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George Washington’s Socks

Chapters: 15-17. George Washington’s Socks. plundering the taking of goods or property by force. gnarled knotty or twisted. warily With care, cautiously . hallucinating Seeing or hearing something that is not really there. trinkets Small toys or objects of little or no value.

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George Washington’s Socks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapters: 15-17 George Washington’s Socks

  2. plundering the taking of goods or property by force

  3. gnarled knotty or twisted

  4. warily With care, cautiously

  5. hallucinating Seeing or hearing something that is not really there

  6. trinkets Small toys or objects of little or no value

  7. recognition To be noticed or given praise

  8. crucial Important or essential

  9. conviction A strong or firm belief

  10. dwarfed Something that is much less than normal size

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