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Development of quantitative coarse-grained simulation models for polymers

Development of quantitative coarse-grained simulation models for polymers. Shekhar Garde & Sanat Kumar Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute grant number #0313101. Graduate students: Harshit Patel & Sandeep Jain Collaborator: Hank Ashbaugh, LANL/Tulane

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Development of quantitative coarse-grained simulation models for polymers

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  1. Development of quantitative coarse-grained simulation models for polymers Shekhar Garde & Sanat Kumar Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute grant number #0313101 Graduate students: Harshit Patel & Sandeep Jain Collaborator: Hank Ashbaugh, LANL/Tulane Education/Outreach: New Visions, MoleculariumTM

  2. Motivation atactic -polypropylene polyethylene lamellar hexagonal bicontinuous Applications • Polymer blend phase behavior - Miscibility/immisciblity of polyolefins • Self-assembly of block copolymers to form novel micro-structured materials

  3. Hierarchy of Length and Time Scales molecular scale polymer coil polymer melt/continuum > 100 Å O(1sec) persistance length ~10Å ~ 100 Å 10-8 to 10 -4 sec bond length ~1Å 10 -15 to 10-12 sec

  4. Coarse-graining Examples: Lattice models or bead-spring chains, dissipative particle dynamics methods Basic idea: Integrate over (unimportant) degrees of freedom How do we coarse-grain atomically detailed systems without a significant loss of chemical information? Do coarse-grained systems provide correct description of structure, thermodynamics, and dynamics of a given atomic system?

  5. Coarse-graining of Polymer Simulations Goal: To develop coarse-grained descriptions to access longer length and timescales How do we derive physically consistent particle-particle interaction potentials? Coarse-grained description (t) Coarse-grained description (t + dt) Future work One CG particle describes n carbons of the detailed polymer Basic idea Atomistic system ( t ) Atomistic system ( t + dt )

  6. Coarse-graining method • Perform molecularly detailed simulations of polymers • Define coarse-grained beads by grouping backbone monomers • Calculate structural correlations between coarse-grained beads • Determine effective bead-bead interactions that reproduce coarse-grained correlations using Inverse Monte Carlo -- uniqueness?

  7. Detailed molecular dynamics simulations • Classical molecular dynamics • n-alkanes - C16 to C96 (M. Mondello et al. JCP 1998) • 50 to 100 chains • T = 403K P = 1 atm • time = 5 to 10 ns

  8. Coarse-graining intermolecular correlations 8mer-bead 1mer-bead 16mer-bead structural details are lost with increasing the level (n) of coarse-graining process

  9. Coarse Graining Intramolecular Correlations 13-intra 12-intra 14-intra

  10. Inverse Monte Carlo simulation choose a trial potential, e.g., j(r) = 0 update trial potential jnew(r) = jold(r) +fln[g(r)/gtarget(r)] run Monte Carlo simulation with trial potential done g(r) = gtarget(r) ? No Yes

  11. Coarse Grained Potential inter-bead interaction intra-bead interaction Etotal = Einter + Eintra = Spairsjinter(r) + S12pairsj12intra(r) + S13pairsj13intra(r) + S14pairsj14intra(r) + ...

  12. Inter-bead Interactions before IMC after IMC inter-bead radial distribution function effective interaction potential

  13. Intra-bead Interactions 14-intra-bead interactions 13-intra-bead interactions 12-intra-bead “bonded” interactions j14(r) j13(r) j12(r) potential (kT) r (Å) r (Å) r (Å)

  14. Oligomer conformation distribution radius of gyration distribution for C96 P(Rg) Rg(Å) CG method reproduces conformational statistics of molecular oligomers

  15. Radius of Gyration and Effect of Temperature T KEPIC Kexpt 403K 0.45 0.45 2Rg 2Rg 503K 0.40 0.42 CG excellent agreement with experiment

  16. Polymer Conformation Distribution radius of gyration distribution (403K) C96 C1000 C8000 ideal P(Rg*) Rg* = Rg / < Rg2 >1/2 polymer conformational space efficiently explored

  17. Buckyball Polymer Nanocomposites bead-ball distribution bead-ball interaction g(r) j (kT) r (Å) r (Å)

  18. Conclusions • CG method maps molecular scale correlations to coarse-grained potentials • Coarse grained potential simpler than molecular potential and can be extended to polymer simulations while preserving molecular identity • Not limited to polymeric species (e.g., buckyballs/ nanocomposites) • Path Forward - Polyolefin blends - Block copolymer assembly - Dynamics?

  19. Water molecule Hydra: H atom Biological world Mr. Carbone

  20. Thank you!

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