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HP OpenVMS Technical Update: V7.3-2 and Beyond

HP OpenVMS Technical Update: V7.3-2 and Beyond. Andy Goldstein OpenVMS Engineering Andy.Goldstein@hp.com. Agenda. OpenVMS Directions & Roadmap 2003 Alpha Coming Attractions OpenVMS Alpha V7.3-2 (Opal) 2003 Itanium-based System Plans OpenVMS E8.0 (Itanium EAK) OpenVMS E8.1 (Itanium EAK)

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HP OpenVMS Technical Update: V7.3-2 and Beyond

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  1. HP OpenVMS Technical Update:V7.3-2 and Beyond Andy Goldstein OpenVMS Engineering Andy.Goldstein@hp.com

  2. Agenda • OpenVMS Directions & Roadmap • 2003 Alpha Coming Attractions • OpenVMS Alpha V7.3-2 (Opal) • 2003 Itanium-based System Plans • OpenVMS E8.0 (Itanium EAK) • OpenVMS E8.1 (Itanium EAK) • 2004 VAX/Alpha/Itanium Plans • OpenVMS V8.2 (Topaz) HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  3. HP OpenVMS Roadmap 03 02 04 05 Sell at least until 2006; support at least until 2011 HP AlphaServer EV68 EV7 EV79 Itanium®-based HP server Itanium®-based system upgrades Itanium®-based system upgrades Itanium® 2 processor Madison HP OpenVMSAlpha Version Version Version 7.3 7.3-1 7.3-2 hp OpenVMS I64 V8.2 (2004) (3rd Release Production Quality) & hp OpenVMS Alpha V8.2 Offical name for OpenVMS on Itanium Systems Boot Jan ‘03 OpenVMS I64 V8.0 H103 Eval. Release OpenVMS I64 V8.1 H203 Eval. Release Future releases providing continued enhancement & support HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Platform transition period HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  4. 2006 2005 2004 2003 HP OpenVMS Operating System Roadmap • OpenVMS V8.x • New Feature Release • Platforms: Alpha and I64 • FRS: 2005 • Performance • Security • Storage • Standards • OpenVMS V8.2 (Topaz) • Major Feature Release • Platforms: Alpha, VAX & I64 • FRS: 2004 • Performance • Security • Storage • Standards • Alpha Compatibility with OpenVMS Clusters for Integrity Servers • OpenVMS Alpha V7.3-2 (Opal) • Minor Release • FRS: Q403 • Ongoing EV7 platform support • Performance Enhancements • Unix® Portability Standards • Availability enhancements • DECwindows XllR6 support OpenVMS I64 V8 Initial Release (V8.0): H103 Update Release (V8.1): H203 COE 42P4 on OpenVMS V8.2 • HW Update to V7.3-1 • V7.3-1 plus HW remedial kit • FRS: Available Now • EV7 New System Support OpenVMS releases HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  5. OpenVMS Service Support Roadmap VAX Prior Version Support V5.5-2 Prior Version Support V6.2 V7.2 Standard Support Prior Version Support Standard Support V7.3 Alpha Prior Version Support V6.2x V7.2-1 Std. Support Std. Support V7.2-1H1 Standard Support Prior Version Support V7.2-2 Standard Support V7.3 Standard Support V7.3-1 Jan-02 Apr-02 Jul-02 Oct-02 Jan-03 Apr-03 Jul-03 Oct-03 Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  6. OpenVMS Alpha….2003 Coming Attractions HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  7. OpenVMS V7.3-2 (Opal) • Field test started the end of June, 2003 • Target shipment date = Q4CY2003 • Focus Areas: • System and Hardware Support • General User Features • System and I/O Performance Enhancements • Security Features • System Management • More updates for e-Business and integration • More UNIX Portability features • Availability Features Alpha HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  8. System and Hardware Support • Marvel Enhancements • 32P mixed-speed CPUs support • Error Log Viewer (ELV) • Easy to use bit-to-text errorlog translation tool • No analysis just decoding • Analyzer Tool for EV7 • SDA support for OCLA (On Chip Logic Analyzer) • DS15 Support • DS10 follow-on • Supported on OpenVMS V7.3-1 • MSA1000 • Support for new low-end Fibre Channel RAID Array • Supports both switched and arbitrated-loop HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  9. General User Features - DCL • Blocks to Bytes Enhancements • $ SET PROCESS/UNITS=(BYTES,BLOCKS) • $ SHOW PROCESS/UNITS • Allows a process to display information from a variety of DCL commands as bytes (KB, MB, GB, …) • The DCL commands that honor the units setting are: • COPY • DELETE • DIRECTORY - /SIZE=(UNITS=(BYTES,BLOCKS) to override • PURGE • SHOW DEVICE - /SIZE=(BYTES,BLOCKS) to override • SHOW MEMORY • SHOW QUOTA HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  10. General User Features - DCL • DCL command size limits increased • Interactive DCL commands have been increased from 255 characters to 4095 • DCL commands in a file have been increased from 1024 characters to 8192 • DCL Symbol sizes have been increased from 1024 to 4096 • The sizes for logical names (255) has not changed HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  11. System Management - Backup • New Qualifiers for the BACKUP utility • /FILES_SELECTED=filename • Allows the use of a file to contain a list of files to be selected when a save set is restored. • This can be used in place of the /SELECT qualifier • /INPUT_FILES=filename • Allows the use of a file to contain a list of files to be specified for a BACKUP operation • /HEADER_ONLY=(keyword) • Can be used to specify that only the header of shelved or preshelved files are saved in a backup • Avoids unshelving shelved files which is the default behavior HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  12. System and I/O PerformanceFastpath • LAN Drivers • Move off of IOLOCK8 to LAN device specific spinlocks • Allow device interrupts to CPUs other than the primary • PEdriver • Move off of IOLOCK8 to PE specific spinlocks • Allow a specific CPU to be chosen for PEdriver processing • Allows PEDRIVER to process cluster communications on a single CPU • Reduces CPU cost due to streamlined codepath also for served block data • Fastpath for Smart Array 5300 • Backplane RAID controller • Offload IOLOCK8 spinlock, allows CPU selection HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  13. System and I/O PerformanceWSMAX and BALSETCNT • Large systems often had to make compromises between large working sets or a large number of processes in memory • If you wanted a large BALSETCNT, you often had to reduce WSMAX or visa versa • These trade offs could result in either increased swapping activity if BALSETCNT was too low or increased paging activity if WSMAX was too low • These restrictions have been removed • The BALSETCNT parameter has also become dynamic HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  14. System and I/O PerformanceWorking Set in S2 Space • Remove WSMAX and BALSETCNT restrictions • Currently balance slots live in S0S1 space • S0S1 is a shared 32 bit space of 2GB in size • Balance Slot size is heavily based on WSMAX • Some customers today must trade-off large number of resident processes (BALSETCNT) vs. large working set (WSMAX) • We are breaking balance slots into a balance slot and working set slot • The Working Set List is the major part of a Balance Slot • The working set slot will exist in S2 space HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  15. System and I/O PerformanceSMP Improvements • SMP systems synchronize various code with spinlocks • Only a single CPU can hold a specific spinlock and thus operations that use the same spinlock are serialized • A commonly used spinlock is the SCHED spinlock • A high frequency operation to lookup a process has been improved to use a “process specific” spinlock for the necessary synchronization • In addition, the $HIBER and $WAKE system services have been improved to reduce the usage of the SCHED spinlock • In some cases – SCHED is no longer required at all HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  16. System and I/O PerformanceSCHED spinlock • NAM_TO_PCB is heavy contributor to SCHED spinlock • Use PCB spinlock • Process control system services (prcnam argument) • $HIBER and $WAKE • No need for SCHED spinlock to wake current process • PCB$V_WAKEPEN bit in PCB$L_STS synchronized under SCHED spinlock • new PCB$V_WAKEPEN bit moved to PCB$L_STS3 • waking up current process from within AST saves 2 SCHED acquire/release • waking up target process not current on any CPU saves 1 SCHED acquire/release • Helps multi-threaded processes (i.e. Java apps and friends HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  17. System and I/O PerformanceeXtended File Cache (XFC) • Performance boosts for small I/Os • Support for read ahead hint • Reclaim unused and closed files • Fixed misaligned fields in context block • Usability and debugging improvements • Display files by volume instead of random order (SDA) • Miscellaneous XFC SDA changes to help troubleshoot • More efficient use of memory • More useful and readable displays HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  18. System and I/O Performance • Quieter MOUNTVERIFY messages • Reduces noise on the console and in operator log file • Multiple reasons for mount verifications in a Storage Area Network (SAN) environment • Path switch by another cluster node • Dropped Fibre Channel packets • Rezone of a SAN, which causes in-flight I/Os to be dropped • Those messages should not be flagged as errors • Filter real “attention needed” error messages • MVSUPMSG_NUM and MVSUPMSG_INTVL are new system parameters to control HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  19. RAS Features • LAN Failover • Ability to define multiple network adapters as virtual network interface • Transparent failover to similar LAN device • Multipath Party Intercept • Allows multiple DDT intercepts for multipath devices • Primarily for 3rd party disk caching products who try to intercept I/Os • Component Indictment – CPU • Pro-active stop failing CPU • Target audience are customers using Compaq Analyze HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  20. Shadowing • Dynamic Volume Expansion • Initialize device with a “maximum” size to which volume can expand • Allows a disk to be replaced with a larger one • Dissimilar Device Shadowing • Disks with different sizes and/or geometrical configurations can now be members in the same shadowset • Allows larger disks in size to be added, one by one, to a shadowset to increase and expand its size • SET/SHOW SHADOW • Enhanced commands to view and monitor shadow environments HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  21. Network EnhancementsTCP/IP Services • Scalable Kernel • Performance and scalability improvements for SMP systems • Multiple dynamic spinlocks • No more IOLOCK8 • Queue KRP (kernel request packet) • Handled by fork thread on non-primary CPU • Similar to dedicated lock manager • Improve concurrency • Multiple concurrent network I/O • Multiple processes can allocate mbufs, fill in data and queue requests HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  22. Network EnhancementsTCP/IP Services • SSH – secure shell (SSH) client and server • Secure POP – secure socket layer (SSL) for POP • IP address failover (failsafe IP) • New IPv6 software examples using IPv6 APIs • BIND server update to version 9.2.1 • BG devices • Maximum number of BG devices increases from 9999 to 32K • Fast BG device creation and deletion • Performance improvements • INET driver • NFS server • TELNET server HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  23. System Management Enhancements • The Data Collector (TDC) • Version 2 will be available on the web • Can be used to gather performance data for systems running V7.1 or later • Collect and stores the following types of data • Cluster configurations and communications • CPU utilization • Disk performance • System wide performance metrics • System parameters • Process utilization • Performance API ($GETRMI) • Added a few new items to retrieve per-mode CPU info HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  24. Security Enhancements • Support standards based security technologies for secure heterogeneous communication • CDSA (common data security architecture) • Kerberos V5 API’s, KDC (key distribution center) and GSSAPI V2 • OpenSSL (secure socket layer) expanded to include 64-bit addressing • SSH V2 (secure shell) EAK for TCP/IP v5.3 available now • Provide Open Source security tools • Stunnel (secure tunnel) • GnuPG (encryption for mail and support of digital signatures) HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  25. Security Enhancements • Expand OpenVMS Authentication • ACME Login (SDK) • New LOGINOUT and SET PASSWORD image that uses SYS$ACM system service • Allows external authentication like LDAP • ACM$LDAP Agent • ACM$ agent for authentication against LDAP directory • UNIX Security Interoperability • UID and GUID security identifiers • Case sensitive passwords • CDE deadman and screenlock HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  26. Unix Portability (UP) OpenVMS will be like any other “UNIX flavor” for easy application portability • C-RTL (delivering UNIX style API’s on OpenVMS) • Introduced UP with C-RTL features like UNIX file names, 2 GB files, POSIX root, 64-bit pointers in signals in V7.3-1 • Currently improving performance of API’s and adding function like binary tree, Glob • Work will continue on more UNIX feature like signals, byte range locking, symbolic links and fork() • GNV (providing a UNIX style shell and utilities) • Introduced UP with a UNIX style shell (BASH) and utilities in V7.3-1 • Currently improving compiler interfaces (CC and GCC commands) • Adding new tools like BZIP2, GAWK and MAN • Continue to improve configure and MAKE HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  27. DECwindows V1.3 For OpenVMS • DECwindows V1.3 • Available January 2003 • New and enhanced X server extensions • Support for X11R6.6 • Enhanced font support • equivalent to Arial, New Times Roman, and Courier New TrueType fonts • Inter-client exchange (ICE) and session management protocols • Enhanced user-based and new token based access control mechanisms • LBX proxy server and proxy management applications • Multithreading support Alpha HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  28. E-Business and IntegrationExpanding the OpenVMS eBusiness Offerings! • SWS V1.4 (based on Apache 1.3.x) • including updates for Perl, PHP, and CSWS_Java (Tomcat) • SWS V2.0 (based on Apache 2.0) • XML V1.1 • SOAP Toolkit V1.1 • SWB V1.2 • Software Development Kit (SDK) v 1.4.1, for the Java platform • NetBeans 4.0 • RTR V4.2 • COM V1.4 • Attunity Connect 4.0 “On Platform” Package • Enterprise Directory V5.3 • BridgeWorks V2.2

  29. Applications Shipping With V7.3-2 • TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, V5.4 • DECnet-Plus V7.3-2 • DECnet Phase IV V7.3-2 • Advanced Server V7.3A • PATHWORKS V6.1 • DECwindows V1.3

  30. Upgrading OpenVMS Alpha EnvironmentsSystem Software Upgrade Paths to V7.3-2 • Direct Upgrade Paths • V7.2-2 to V7.3-2 • V7.3 to V7.3-2 • V7.3-1 to V7.3-2 • Cluster Upgrade Paths • Cluster rolling upgrades are supported from V7.2-2 and V7.3x

  31. OpenVMS Cluster Version Support HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  32. OpenVMS….2004 coming attractions HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  33. OpenVMS V8.2 (Topaz) • Target shipment date = 2004 • Candidates: • System & I/O Performance Enhancements • Cluster Interconnect Enhancements • Fibre/SAN enhanced support including Disaster Tolerance Enhancements • Continued Security Enhancements • More updates for e-Business and integration • Alpha Compatibility with OpenVMS Itanium ™ release, including Clusters • More UNIX Portability features Alpha Itanium VAX HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  34. HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 for Integrity servers ….2003/2004 coming attractions HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  35. HP OpenVMSIndustry Standard 64 (I64) Release Roadmap H103 H203 H104 H204 1st Boot on i2000 system, January 31, 2003 3:31 PM EST Boot on rx2600 system (First Ship platform), March 17, 2003 H103: HP OpenVMS I64 V8.0 “Mako” Evaluation ReleaseAudience: Selected ISVs and Partners OpenVMS Itanium Operating System, Monitor Utility Networks: DECnet Phase IV, TCP/IP Development Tools: Cross Linker, Cross Librarian, Native Debugger Cross Compilers: C, C++, BLISS, FORTRAN, IMACRO First Ship Shipped on June 30, 2003 !! H203: HP OpenVMS I64 V8.1 “Jaws” Evaluation ReleaseAudience: Key ISVs, Partners, Early AdoptersLimited cluster functionality (4 nodes) Native Compilers: C, C++, BLISS, FORTRAN, IMACRO, Pascal, BASIC, COBOLAdditionalLanguage Support: JAVA Additional LayeredProducts…Networks, Data Serving, Security, eBusiness Integration, Application Development Internal releases Production Quality HP OpenVMS I64 V8.2 External releases HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  36. OpenVMS Itanium Platform Rollout Plan 2005 • Version 8.x • rx2600 • 1-4 way Platform • 1-8 way Platform • 1-16 way Platform • 32 way Platform • Superdome • CPU: Itanium Next Generation 2004 • Version 8.2 • rx2600 • 1-4 way Platform • 1-8 way Platform (H2) • 1-16 way Platform (H2) • CPU: Itanium Next Generation H22003 H12003 • Version 8.1 • rx2600 (1-2 way) • 1-4 way Platform • CPU: Madison (hp sx1000) • Version 8.0 • rx2600 (1-2 way) • CPU: McKinley Note: OpenVMS will not be supported on the rx5670 Subject to change without notice - current as of July 8, 2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  37. OpenVMS I64 Option Rollout Plan 2005 2004 H22003 H12003 • Version 8.x • Storage • Fibre Channel (Boot capability) • LSI U160 & U320(non-shared) • SmartArray (BPR) • Storage Controllers • MSA1000, HSG, HSV, XP • LAN (Network Boot) • 570x & 8255x(10/100/1000) ethernet • Graphics • TBD • Audio • TBD • Version 8.2 • Storage • Fibre Channel (Boot capability) • LSI U160 & U320(non-shared) • SmartArray (BPR) • Storage Controllers • MSA1000, HSG, HSV, XP • LAN (Network Boot) • 570x & 8255x(10/100/1000) ethernet • Graphics • ATI 7500, Radeon? • Audio • HP-UX Sound card • Version 8.1 • Storage • Fibre Channel LP9802(No boot path) • LSI U160 & U320(non-shared) • Storage Controllers • MSA1000, HSG, HSV, XP • LAN (no network boot) • 5701& 5703(10/100/1000) ethernet • 8255x (rx2600 embedded) • Graphics • ATI 7500 • Audio • None • Version 8.0 • Storage • LSI U160 & U320(non-shared) • Storage Controllers • None • LAN (no network boot) • 5701(10/100/1000) ethernet • 8255x (rx2600 embedded) • Graphics • None • Audio • None HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  38. OpenVMS I64 Clusters Rollout Plan 2005 2004 • Version 8.x • 96 Nodes • Full Functionality • Cluster Interconnect • Gigabit Ethernet • Fibre Channel V8.2 (Warranted) V7.3-X (Migration) H22003 • Version 8.2 • 4-8 Nodes • Expanded Functionality • Cluster Interconnect • Gigabit Ethernet • Fibre Channel V8.2 (Warranted) Alpha V7.3-X (Migration) • Version 8.1 • 2-4 Node Clusters • Cluster Interconnect • Gigabit Ethernet • 10/100 Ethernet • Alpha V7.3-1Alpha V7.3-2 Alpha V7.2-2 H12003 • Version 8.0 • Limited Clusters available! HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  39. Current Itanium Porting Status • Cross Tools • C, C++, Bliss, iMacro, IA64 Assembler cross compilers • Cross Linker • Cross SDA allows for IA64 dumps analysis on Alpha • Console • Serial line (no graphics, no keyboard, no mouse yet) • Booted on • i2000 (Merced) from IDE disk (swappable HD) • rx2600 (McKinley) from SCSI disk (U160 & U320) and CDrom IDE • zx2000 (McKinley) from SCSI (U160 & U320), CDrom IDE and swappable HD • 1-4 way system HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  40. Current Itanium Porting status • What is working • Almost all of the base OS is working • Editors (EDT, TPU) • DEBUG • SMP • Native MONITOR • Mixed Architecture Clusters • Layered Products • DECnet Phase IV • TCPIP (telnet, ftp) • DECdfs • DECwindows Client • DECset tools (CMS, MMS, DTM, LSE) HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  41. Current Itanium Porting status • What is not yet working (July 14th) • Edit/Teco • Delta Debugger • System Code Debugger (SCD) • INSTALL performance features • Security Server • Registry Server • ACME Server • Shadowing • Fibre Channel Boot • Cluster Satellite Booting HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  42. Current Itanium Porting status • OpenVMS I64 and OpenVMS Alpha are built from a common code base • About 95% of the code is common • The OpenVMS I64 V8.0 evaluation kit shipped to a limited ISV audience with all of the features in the OpenVMS V7.3-2 field test kit. • Any enhancements or performance improvements made to OpenVMS benefit both platforms HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  43. Boot to 4 processor server July 2, 2003 OpenVMS V8.0 Evaluation ReleaseJune 30, 2003 1st Application Port & Mixed Cluster May 15, 2003 Boot to rx 2600 serverMarch 17, 2003 1st Boot to Itanium® systemJanuary 31, 2003 HP OpenVMS Still Exceeding Expectations OpenVMS HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

  44. HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo

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