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Construction of the Second Temple

Construction of the Second Temple. Anna Justice, James Han, Shelby Jefcoat, Margaret Wickham. 66-73- During this time period the Jews revolted against Rome 70- Destruction of the Jerusalem and the Temple. 70-500 C.E.Period.

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Construction of the Second Temple

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  1. Construction of the Second Temple Anna Justice, James Han, Shelby Jefcoat, Margaret Wickham

  2. 66-73- During this time period the Jews revolted against Rome 70- Destruction of the Jerusalem and the Temple 70-500 C.E.Period

  3. 90-100-Gamaliel II excludes sectarians (including Christians) from the synagogues 114-117- During this time Jews revolted against Rome in Cyprus, Egypt, and Cyrene. The Great Synagogue and the Great Library in Alexandria are destroyed as well as the entire Jeiwsh community of Cyprus. Afterwards, Jews were forbidden on Cyprus. 70-500 C.E.

  4. 132-135- Bar Kokhba rebellion (Second Jewish Revolt). Roman forces kill an estimated half a million Jews and destroy 985 villages and 50 fortresses. 212- Roman Emperor Caracalla allows free Jews within the empire to become full Roman citizens. 70-500 C.E.

  5. 70-500 C.E. • 250- Babylonian Jews flourish (as does Manichaeism) under Persian King Shapur • 315- Code of Constantine limits rights of non-Christians, is Constantine's first anti-Jewish act. • 368- Jerusalem Talmud compiled • 410- Rome sacked by Visigoths • 425-Jewish office of Nasi/Prince abolished by Rome

  6. 426- Babylonian Talmud compiled. • 439- Theodosis enacts a code prohibiting Jews from holding important positions involving money. He also reenacts a law forbidding the building of new synagogues. • 500- Babylonian Talmud recorded. • After conquering Italy in 493, Ostrogoth king Theodoric issues an edict safeguarding the Jews and ensuring their right to determine civil disputes and freedom of worship.

  7. Jewish code of law In the form of Rabbinic discussions 2 Talmuds were written during this time Jerusalem Babylonian Talmud

  8. Jerusalem Talmud • A.k.a Palestinian Talmud or Talmud de-Eretz Yisrael (Talmud of the Land of Israel) • Written in 368CE • collection of Rabbinic notes on the 2nd-century Mishnah (Jewish oral tradition) • This along with the written discussions of generations of rabbis in the Land of Israel form the Gemarna

  9. Babylonian Talmud • Compiled in 426CE • A record of rabbinic discussions pertaining to Jewish law • The Talmud has two components: the Mishnah, the first written compendium of Judaism's Oral Law; and the Gemara(a discussion of the Mishnah and related Tannaitic writings)

  10. JewishTreatment (70CE-500CE) • 69 CE-Vespasian gives Yochanan ben Zakkai permission to establish a Jewish center for study at Yavneh. • 136 CE- Hadrian expunges Jews from Jerusalem. • 138-161 CE- Antoninus Pius, Hadrian's sucessor, repeals many of the previously instituted harsh policies towards Jews.

  11. Jewish Treatment (70CE-500CE) • 193-211 CE- Roman emperor Lucious Septimus Severus allowins Jews to participate in public offices and be exempt from formalities contrary to Judaism. However, he did not allow the Jews to convert anyone. • 212 CE- Roman Emperor Caracalla allows free Jews within the empire to become full Roman citizens.

  12. JewishTreatment (70CE-500CE) • 222 CE- Emperor Alexander Severus allowed for a revival of Jewish rights, including permission to visit Jerusalem. • 306 CE- The Council of Elvira, forbids intermarriage and social interaction with Jews. • 315 CE- Code of Constantine limits rights of non-Christians

  13. Theodosis enacts a code prohibiting Jews from holding important positions involving money. He also reenacts a law forbidding the building of new synagogues. Jewish Treatment (70CE-500CE)

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