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This agenda includes topics on perceptual adaptation, gender interpretation, quick sketch exercises, and information for upcoming tests. Explore concepts on perception such as perceptual adaptation and set, schemas, and interpretation biases. Dive into topics of sensation and perception with examples and activities.
Agenda 1. Bell Ringer: Perceptual adaptation exercise (10) 2. Lecture: Perceptual Interpretation (20) 3. Gender Interpretation Activity (25) 4. Quick Sketch ESP? (10) 5. Ahh the Nineties… and David Copperfield (10) 5. Information for the next few weeks.
Information to know • You will have a test on Childhood Development, Nature v. Nurture, Sensation, and Perception before the break. • It will take part during class over two days, 12/14 and 12/16 • There will be two FRQ questions given on one day, and Multiple Choice the other day.
Immanuel Kant and John Locke Knowledge comes from inborn ways of organizing sensory experiences. Locke said through our experiences we learn to perceive the world.
Blakemore and Cooper • Kittens raised without exposure to horizontal lines later had difficulty perceiving horizontal bars.
Perceptual Adaptation • Visual ability to adjust to an artificially displaced visual field. Example: prism glasses
Perceptual Set • A mental predisposition to perceive one thing and not another. • Determined by the schemas you form as a result of your experiences
Schemas • concepts that organize and interpret unfamiliar information
Perceptual Set • What you see in the center is influenced by perceptual set
Write and Punctuate the following sentence: “A woman without her man is nothing.”
YOUR GROUP IS TO READ THE FOLLOWING VIGNETTE, THEN COMPLETE THE STORY WITH A FEW SENTENCES THAT EXPLAIN:1. SOMETHING ABOUT THE CHARACTERS2. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT3. HOW THE STORY ENDSIt was a dark and misty night as Sandy ran across campus. A street light cast the shadow of another person close behind. With heart pounding, Sandy accelerated away from the pursuer and headed to the dorm.
John received a letter in the mail notifying him that he had lost the Virginia State Achievement in Math Competition. He had wanted to win and was unhappy with the results. He had been the best student in his math class last year. Losing really hurt his self-esteem. He found out that Terry Browning had done better than him. He hated Terry Browning for that. To make himself feel better, he cried, baked cookies, kicked something, took a long bath, and talked to his best friend. After that, he went to the mall where he shopped and played video games in the arcade until he had beaten all the records. He then went running and came home to watch The Princess Bride.
Sylvia received a letter in the mail notifying her that she had lost the Virginia State Achievement in Math Competition. She had wanted to win and was unhappy with the results. She had been the best student in her math class last year. Losing really hurt her self-esteem. She found out that Terry Browning had done better than her. She hated Terry Browning for that. To make herself feel better, she cried, baked cookies, kicked something, took a long bath, and talked to her best friend. After that, she went to the mall where she shopped and played video games in the arcade until she had beaten all the records. She then went running and came home to watch The Princess Bride.
Perception/Human Factor • Explores how humans and machines interact and how machines and physical environments can be adapted to human behaviors.
Extrasensory Perception (ESP) The controversial claim that perception can occur apart from sensory input.
Experiment • With your partner, take six pieces of blank paper and sit back to back. One of you starts by drawing a picture, concentrating very hard on the drawing. The other partner will simultaneously draw what he or she thinks the partner is drawing. • Alternate who begins drawings. • Do this 3 times
Parapsychologists People who study beyond normal occurrences
Three types of ESP: • Telepathy – mind-to-mind communication • Clairvoyance – perceiving remote events • Precognition – perceiving future events
Psychokinesis Mind over matter
In April 2006, he and two female assistants were robbed at gunpoint after a performance in West Palm Beach. His assistants handed over their money, passports, and a cell phone. According to his police statement, Copperfield did not hand over anything, claiming that he used Sleight of Hand to hide his possessions. One of the assistants wrote down most of the license plate number, and the suspects were later arrested, charged, and sentenced.
Review Time Work with your partner or small group of four to answer the questions from the study guide. After 10 minutes of work/review, we will play bingo using your test vocab.
Bingo Terms • Sensation Cochlea ESP • Perception Basilar membrane • Photo receptors auditory canal • Weber’s LawPlace theory • Subliminal stimulation ossicles • Transducers conduction hearing loss • Cornea sensorineuralhearing loss • Parapsychologistcochlear implants • Accommodation gate control theory • Nearsighted kinesthesis • Farsighted change blindness • Retina gestalt • Rods binocular cues • Cones monocular cues