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Effective Variance Reduction Techniques for MCNP6 at ESS ICANS XXIII

Learn about ADVANTG, CADIS, & FW-CADIS to optimize event tallies & improve convergence in Monte Carlo simulations. Overcome ADVANTG limitations with practical solutions like adapting to new MCNP6 parameters.

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Effective Variance Reduction Techniques for MCNP6 at ESS ICANS XXIII

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  1. Application of ADVANTG Variance Reduction Parameters for MCNP6 at ESS ICANS XXIII, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA Thomas M. Miller, Douglas Di Julio, & Valentina Santoro Spallation Physics Group, Target Division www.europeanspallationsource.se October 17, 2019

  2. Outline • Brief introduction to ADVANTG • CADIS • FW-CADIS • How we deal with the some of the limitations of ADVANTG • Example applications • Accelerator • Target • Neutron beamline

  3. ADVANTG [1] • What does ADVANTG do? • It generates variance reduction parameters for you, in an automated fashion • This includes weight windows and consistent biased source distributions • How does it work, in words… • ADVANTG will discretize your MCNP5 input creating a Denovo input • Denovo will run an adjoint transport simulation of your problem calculating energy and spatial dependent adjoint fluxes and estimate the MCNP tally response(s) • ADVANTG will use the Denovo adjoint fluxes and estimates of the tally response(s) to generate weight windows and a consistent biased source

  4. CADIS • CADIS - Consistent Adjoint Driven Importance Sampling, creates an importance map and source biasing that work together • Intended for a source / detector problem. Multiple sources is fine, but not ideal for multiple detectors • Depends on the problem geometry, materials, and tally definition • Does NOT depend on the Monte Carlo (forward) source • Key idea when using ADVANTG • One only needs an approximate (coarse) adjoint solution to provide significantly improved tally convergence • If one has an exact adjoint solution, the Monte Carlo simulation is not needed • How does CADIS work, a little math…

  5. CADIS [2,3] • Define the adjoint source • Solve for the adjoint flux • Estimate the response • Construct weight windows and biased source

  6. FW-CADIS • Forward Weighted CADIS provides a method to generate variance reduction parameters for multiple tallies • Like CADIS, depends on the problem geometry, materials, and tally definition, but also depends on the Monte Carlo (forward) source • CADIS with multiple tallies (detectors) will usually produce uneven statistical uncertainties for the different tallies • FW-CADIS intends to produce tallies with similar statistical uncertainties. • How does FW-CADIS work • Words… Runs a forward Denovo to estimate the tally responses and weights the adjoint sources by these estimates of the responses. Then the same as CADIS • Still simple math…

  7. FW-CADIS [4] • CADIS quantifies importance as expected contribution to • Multiple tallies without FW (regular CADIS) • This optimizes the total response • Contributions to the largest magnitude response(s) have high importance • Low-magnitude responses will tend to be neglected • Multiple tallies with FW • This optimizes all responses simultaneously • Contributions to high and low-magnitude responses have equal importance

  8. Dealing with ADVANTG Limitations • ADVANTG version 3 was developed for MCNP5 • Limited to table based cross section, usually 20 MeV or less • Limited to a single neutron or photon source • Does not understand input parameters new to MCNP6/X • New MCNP6/X Input Parameters • ADVANTG reads the MCNP5 runtpe file to pass all necessary information from MCNP to Denovo • Simplest solution guaranteed to work • Make a copy of your MCNP6/X input and comment out / delete any non-MCNP5 input data • Copy new input data generated by ADVANTG from output/inp_edits.txt to your original MCNP6/X input file • Elegant solution, but not guaranteed to work • Use the ADVANTG input mcnp_input_template, however, this sometimes fails to work

  9. Dealing with ADVANTG Limitations • Table based cross sections, usually ≤ 20 MeV • This applies to MCNP5, but also Denovo • MCNP6/X alleviate this restriction for MCNP • For Denovo the HILO2k library [5] is now included with ADVANTG 3.0.3 (but not documented) • Pros • Neutron cross sections up to 2 GeV • Legendre coefficients up to P9 • Cons • Cross sections for only 32 elements / isotopes • Data below 20 MeV based on ENDF/B-V • Photon cross sections up to 20 MeV • Short term need – collapse HILO2k from 105 groups to 20 – 30 groups • Long term need – Develop a new cross section library

  10. Dealing with ADVANTG Limitations • Neutron OR photon source • 6/X can have sources with more than one particle species • Run ADVANTG for neutron and photon source separately • What about particles other than neutrons or photons, like protons • Run an MCNP6/X simulation with your source and a mesh tally of neutrons and/or photons • Convert the mesh tally to an SDEF (collapse each cell in mesh tally to a point source) • For some applications at ESS, we ignore the photons created by protons and focus on the neutrons and their secondary photons • Shielding or activation outside the monolith and along neutron beamlines • This simplification usually cannot be applied along the ESS proton beamline

  11. Dealing with ADVANTG Limitations • Normalization of WW • ADVANTG will normalize the WW based on the neutron or photon source and the estimated response • This normalization likely not appropriate for other particle species • Not a problem when other particles are nearly monoenergetic and have most particle producing reactions in a “small” volume (protons in ESS target) • Normalize WW such that average mid-point of WW in “small” volume and group for monoenergetic source is 1.0 • Have not attempted this along ESS proton beamline, e.g., 1 W/m beam loss source

  12. Dealing with ADVANTG Limitations • Narrow steaming paths • Monte Carlo codes have difficulty sampling narrow steaming gaps • Deterministic codes have difficulty resolving narrow streaming gaps (in spatial and angular dimensions) • To resolve forward peaked scattering of high energy particles, need high order Legendre polynomial representation of scattering cross sections • To resolve narrow streaming gaps spatially, very small mesh cells are needed • To resolve small scattering angles down a gap, a large number of quadrature angles are needed • These needs to resolve spatial and angular dimensions run counter to the philosophy of an approximate adjoint solution – a delicate balance is need • Consider ADVANTG input mcnp_ww_collapse_factor to include finer resolution in the Denovo simulation, but reduce the size of the WW input file

  13. Dealing with ADVANTG Limitations • Narrow steaming paths cont… • Little can be done regarding the resolution of the scattering cross sections and spatial mesh in Denovo • However, specialized quadrature sets can be used to help with the angular resolution in Denovo • The user must provide these themselves via ADVANTG inputs denovo_quadratureuserdefined and denovo_quad_file • A useful type of quadrature is the Gauss-Lobatto quadrature [6] set that has angles along the axis of the unit sphere

  14. Application to Proton Accelerator

  15. Proton Beamline Example • Analyze dose rate behind a temporary shielding wall in the accelerator tunnel during commissioning (”Occupancy area”) • The proton beam stop is a Faraday cup surrounded by shielding • Proton energies of 40 and 74 MeV were considered

  16. Proton Beamline Example • CADIS was used for this analysis because… • This avoided the need to generate a neutron and photon source for Denovo • The required tally was total dose on the back of the temporary shield wall (a mesh tally) • The response function was the same for all tallies (each cell of the mesh tally) • The spatial variation of the total dose on the back of the shield wall was not very large (not orders of magnitude)

  17. Proton Beamline Example • Mesh dose for 74 MeV protons (µSv/hr/µA) • Relative error

  18. Application to Target Monolith

  19. Target Monolith Example • Calculate the neutron dose rate everywhere in the connection cell • Dose in a number of materials, including Si, and biological dose • Use a proton source in the MCNP6 simulations, so generate a neutron source for ADVANTG / Denovo • Energy and spatial dependent flux mesh tally, convert to a series of energy dependent point sources

  20. Target Monolith Example • FW-CADIS was used for this analysis because… • It was not difficult to generate a neutron source for Denovo • Dose rates in several different materials were needed over a large mesh tally • These materials were not actually in the model, rather the KERMA approximation was used (F4 tally with FM card, similar to an F6 tally) • Regarding the neutron source generated for Denovo • See section 9.1 of the ADVANTG 3.0.3 manual, there are some limitations when building a source whose energy and spatial dependence is not completely separable

  21. Target Monolith Example • Mesh dose (µSv/hr) • Relative error

  22. Target Monolith Example • Default FW-CADIS behavior is to converge the total response, so only energy ranges that contribute the most the response will be well converged • To converge all energy ranges use input fwcadis_response_weighting false

  23. Application to Neutron Beamline

  24. Neutron Beamline Example • Calculate neutron dose rate along the NMX neutron beamline inside the bunker and just outside the bunker • This beamline is curving in the bunker and the outer bunker shielding • The source is the energy and angular dependent current of neutrons entering the beamline

  25. Neutron Beamline Example • FW-CADIS was used for this analysis because… • A neutron source readily available • Dose rate over a large mesh tally was needed, and there are significant amounts of shielding along portions of this tally • A Gauss-Lobatto quadrature was used with an angle on the polar axis, which was pointed down / parallel to the axis of the beamline • Without this specialized quadrature, the ADVANTG WWs induced a large amount of over splitting, causing the MCNP simulation to be inefficient

  26. Neutron Beamline Example • Adjoint solution / importance with Gauss-Lobatto quadrature

  27. Neutron Beamline Example • 150 MeV WWs

  28. Neutron Beamline Example • Mesh dose (µSv/hr) • Relative error

  29. Neutron Beamline Example • Results without ADVANTG WWs • 1e9 histories, 93.7 min, 192 cores • Dose entering bunker wall • 887 µSv/hr ± 14% • Figure-of-merit: 0.545 • Dose exiting bunker wall • No non-zero results • Results with ADVANTG WWs • 1e9 hist., 171.1 min (includes ADVANTG), 192 cores • Dose entering bunker wall • 958 µSv/hr ± 0.7% • Figure-of-merit: 119 • Speed Up: 218 • Dose exiting bunker wall • 2.8 µSv/hr ± 8.3% • Figure-of-merit: 0.848 • Speed Up: ? (infinite)

  30. References • ADVANTG 3.0.3 • [1] ORNL/TM-2013/416 Rev. 1, 2015 • CADIS • [2] Nuclear Science & Engineering, 128, 186-208, 1998 • [3] Progress of Nuclear Energy, 42(1), 2003 • FW-CADIS • [4] Nuclear Science and Engineering, 176, 37-57, 2014 • HILO2k cross sections • [5] Lillie & Gallmeier, “HILO2k: A New HILO Library to 2 GeV,” informal paper, available from RSICC as DLC-220, 2003 • Gauss-Lobatto quadrature • [6] Abramowitz & Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Chapter 25.4.32

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