To each nation corresponds a certain type of constitution. There are no perfect nations as there are no perfect constitutions. In antiquity Solon, a philosopher of law, being invited to elaborate a constitution he put the following question to the rulers :,,tell me for hat time and what nation?”. The constitution reflect the historical moment in which was elaborated and an act of improvement, completion, amendment should be perceived with trust, being nothing more than an act of normality.
1.To return to a 4 years presidential mandate and not 5 years which is now. Organizing presidential elections in the same year with the local and parliamentary ones. • 2.The president not to have the power to dissolve the Parliament under no condition, the Parliament being the supreme institution of the Romanian people. • 3.The possibility to suspend the president with the same number of votes to which he had been elected. It is deeply unfair as a nation to elect a president but not to have the possibility to suspend him when he did not respect the Constitution.
4. The suspension of the ministries investigated by the prosecution is the exclusive attribute of the prime- minister who is liable for the activity of his ministers. • 5. Doubling the maximum punishments for those who commit offenses during their exercise of a public function ( this is motivated by the fact that they represent the law, are taking notice of it, but they knowingly violate it ). • 6. The maximum punishment with life sentence does not offer the possibility of probation for those who commit offense of aggravated homicide, traffic with drugs and sexual acts with a minor. A pedophile can not easily escape from jail by various legal tricks or the suspension of the punishment.
7. The prohibition of political transits. The senator or the deputy who chooses to resign and inscribe himself in another political formation automatically loses its mandate. • 8. The Ombudsman is named by the parliament for a duration of 5 years for the defense of the rights and liberties of the persons, since the parliament is the expression of the will of the people. • 9. The nomination of the judges is performed by the president, along with the Romanian Parliament and not just by the president, since one single person, even if it is the president, must not acquire such a serious responsibility and there must be a greater transparency.
10. The penal and financial liability of the judges in the case of certain very serious judicial errors. The payments of damages in case of a wrong decision will be the responsibility of the judge who pronounced the sentence. Romania has an impressive number of trials won by its citizens related to C.E.D.O and important amounts of money that need to be paid to the state budget. In the future, the payments will be made by those who have pronounced completely erroneous sentences.