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Increase taqwa to Allah, avoid wrongdoings in the sacred month of Rajab, prepare for Ramadan, build spiritual serenity, strengthen relationships, beware of false information, engage in acts of worship, seek forgiveness, improve character.
FRIDAY SERMON 12 Rajab 1436H / 1 May 2015 Understanding The Virtues Of The Month Of Rajab
Blessed Friday Jemaah, • Let us strive together to increase our taqwa to Allah. Let us be consistent (istiqamah) in fulfilling what Allah has commanded upon us, and avoid what He has prohibited upon us.
May our sense of taqwa toward Allah s.w.t. further strengthen the faith (iman) in our hearts.
Respected jemaah, • We are now in the month of Rajab, the seventh month in the Islamic calendar.
Rajab is one of the months of Ashhurul Hurum, the months where the Arabs during the time of Rasulullah s.a.w. were prohibited from going to war.
These “forbidden” months are mentioned in Surah al-Taubah verse 36:
Which means: • “Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve [lunar] months in the register of Allah [from] the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred. That is the correct religion, so do not wrong yourselves during them”.
The forbidden months referred to in the verse are Zulqaedah, Zulhijjah, Rajab and Muharram.
The scholars have discussed about what is meant when Allah says: “so do not wrong yourselves during them (the forbidden months)”.
Imam as-Syaukani in his tafsir Fathul Qadir explained that the verse referred to war, and any acts that lead to oppression and injustice.
Hence, from here we understand that among others, the forbidden months are aimed at softening our hearts and purifying our souls from feelings of anger, hatred, revenge and other diseases of the heart that can affect our spiritual health and the well being of our akhlak (character).
This becomes even more pertinent as the month of Rajab will be followed by Syaaban, before we greet the blessed month of Ramadan.
Hence, Allah’s command to prevent ourselves from being embroiled in enmity, hatred, hostility, vengeful acts and rows during Rajab somewhat signifies a reminder to us to develop spiritual serenity before the arrival of Ramadan.
With a calm heart, insyaAllah we will be able to focus and better devote ourselves to acts of worship during Syaaban and eventually, reach the peak in Ramadan.
We also need to realise that while we strengthen our relationship with Allah, we also need to improve on our relationships with fellow humankind.
We need to free our hearts from anger and hatred to allow our hearts to feel the mercy and love of Allah s.w.t. during Ramadan.
Beloved jemaah, • In our excitement to share the goodness of Rajab, we must be careful and discerning in receiving and spreading religious information by ensuring its truth and authenticity.
We know that there are several false hadiths that talk about specific rewards that one can reap during the month of Rajab.
In fact, well-known scholars such as Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani have written books on the matter.
However, there are also acts that are encouraged during Rajab, including increasing istighfar and to fast.
Once, Rasulullah s.a.w. was approached by a companion who sought his permission to increase fasting in the month of Rajab.
Rasulullah s.a.w. said: “Fast for a few days during the forbidden months and leave behind part of it.” • [Hadith narrated by Abu Daud]
Imam al-Asqalani in writing about these additional deeds explained that as long as there is religious evidence and supporting proofs for an act, then it is not wrong for a person to act upon it and it is not a forbidden bid’ah.
Hence, one could perform fasting and increase making istighfar in Rajab, because there is a basis for it.
An example is the verse in Surah Nuh of the Qur’an which calls upon the Believers to constantly seek forgiveness from Allah s.w.t and repent to Him.
Which means: • “(And Noah said) 'Ask forgiveness from your Lord; for He is Oft-Forgiving”. • [Surah Nuh verse 10]
In addition to this, Rasulullah s.a.w. also calls upon us to increase our “stock of deeds” through kind acts and good akhlak.
Our beloved messenger, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said in a hadith reported by Imam Al-Bukhari: • Which means: “Every act of welfare is charity (sadaqah)”.
Subhanallah! Such is the beauty of how Rasulullah educated the ummah to instil good manners and values in every Muslim.
Every act of welfare will be our “stock” to improve our akhlak. And the more a person’s akhlak and character is improved, the higher a person’s level of faith (iman) is, InsyaAllah.
My beloved jemaah, • Do not ever forget that we are forbidden to oppress each other during this forbidden month.
Let it not be that in our zeal to remind others about the false hadiths regarding the specific rewards of Rajab, we get carried away and end up weakening their resolve and spirit to do good deeds in this month.
Be extra careful in sharing hadith to ensure that we do not spread false hadith and cause confusion.
Jemaah, • Let us also take advantage of this month of Rajab to improve our relationship with others, family members and friends alike.
Take heed from this month of Rajab to control our anger and forgive others of their mistakes.
If we have severed ties with others, take the first step to reconnect with them and re-establish the friendship.
Let it not be that because of our ignorant act in severing ties with others, Allah then severs His ties with us.
Remember what Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. warned us: • “A person who severs ties will not enter jannah” • [Hadith narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari].
Hopefully by improving our relationship with others, Allah will also beautify our relationship with Him.
Hopefully by preparing our hearts and our spirituality in this month of Rajab, Allah will shower us with His barakah in this month as well as Syaaban, and enable us to welcome the blessed month of Ramadan. Amin ya Rabbal ‘alamin.
O servant of Allah, remember that this world is a place for temporary lodging. Truly, hereafter is the everlasting and permanent abode. So let us devote to Allah to gain happiness and saving us from the punishment of hellfire.
Which means: “Indeed Allah confers blessing upon the prophet and His angels (ask Him to do so). O! You who have believed, ask Allah to confer blessing upon him and ask Allah to grant him peace.”
Let us pray that may Allah SWT be please with the khalifahs of Rasulullah s.a.w i.e Sayyidina Abu Bakr al-Siddiq r.a., Sayyidina Umar al-Khattab r.a., Sayyinda Uthman ibn Affan r.a., Sayyidina Ali ibn Abi Thalib r.a.
And to his companions who struggle to uphold the religion of Allah, also to his uncles Sayyidina Hamzah and Sayyidina Abbas r.a. and to his granchildren Sayyidina Hassan and Sayyidina Hussain r.a., his daughters Sayyidatina Fatimah al-Zahraa’, his wives Sayyidatina Khadijah and Sayyidatina Aisyah r.a. and the other wives. Followed by his family, companions, followers of the companions and those who come after them from time to time until the end of the world.