Perceptual Constancies Perceptual Constancy is the way our retina views objects, for e.g. As we move around or/ and go further away from an objects it looks as if it is shrinking and getting smaller, but we all know that it is not. It is all just the different images produced by our retina. Makarius Harik
Perceptual Constancy • Perceptual constancy has three consistencies • Size constancy • Shape constancy • Brightness constancy
Size constancy • “Maintaining an object’s perceived size despite changes to the size of the retinal image” • So, a car close to the horizontal line will appear smaller, which our brain interprets as further away than a car close or near to us.
Shape constancy • “Maintaining an object’s perceived shape despite changes to the shape of the retinal image” • A drawn shape of a box in two dimensional shape, or a blueprint of a two dimensional shaped house.