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Understanding Learning and Teaching in a Digital Context

Understanding Learning and Teaching in a Digital Context Experience relevant for web-based distance teaching: C oordinator and main teacher of the web-based distance course Sociology of law 2007-2009 (1-30 credits)

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Understanding Learning and Teaching in a Digital Context

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  1. Understanding Learning and Teaching in a Digital Context Experience relevant for web-based distance teaching: Coordinator and main teacher of the web-based distance course Sociology of law 2007-2009 (1-30 credits) Coordinator of the web-based master’s programme Sociology of European Law 2010- (two-year) Head of research: Cybernorms Research Group 2010- Member of the management team for Lund University Internet Institute 2012-

  2. Understanding Learning and Teaching in a Digital Context • Reach more students • Make it work • Develop new teaching methods

  3. Understanding Learning and Teaching in a Digital Context Reach more students 2009: Why can’t we be as successful as the Master’s programme in sexology…? 2010: On Campus: Master’s programme in Sociology of Law: 3 applicants 2011: Web-based distance: Master’s programme in Sociology of European Law: 80 applicants 2012: Web-based distance: Master’s programme in Sociology of European Law: 200 applicants

  4. Understanding Learning and Teaching in a Digital Context Make it work…

  5. Understanding Learning and Teaching in a Digital Context Make it work Set Realistic Goals: The divide by 4 rule (50 percent early drop outs + 50 percent student completion). From 200 to 100 to 50… Implement a simple structure: provide students with a sense of security (a simple and repetitive structure using metaphors from campus teaching; e.g. sections, lectures, seminars, examination). Make use of the digital possibilities: make sure the reading list only contains E-books and other E-material. Give accessibility to supervisors: make sure that teachers who are comfortable with being online are involved. Don’t produce amateur multi media: use multi media with caution and make sure that all multi media is of high quality production.

  6. Understanding Learning and Teaching in a Digital Context

  7. Understanding Learning and Teaching in a Digital Context Develop new teaching methods Web 2.0 and collaborative teaching tools…

  8. Understanding Learning and Teaching in a Digital Context

  9. Understanding Learning and Teaching in a Digital Context

  10. Understanding Learning and Teaching in a Digital Context Thank you!

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