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Infant Violence

Infant Violence. By : Celine Hatchwell Nicole Travezán Alonso Miro Quesada Rodrigo Guzmán. What to do if someone is being violent with you?  . 1. Talk with him / her why is she /he being violent with you

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Infant Violence

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Presentation Transcript

  1. InfantViolence By: Celine Hatchwell Nicole Travezán Alonso Miro Quesada Rodrigo Guzmán

  2. Whatto do ifsomeone is beingviolentwith you?  • 1. Talkwithhim/herwhy is she/he beingviolentwith you • 2. Ifhe/shedo notcareabout it you say it toyourparentsortoyourteacher. • IMPORTANT: Ifsomeonepunishes you, you do notneedtopunishhimtoo. The bestwayto repare a fight is…. TALKING, NOT FIGHTING

  3. You are violent and you do notknowwhy? • Onereason can be of thepuberty. You think you are thebiggestone and you startpunishing. • Otherreason can bebecause you do notlikesomeone so you startpunishingwithout a reason. • Anotherreason can bebecause you seemanyviolentthingor you playmanyviolentgames. • IMPORTANT: If you feel you are startingtobeviolent, do notworry, you can solveittalkingwithyourparentsorteacher.

  4. EXTRA • If you are violentwithsomeone, pleasethinkwhy are you beingviolentwithher/he and talkit. Knowingthiswe are goingtobe a betterschool and you are goingtobe a betterperson

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