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TDTWG March 4, 2009 Performance Measures Overview

TDTWG March 4, 2009 Performance Measures Overview. History of Performance Measures. Performance Measures were initially created by the PUC to provide transparency into the transaction flows between market participants.

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TDTWG March 4, 2009 Performance Measures Overview

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  1. TDTWGMarch 4, 2009Performance MeasuresOverview

  2. History of Performance Measures • Performance Measures were initially created by the PUC to provide transparency into the transaction flows between market participants. • There are three projects that have been used by the Commission for Performance Measures Reporting: • PUC Project 24462 – first Performance Measures Rule • PUC Project 33049 – second Performance Measures Rule – effective July 1, 2008 • http://interchange.puc.state.tx.us/WebApp/Interchange/application/dbapps/filings/pgControl.asp?TXT_UTILITY_TYPE=A&TXT_CNTRL_NO=33049 • PUC Project 36141 – Project to file Performance Measures – for filing • http://interchange.puc.state.tx.us/WebApp/Interchange/application/dbapps/filings/pgControl.asp?TXT_UTILITY_TYPE=A&TXT_CNTRL_NO=36141 • The PUC rule defines what is to be reported. The Market Metrics Working Group worked together to create templates so the filing package of each participant is consistent in appearance. • These documents are ERCOT management reports to the Commission. ERCOT provides a copy of company specific materials to market participants. • Because of the confidential data contained in the report, reports to market participants go to one place, the Siebel Primary Contact.

  3. Helpful Info • Market participants, CR and TDSP, receive ERCOT reports. They have a responsibility to validate that the statistics are reasonable and are to file a dispute with the Commission if there is a material discrepancy. • It should be understood that statistics may not match exactly. Because of reporting system designs, data may be slightly different. Timing also causes slight differences. • ERCOT uses a weighted average in the calculation of protocol for the month and the quarter. One day may not make a dramatic swing in the percent in protocol from a total market perspective. • CR and TDSP have requirements for their filings in the same rule.

  4. Market Metrics Website • http://www.ercot.com/committees/board/tac/rms/mmwg/ • Key Documents • 33049 CR TemplateTemplate used by the CR for reporting Performance Measures for a quarter. (12/03/08, .xls, 46 KB) • 33049 OrderPUC order adopting amendment to form for Performance Measures (12/03/08, .doc, 80.5 KB) • 33049 TDSP TemplateTemplate used by the TDSP to Report Performance Measures for a reporting quarter. (12/03/08, .xls, 46.5 KB) • 33049 Total Market TemplateTemplate used by ERCOT to report the performance for the market for a quarter. (12/03/08, .xls, 46.5 KB) • Market Metrics Working Group ProceduresMMWG responsibilities and procedures for evaluating and recommending performance measures; May 11, 2004 (12/03/08, .doc, 60 KB) • P.U.C. Filing Requirements #33049Filing Requirements #33049 Performance Measures Reporting (12/03/08, .doc, 237.5 KB) • TDSP Field Performance - 4-21 Final#33049 TDSP Performance Measures Reporting Template (12/03/08, .xls, 73 KB)

  5. ERCOT Performance Measures Reports filed with the PUC Attachments A 01- A 20 • There are 19 or 20 Attachments filed by ERCOT with the Public Utility Commission of Texas by ERCOT each quarter. • Attachment A 01-Attestation (Legal Document required by the PUC for Performance Measures Reporting) • Attachment A 02-Analysis of Performance Measures Report 4Q08 Draft Doc. (Summary of the materials presented in A 12 through A 17 in narrative form ) • Attachment A 03 through A 05-PROTECTED INFORMATION--Active ESI IDs not with AREP as of <Month>.xls (Detail listing of the Competitive Retailers and the number of ESI Ids served by ESI ID type, with Demand and MWh) • Attachment A 06 through A 08- Estimated Usage of ESI IDs not with AREP as of <Month>.xls (Summary of material presented in A3 through A5 MWh) • Attachment A 09 through A 11 - Estimated Loads of ESI IDs not with AREP as of <Month>.xls (Summary of material presented in A3 through A5 Load) • Attachment A 12 - Total Market Report 4Q 2008.xls (Excel spreadsheet with detail data on number of transactions submitted by month and the percent in protocol)

  6. ERCOT Performance Measures Reports filed with the PUC Attachments A 01- A 20 • Attachment A 13 - ERCOT IT Incident Market Notice Summary 4Q 08.xls (Detail of outages and system degradation; this is a cumulative report over a physical year) • Attachment A 14 through 16 - IT Service Availability Metrics.ppt by <Month> • (Power Point presentation that tracks the reliability of the ERCOT systems that process transactions and provide information to market participants. Separate report by month. ) • Attachment A 17 - PROTECTED INFORMATION - Unauthorized Changes 4Q 2008.xls • (Excel spreadsheet which tracks the number of unauthorized changes of REP for which each REP gained or lost customers during the reporting period, as well as the number of switches completed during the reporting period) • Attachment A 18 - PROTECTED INFORMATION - CR Summary.zip (Excel spreadsheet with detail data on number of transactions submitted by month and the percent in protocol for each Competitive Retailer) • Attachment A 19 - PROTECTED INFORMATION - TDSP - Summary.zip (Excel spreadsheet with detail data on number of transactions submitted by month and the percent in protocol for each Transmission/Distribution company) • Attachment A 20 - PROTECTED INFORMATION - CR_TDSP - Summary.zip (Excel spreadsheet with detail data on number of transactions submitted by month and the percent in protocol for each Competitive Retailer and Transmission/Distribution company)

  7. Distribution of ERCOT Reports

  8. TDTWG Preview

  9. Related Materials to this Overview • Attachment A 02-Analysis of Performance Measures Report • http://www.ercot.com/mktinfo/retail/ Historical Number of Premises Switched (A 03 – A 11) • Attachment A 12–Total Market Report • http://www.ercot.com/services/sla/ ERCOT IT Incident Summary (A 13) • http://www.ercot.com/services/sla/ Service Availability Metrics (A 14 – A 16) • Public Report from MarkeTrak system (A 17 – Unauthorized Changes) • http://www.ercot.com/content/meetings/rms/keydocs/2009/0114/09._2009_01_14_RMS_3Q_2008_PM_Comparison.ppt

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