUILA group

  31. Thank you very much for your attention

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