Implementing the RESTORE Act in Texas H-GAC’s NRAC Meeting – November 7, 2013
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Implementing the RESTORE Act in Texas H-GAC’s NRAC Meeting – November 7, 2013. Amanda Fuller NWF’s Texas Policy Specialist for Gulf Restoration. The RESTORE Act.
Implementing the RESTORE Act in Texas H-GAC’s NRAC Meeting – November 7, 2013
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Implementing the RESTORE Act in TexasH-GAC’s NRAC Meeting – November 7, 2013
Amanda Fuller NWF’s Texas Policy Specialist for Gulf Restoration
The RESTORE Act The Resources and Ecosystem Sustainability Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012— the “RESTORE Act”—was enacted on July 6, 2012. The RESTORE Act creates a Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund, which will receive 80% of any Clean Water Act civil and administrative penalties paid by BP and other companies responsible for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The RESTORE Act will support a variety of ecological and economic restoration and recovery projects in the “Gulf Coast Region” as defined by the Act. Meant to go above and beyond the damage from the spill to attempt to correct decades of degradation in the Gulf and on its coast from oil and gas production. Amanda Fuller NWF’s Texas Policy Specialist for Gulf Restoration
Clean Water Act Penalties 20% Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund 80% Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund 35% Evenly Spilt Among the five Gulf States 30% To Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council to implement the comprehensive recovery plan (plus 50% of interest generated by the trust fund) 30%to the states consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan and based on the following allocation formula: --the proportion of the number of miles of oiled shoreline per state - the inverse proportion of the average distance from the BP Deepwater Horizon rig to oiled shoreline of each state - the average population of coastal counties per the 2010 census 2.5% Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Science, Observation, Monitoring & Technology Program (plus25% of the interest generated by the trust fund) 2.5% Centers of Excellence (plus 25% of the interest generated by the trust fund) FL LA MS TX 25% to the other costal counties based on allocation formulas 75% to most impacted counties by oil spill 30% to coastal parishes based on allocated formula 70% to the state Department of Environmental Quality Gulf Coast Recovery Council Governors Office Amanda Fuller NWF’s Texas Policy Specialist for Gulf Restoration
RESTORE Act Updates Initial Comprehensive Plan approved in August Public comment period on draft Treasury Regulations closed on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 Council currently working on: Pot 3 regulations Pot 2 proposal solicitation and evaluation processes and a schedule (Council would like to put out a draft Funded Priorities List for public comment by next hurricane season) Development of a science advisory structure and a public engagement structure
Implementing the RESTORE Act in Texas Who is in charge? Governor Rick Perry TCEQ Commissioner Toby Baker Texas RESTORE website: Amanda Fuller NWF’s Texas Policy Specialist for Gulf Restoration
Texas RESTORE Act Advisory Board (TxRAB)
Amanda Fuller NWF’s Texas Policy Specialist for Gulf Restoration
Implementing the RESTORE Act in Texas Anticipated Timeline/Next Steps TCEQ hires contractor to develop draft framework for Pots 1 & 3 state plans, TxRAB meets to discuss Early 2014: Draft plan out on & out for 30-day public comment period TxRAB participates in coastal outreach meetings/public listening sessions (focus on project ideas) Draft projects inserted in framework & entire draft plan out for another 30-day public comment period. “Final” plan serves as living document subject to periodic updates.
What is the NGO Coalition Doing? Continue to collaborate with agencies as much as possible Outreach to coastal local governments and others, looking for partnerships/synergy Highlighting resolutions passed by local governments
RESTORE Act Implementation in Texas Resolutions Port Isabel City Council Amanda Fuller NWF’s Texas Policy Specialist for Gulf Restoration
Regularly Asked Questions Match funds? Pots 1 and 3 may be used as a non-federal match for any project or program authorized by Federal law that is an eligible activity described under pot 1. Consultants? Similarity to CIAP? Other ongoing processes?
Thank you! Feel free to contact me: Amanda Fuller Texas Policy Specialist for Gulf Restoration National Wildlife Federation Phone: (512) 610-7773 Email: 44 East Ave. #200, Austin, TX 78701