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Not I. Not I. FLAG tag encoding sequence. P. falciparum ORF. Nhe I. Not I. Nhe I Pme I Afl I Hind III Asp718 I Kpn I BamH I BstX I EcoR I EcoR V BstX I Not I Xho I Xba I Dra II Apa I Pme I. P. falciparum ORF. glycophorin TM domain sequence & His tag encoding sequence.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Not I Not I FLAG tag encoding sequence P. falciparum ORF Nhe I Not I Nhe I Pme I Afl I Hind III Asp718 I Kpn I BamH I BstX I EcoR I EcoR V BstX I Not I Xho I Xba I Dra II Apa I Pme I P. falciparum ORF glycophorin TM domain sequence & His tag encoding sequence Nhe I Nhe I Not I Not I BVM secretion signal sequence BVM secretion signal sequence FLAG tag encoding sequence Glycophorin TM domain encoding sequence His tag encoding sequence BGH pA pCMV BGH pA pCMV F1 ori f1 ori pcDNA3.1 BVM_P. falciparum ORF_FLAG_GP_His 6695 bp SV40 ori pcDNA3.1 5428 bp SV40 ori Ampicillin Ampicillin Neomycin Neomycin SV40 pA pUC ori pUC ori SV40 pA

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