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TDTWG. Texas Data Transport Working Group. MarkeTrak. API 101. MarkeTrak: API 101. MarkeTrak: API 101. Step 1 – MP’s computer sends Issue Request to MarkeTrak API URL Requires Digital Certificate Soap wrapper, HTTPS, TCP/IP XML format (according to MarkeTrak WSDL definition)

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  1. TDTWG Texas Data Transport Working Group

  2. MarkeTrak API 101

  3. MarkeTrak: API 101

  4. MarkeTrak: API 101 • Step 1 – MP’s computer sends Issue Request to MarkeTrak API URL • Requires Digital Certificate • Soap wrapper, HTTPS, TCP/IP • XML format (according to MarkeTrak WSDL definition) • Holds connection till Issue Response received or forced disconnect after 5 minutes

  5. MarkeTrak: API 101 • Step 2 – EAI “catches” the Issue Request and passes to MarkeTrak Service software • Strips down XML formatted Issue Request • Makes a JMS call to MarkeTrak Service software

  6. MarkeTrak: API 101 • Step 3 – MarkeTrak Service software call MarkeTrak Application with Issue Request • Reformat Issue Request into Webservice call

  7. MarkeTrak: API 101 • Step 4 – MarkeTrak Application applies Issue Request to Database • Issue Request processed by MarkeTrak Application, much like GUI Request

  8. MarkeTrak: API 101

  9. MarkeTrak: API 101 • Step 1 – MarkeTrak Application formats Issue Response and passes to MarkeTrak Services software • Response based on MarkeTrak Application “findings” on validations/data formats/permitted values/permissions/etc

  10. MarkeTrak: API 101 • Step 2 – MarkeTrak Services software reformats Issue response and sends to EAI • Issue Response formatted and validated

  11. MarkeTrak: API 101 • Step 3 – EAI reformats XML Issue Response and sends/returns to MP • Reformatted into XML according to WSDL • Wraps XML with SOAP wrapper

  12. MarkeTrak: API 101

  13. MarkeTrak: API 101 • Inbound Request Types: • Query List • The Query List service returns a list of issues that match search criteria defined in a Query List request. A market participant typically requests (queries) the system for a list of issues within a certain date range. • Query Detail • The Query Detail service returns all information related to a specific MarkeTrak issue number. • Update • The Update service allows market participants to update (or transition from one state to another) a specific issue in the MarkeTrak system. • Submit • The Submit service allows market participants to create a new issue in the MarkeTrak system.

  14. MarkeTrak: API 101 • MP API Setup Example • Every hour on the hour, Company A request a Query List on all Issues that have changed since last successful Query List • For each returned Issue number from the hourly Query List, Company A Submits a Query Detail request • For each Issue Query Detail response that Company A is responsible party for, Company A sends an Update on that Issue • Repeat till an Issue is closed.

  15. MarkeTrak: API 101 • MP API Timeline Example • 8:00 Company A, API Query List of Issues Updates since last successful Query List, 0 issues returned • 8:10 Company A, API Submit, create Missing TXNS issue #25, Company B Responsible • 8:20 Company B, GUI Updates Issue #25, Begin Working, In Progress (Assignee) State, Company B Responsible • 9:00 Company A, API Query List of Issues Updates since last successful Query List, Issue #25 returned • 9:10 Company A, Query Detail Issue #25, Begin Working State, Company B Responsible • 9:20 Company B, GUI Updates Issue #25, Return To Submitter, New - All State, Company A Responsible • 10:00 Company A, API Query List of Issues Updates since last successful Query List, Issue #25 returned • 10:10 Company A, Query Detail Issue #25, New - All State, Company A Responsible • 10:20 Company A, Update Issue #25, Begin Working, In Progress State, Company A Responsible • 10:30 Company A, Update Issue #25, Complete, Pending Complete State, Company A Responsible • 10:40 Company A, Update Issue #25, Complete, Complete State, Issue Status = Closed • 11:00 Company A, API Query List of Issues Updates since last successful Query List, 0 Issues returned

  16. MarkeTrak: API 101 What can go wrong? • MT-UP-1002Error invoking MarkeTrak adapter for update issue request: Error updating the issue in MarkeTrak.Unable to start transition 'Add Comment' in MarkeTrak on Issue number '1816481'.Issue's current state is 'In Progress (Assignee)'.The following transitions are available to you: Complete,Close,Return To Submitter,Unexecutable,AddComment,AssignOwner,Assign To Group,Update Siebel Status/Substatus. • Locked Issue, “aggressive” error message override • EAI Queue shutdown process sometimes “ghosts” queue PID

  17. MarkeTrak: API 101 What can go wrong? • Switch Hold Removal Issue, Unexecutable Transition • Error invoking MarkeTrak adapter for update issue request: Error updating the issue in MarkeTrak. Unable to finish transition 'Unexecutable' on issue number 748453! One or more fields are invalid. Please supply a value for the 'Unexecutable Reason' field. (TTwrn854) • Valid ‘Unexecutable Reason’ only includes: • "Documentation Invalid/Incomplete” • "No Switch Hold Pending on this ESIID” • "Customer Associated with Current Occupant” • "Issue Should not be Submitted by REP of Record"

  18. MarkeTrak: API 101 What can go wrong? • The request failed with HTTP status 502: Proxy Error or the request failed with HTTP status 502: Service Temporarily Unavailable • Proxy server or EAI services is/are down or in the process of being rebooted

  19. MarkeTrak: API 101 What can go wrong? • <Msg>An IOException was thrown while trying to execute the Http method</Msg> <FullClass>com.EAI.plugin.share.http.client.HttpCommunicationException</FullClass> <Class>HttpCommunicationException</Class • With implementation of Api Proxy Server, Proxy not setup to handle special characters. • Escaped Characters “&’<> • &quot; &amp; &apos; &lt; &gt; • Resolved in R5 release

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